Cathall Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Cathall is a ward in Greater London county. Cathall ward has 188 Total postcodes out of which only 114 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 678 other wards in Greater London county near Cathall.

Browse Information On Cathall Ward

Cathall Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10329
Addresses / Property Count 3684
County Greater London
District Waltham Forest
Active Postcodes 114
Nearby wards in Greater London county 678

View Map Of Cathall Postcodes

View Other Wards in Greater London county:

Cathall Postcode Table - 114 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
E11 4AY 51.56019400 0.00446000
E11 4DD 51.55990700 0.00190700
E11 4EP 51.55639300 -0.00468000
E11 4ER 51.55684100 -0.00456000
E11 4ES 51.55641600 -0.00387200
E11 4ET 51.55617700 -0.00241200
E11 4EU 51.55578200 -0.00312000
E11 4EX 51.55545400 -0.00287500
E11 4EY 51.55527000 -0.00259500
E11 4EZ 51.55523500 -0.00106700
E11 4GS 51.55688500 0.00248100
E11 4GW 51.56297600 0.00862000
E11 4GZ 51.55748500 0.00107900
E11 4HA 51.55502500 -0.00088900
E11 4HB 51.55463000 -0.00358900
E11 4HD 51.55440400 -0.00349800
E11 4HE 51.55352000 -0.00440200
E11 4HF 51.55416900 -0.00288800
E11 4HG 51.55409200 -0.00208400
E11 4HL 51.55610500 0.00064500
E11 4HR 51.55596000 0.00032000
E11 4HS 51.55652500 -0.00132800
E11 4HY 51.55635800 0.00160800
E11 4HZ 51.55679700 0.00168500
E11 4JF 51.55662500 0.00075400
E11 4JG 51.55711100 0.00084600
E11 4JH 51.55640100 0.00237300
E11 4JL 51.55729700 0.00242800
E11 4JQ 51.55771600 0.00264800
E11 4JT 51.55571800 0.00541700
E11 4JU 51.55812800 0.00644600
E11 4JX 51.55739500 0.00618300
E11 4JY 51.55672700 0.00211400
E11 4LA 51.56040800 0.00353100
E11 4LD 51.55746400 0.00373400
E11 4LE 51.55899000 0.00597900
E11 4LF 51.55812800 0.00644600
E11 4LG 51.55871900 0.00661700
E11 4LJ 51.55915800 0.00616000
E11 4LL 51.55883500 0.00416800
E11 4LP 51.55804500 0.00512800
E11 4LR 51.55853400 0.00531000
E11 4LS 51.55878900 0.00475700
E11 4LT 51.55902100 0.00468200
E11 4LU 51.55902100 0.00468200
E11 4NS 51.55949600 0.00428500
E11 4NZ 51.55848900 0.00585600
E11 4PA 51.56213600 0.00871500
E11 4PB 51.56066500 0.00795700
E11 4PE 51.56056400 0.00766300
E11 4PF 51.56120900 0.00350900
E11 4PG 51.55940500 0.00710700
E11 4PH 51.56100000 0.00518800
E11 4PJ 51.56112100 0.00549600
E11 4PL 51.56182600 0.00424300
E11 4PN 51.56207300 0.00449900
E11 4PP 51.56108400 0.00711000
E11 4PR 51.56180800 0.00686800
E11 4PS 51.56162400 0.00707600
E11 4PT 51.56222400 0.00617900
E11 4PU 51.56200700 0.00627100
E11 4PX 51.56155300 0.00336500
E11 4PY 51.56192600 0.00307900
E11 4PZ 51.56070000 0.00485700
E11 4QE 51.56068100 0.00230300
E11 4QF 51.56129800 0.00248800
E11 4QH 51.55949900 0.00688000
E11 4QL 51.56067100 0.00774000
E11 4RF 51.56277700 0.00803600
E11 4RG 51.56250500 0.00606200
E11 4RH 51.56304200 0.00566700
E11 4RJ 51.56338100 0.00478700
E11 4RL 51.56329600 0.00518600
E11 4RN 51.56263200 0.00494200
E11 4RP 51.56344000 0.00727000
E11 4RQ 51.56278300 0.00608800
E11 4RU 51.56391900 0.00710400
E11 4RW 51.56338400 0.00633000
E11 4RX 51.56398600 0.00673300
E11 4RZ 51.56426800 0.00602400
E11 4SW 51.55652400 -0.00336200
E11 4YA 51.55865100 0.00270400
E11 4YB 51.55864400 0.00309300
E11 4YD 51.55934100 0.00283500
E11 4YE 51.55760800 0.00424500
E11 4YF 51.55800500 0.00326600
E11 4YG 51.55654700 0.00528000
E11 4YH 51.55788300 0.00448800
E11 4YJ 51.55791500 0.00522500
E11 4YP 51.55858600 0.00382600
E11 4YQ 51.55769600 0.00647100
E11 4ZG 51.55998400 0.00742100
E15 2AQ 51.55194300 -0.00422600
E15 2AS 51.55149300 -0.00192500
E15 2AT 51.55172200 -0.00234600
E15 2AX 51.55333300 -0.00083300
E15 2AY 51.55230700 -0.00222100
E15 2AZ 51.55200500 -0.00242100
E15 2BA 51.55254700 -0.00272800
E15 2BB 51.55274600 -0.00279200
E15 2BP 51.55243800 -0.00462400
E15 2BU 51.55336400 -0.00264900
E15 2BX 51.55450400 -0.00513800
E15 2BY 51.55551300 -0.00567200
E15 2BZ 51.55506700 -0.00654200
E15 2DA 51.55366500 -0.00762700
E15 2DB 51.55342000 -0.00645500
E15 2DD 51.55283300 -0.00615000
E15 2DE 51.55370000 -0.00536200
E15 2DF 51.55384300 -0.00646500
E15 2DG 51.55452300 -0.00624800
E15 2FH 51.55296000 -0.00568300
E15 2FL 51.55526000 -0.00676400
E15 2TR 51.55307200 -0.00289300