Bowland Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Bowland is a ward in Ribble Valley district. Bowland ward has 71 Total postcodes out of which only 61 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 25 other wards in Ribble Valley district near Bowland.

Browse Information On Bowland Ward

Bowland Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1523
Addresses / Property Count 604
County Lancashire
District Ribble Valley
Active Postcodes 61
Nearby wards in Ribble Valley district 25

View Map Of Bowland Postcodes

View Other Wards in Ribble Valley district:

Bowland Postcode Table - 61 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BB7 3AB 53.94314200 -2.45434700
BB7 3AD 53.95628900 -2.45013200
BB7 3AE 53.96567100 -2.43578300
BB7 3AF 53.95141300 -2.44163800
BB7 3AH 53.97440500 -2.46287500
BB7 3AJ 53.97044300 -2.47156600
BB7 3AQ 53.99425000 -2.43242200
BB7 3DJ 53.93764800 -2.46892600
BB7 3DL 53.93566300 -2.44998600
BB7 3DY 53.94945200 -2.46235500
BB7 3DZ 53.94947400 -2.46371200
BB7 3EA 53.95031000 -2.46257700
BB7 3EB 53.95156300 -2.46033700
BB7 3ED 53.94784600 -2.49009700
BB7 3EE 53.96275200 -2.48688800
BB7 3EP 53.96731300 -2.44400100
BB7 3ER 53.96598000 -2.44235600
BB7 3ES 53.96649200 -2.43996800
BB7 3ET 53.96699100 -2.44099500
BB7 3EU 53.96802100 -2.44207300
BD23 4SJ 53.97862000 -2.34530200
BD23 4SX 53.99549000 -2.36647700
BD23 4SY 53.98283200 -2.37778900
BB7 4LE 53.91239700 -2.34265500
BB7 4LF 53.91623800 -2.33840800
BB7 4LG 53.91263300 -2.33410200
BB7 4LQ 53.91047100 -2.32930500
BB7 4LS 53.94389100 -2.29870200
BB7 4LT 53.93355600 -2.31905200
BB7 4LU 53.94821100 -2.32416200
BB7 4LX 53.95073600 -2.30004600
BB7 4LZ 53.94927000 -2.35789100
BB7 4NA 53.90547000 -2.34482000
BB7 4NB 53.90802300 -2.34140100
BB7 4ND 53.91131900 -2.34238700
BB7 4NE 53.91102300 -2.34223200
BB7 4NG 53.95065600 -2.29984700
BB7 4NH 53.91476700 -2.34357200
BB7 4NJ 53.92743500 -2.34681500
BB7 4NL 53.93920800 -2.33943200
BB7 4NN 53.93582000 -2.33274800
BB7 4NP 53.94006300 -2.32594200
BB7 4NQ 53.93966600 -2.32813400
BB7 4NR 53.93055000 -2.32746700
BB7 4NS 53.94070600 -2.32739400
BB7 4NT 53.94497200 -2.33663100
BB7 4NU 53.95686700 -2.32871100
BB7 4NW 53.94015600 -2.32963100
BB7 4NX 53.95707300 -2.32746100
BB7 4NZ 53.96572900 -2.34157000
BB7 4PA 53.94903300 -2.34358100
BB7 4PB 53.94053800 -2.34267200
BB7 4PD 53.94083400 -2.34430600
BB7 4PE 53.94134900 -2.34513100
BB7 4PF 53.94096900 -2.34601200
BB7 4PG 53.94162700 -2.34975100
BB7 4PL 53.94055300 -2.34355600
BB7 4TP 53.96921400 -2.40447800
BB7 4TR 53.97647200 -2.39229000
BB7 4TS 53.99946800 -2.38907600
BB7 4TW 53.95606400 -2.39664000