Barton & Sandhills Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Barton & Sandhills is a ward in Oxfordshire county. Barton & Sandhills ward has 147 Total postcodes out of which only 127 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 111 other wards in Oxfordshire county near Barton & Sandhills.

Browse Information On Barton & Sandhills Ward

Barton & Sandhills Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5875
Addresses / Property Count 2286
County Oxfordshire
District Oxford
Active Postcodes 127
Nearby wards in Oxfordshire county 111

View Map Of Barton & Sandhills Postcodes

View Other Wards in Oxfordshire county:

Barton & Sandhills Postcode Table - 127 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
OX3 0FR 51.77056300 -1.20858500
OX3 8AT 51.76522800 -1.18787400
OX3 8BG 51.76735500 -1.18996600
OX3 8BH 51.76550600 -1.18915900
OX3 8BJ 51.76564300 -1.18858600
OX3 8BL 51.76398000 -1.18950500
OX3 8BN 51.76430800 -1.19276000
OX3 8BP 51.76557800 -1.19166500
OX3 8BQ 51.76755000 -1.18947000
OX3 8BS 51.76479800 -1.19066400
OX3 8BT 51.76521300 -1.19090300
OX3 8BU 51.76435200 -1.18997700
OX3 8BW 51.76541300 -1.19127600
OX3 8BZ 51.76685900 -1.18971400
OX3 8DA 51.76677900 -1.19120800
OX3 8DD 51.76312600 -1.18950600
OX3 8DP 51.76251900 -1.18757500
OX3 8DY 51.76280400 -1.18580200
OX3 8DZ 51.76457000 -1.18242300
OX3 8EA 51.76464600 -1.18181300
OX3 8EB 51.76566900 -1.18273700
OX3 8ED 51.76458700 -1.18359700
OX3 8EE 51.76495900 -1.18408300
OX3 8EF 51.76468900 -1.18531900
OX3 8EG 51.76374800 -1.18451000
OX3 8EJ 51.76544500 -1.18682700
OX3 8EN 51.76336000 -1.18556000
OX3 8EQ 51.76511200 -1.18665900
OX3 8EW 51.76288100 -1.18400400
OX3 8FE 51.76499800 -1.18060400
OX3 8FF 51.76362100 -1.18098600
OX3 8FL 51.76375400 -1.18148200
OX3 8FN 51.76452800 -1.18032300
OX3 8FR 51.76367400 -1.18030900
OX3 8GA 51.76342300 -1.19086300
OX3 8GB 51.76704400 -1.19050800
OX3 8LX 51.76305400 -1.18679800
OX3 8LY 51.76459300 -1.18845100
OX3 8LZ 51.76277800 -1.18857000
OX3 8PL 51.76384100 -1.18749300
OX3 8XD 51.76507200 -1.18738400
OX3 9BG 51.76960900 -1.20131700
OX3 9BS 51.76922800 -1.20086000
OX3 9EF 51.76433800 -1.19704800
OX3 9ET 51.76472000 -1.19776600
OX3 9EU 51.76509400 -1.19845500
OX3 9EX 51.76621600 -1.20270500
OX3 9EY 51.76391700 -1.19598300
OX3 9EZ 51.76393800 -1.19646100
OX3 9FF 51.76366800 -1.19381400
OX3 9FQ 51.77174900 -1.21647800
OX3 9FU 51.77198900 -1.21619800
OX3 9FW 51.77196200 -1.21882200
OX3 9FX 51.77111700 -1.21746000
OX3 9FY 51.77125000 -1.21722500
OX3 9FZ 51.77172500 -1.21705800
OX3 9GA 51.77141000 -1.21691800
OX3 9GB 51.77132700 -1.21670200
OX3 9GE 51.77214200 -1.21479000
OX3 9GF 51.77147700 -1.21349700
OX3 9GG 51.77078300 -1.21192900
OX3 9GN 51.77062500 -1.20980100
OX3 9GP 51.76936200 -1.20653400
OX3 9GQ 51.77079200 -1.21061000
OX3 9GR 51.77147000 -1.20981600
OX3 9GS 51.77116800 -1.21028500
OX3 9HA 51.76448100 -1.19615700
OX3 9HB 51.76650400 -1.20218300
OX3 9HE 51.76319500 -1.19556200
OX3 9LA 51.76702600 -1.20280700
OX3 9LB 51.76853100 -1.20417600
OX3 9LD 51.76983700 -1.20441400
OX3 9LE 51.76711100 -1.20165100
OX3 9LF 51.76758700 -1.20146800
OX3 9LG 51.76799900 -1.20131600
OX3 9LH 51.76711500 -1.19827400
OX3 9LJ 51.76922100 -1.20252700
OX3 9LL 51.76802700 -1.20014200
OX3 9LN 51.76794500 -1.20521600
OX3 9LP 51.76737800 -1.19979100
OX3 9LQ 51.76678500 -1.19865700
OX3 9LR 51.76755700 -1.19846900
OX3 9LS 51.76778700 -1.19652300
OX3 9LT 51.76707000 -1.19694200
OX3 9LU 51.76747700 -1.19587700
OX3 9LW 51.76878500 -1.20321500
OX3 9LX 51.76720200 -1.19647600
OX3 9LY 51.76796900 -1.19556400
OX3 9LZ 51.76703500 -1.19563800
OX3 9NA 51.76565100 -1.19706800
OX3 9NB 51.76657100 -1.19625500
OX3 9ND 51.76586100 -1.19764400
OX3 9NE 51.76512000 -1.19577400
OX3 9NF 51.76536300 -1.19571100
OX3 9NG 51.76572600 -1.19499500
OX3 9NH 51.76799000 -1.19998300
OX3 9NJ 51.76842300 -1.20016400
OX3 9NL 51.76832400 -1.19878900
OX3 9NN 51.76821800 -1.19777600
OX3 9NQ 51.76863400 -1.20216000
OX3 9NR 51.76744600 -1.19660200
OX3 9NS 51.76989700 -1.20279000
OX3 9NU 51.76366800 -1.19381400
OX3 9NW 51.76805100 -1.19706900
OX3 9NX 51.76352200 -1.19470100
OX3 9NY 51.76518800 -1.19254100
OX3 9NZ 51.76686400 -1.19175800
OX3 9PA 51.76808300 -1.19125800
OX3 9PB 51.76524100 -1.19372800
OX3 9PD 51.76678900 -1.19265700
OX3 9PE 51.76604000 -1.19480100
OX3 9PF 51.76627200 -1.19453600
OX3 9PG 51.76669200 -1.19419500
OX3 9PH 51.76712300 -1.19414400
OX3 9PJ 51.76762300 -1.19358400
OX3 9PL 51.76591500 -1.20017900
OX3 9PP 51.76767700 -1.19223600
OX3 9PQ 51.76695700 -1.19346600
OX3 9PR 51.76606600 -1.19862600
OX3 9PW 51.76713700 -1.19479600
OX3 9RN 51.76566300 -1.19892300
OX3 9SG 51.76749900 -1.20315100
OX3 9SH 51.76810800 -1.20405300
OX3 9SJ 51.76704600 -1.20397100
OX3 9SQ 51.76703200 -1.20444900
OX3 9UF 51.76983700 -1.20497500
OX3 9WN 51.77023100 -1.20876500