Braunstone Millfield Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Braunstone Millfield is a ward in Leicestershire county. Braunstone Millfield ward has 99 Total postcodes out of which only 84 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 160 other wards in Leicestershire county near Braunstone Millfield.

Browse Information On Braunstone Millfield Ward

Braunstone Millfield Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5319
Addresses / Property Count 2185
County Leicestershire
District Blaby
Active Postcodes 84
Nearby wards in Leicestershire county 160

View Map Of Braunstone Millfield Postcodes

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Braunstone Millfield Postcode Table - 84 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
LE19 1DX 52.60244300 -1.18504800
LE19 1WQ 52.60051300 -1.18416800
LE3 2DE 52.60301100 -1.17749200
LE3 2JA 52.60345100 -1.17348200
LE3 2JB 52.60529300 -1.17205900
LE3 2JD 52.60546100 -1.17298700
LE3 2JE 52.60397000 -1.17441000
LE3 2JG 52.60239200 -1.17502300
LE3 2JH 52.60405800 -1.17285100
LE3 2JJ 52.60560700 -1.17703700
LE3 2JL 52.60484200 -1.17314600
LE3 2JN 52.60607900 -1.17641600
LE3 2JP 52.60836200 -1.17510300
LE3 2JQ 52.60863100 -1.17498000
LE3 2JR 52.60524000 -1.17734700
LE3 2JS 52.60490100 -1.17646700
LE3 2JT 52.60867900 -1.17290400
LE3 2JU 52.60930900 -1.17555800
LE3 2JW 52.61015300 -1.17797100
LE3 2LB 52.60545600 -1.17356300
LE3 2LD 52.60418100 -1.17495200
LE3 2LH 52.60651700 -1.17352000
LE3 2LJ 52.60451800 -1.17564800
LE3 2LN 52.60614500 -1.17168100
LE3 2PA 52.60777500 -1.17732900
LE3 2PB 52.60770800 -1.17412600
LE3 2PD 52.60859000 -1.17811100
LE3 2PE 52.61079100 -1.17919200
LE3 2PF 52.60844000 -1.17724300
LE3 2PH 52.60728400 -1.17516700
LE3 2PJ 52.60611200 -1.17482000
LE3 2PL 52.60850400 -1.17879200
LE3 2PN 52.61076000 -1.17993100
LE3 2PP 52.61251000 -1.18078500
LE3 2PR 52.60685100 -1.17631300
LE3 2RY 52.60278100 -1.17799800
LE3 2TG 52.60421800 -1.17640600
LE3 2TT 52.60727700 -1.17934700
LE3 2TU 52.60980300 -1.18064300
LE3 2TW 52.61262600 -1.18203800
LE3 2TY 52.60527700 -1.18138500
LE3 2UA 52.60969700 -1.18100000
LE3 2UB 52.60892100 -1.18320000
LE3 2UD 52.60916200 -1.18294400
LE3 2UE 52.61009400 -1.18244000
LE3 2UF 52.60908000 -1.18146200
LE3 2UG 52.61019000 -1.18206900
LE3 2UH 52.61121900 -1.18258100
LE3 2UJ 52.61015300 -1.18323600
LE3 2UL 52.60592200 -1.18230300
LE3 2UN 52.60766500 -1.18086000
LE3 2UP 52.60753400 -1.18012400
LE3 2UQ 52.60437200 -1.18312200
LE3 2UR 52.60454900 -1.18273500
LE3 2US 52.61109100 -1.18361700
LE3 2UT 52.61079200 -1.18335700
LE3 2UU 52.61107800 -1.18174200
LE3 2UW 52.60563900 -1.18179100
LE3 2UX 52.60926000 -1.18532000
LE3 2UY 52.60935900 -1.18275600
LE3 2WA 52.60589200 -1.17926900
LE3 2WB 52.60619900 -1.18084300
LE3 2WD 52.60694800 -1.18249800
LE3 2WE 52.60713400 -1.18081100
LE3 2WF 52.60807900 -1.18224100
LE3 2XA 52.60363600 -1.18332000
LE3 2XB 52.60395900 -1.18327700
LE3 2XD 52.60187100 -1.18021500
LE3 2XE 52.60313000 -1.18417900
LE3 2XF 52.60544700 -1.18524300
LE3 2XG 52.60716700 -1.18558000
LE3 2XH 52.60320600 -1.18351300
LE3 2XJ 52.60287000 -1.18047000
LE3 2XL 52.60656200 -1.18388600
LE3 2XN 52.60499300 -1.17926400
LE3 2XP 52.60497100 -1.18271200
LE3 2XQ 52.60492900 -1.18182700
LE3 2XR 52.60519700 -1.18027100
LE3 2XS 52.60365600 -1.17714000
LE3 2XZ 52.60239600 -1.17951200
LE3 2YA 52.60235700 -1.17908400
LE3 2YB 52.60442100 -1.17858800
LE3 2YJ 52.60407500 -1.17794500
LE3 2YZ 52.60375100 -1.17780300