East Whalley, Read & Simonstone Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

East Whalley, Read & Simonstone is a ward in Lancashire county. East Whalley, Read & Simonstone ward has 122 Total postcodes out of which only 107 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 256 other wards in Lancashire county near East Whalley, Read & Simonstone.

East Whalley, Read & Simonstone Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2675
Addresses / Property Count 1131
County Lancashire
District Ribble Valley
Active Postcodes 107
Nearby wards in Lancashire county 256

View Map Of East Whalley, Read & Simonstone Postcodes

View Other Wards in Lancashire county:

East Whalley, Read & Simonstone Postcode Table - 107 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BB12 7FS 53.79763100 -2.33768000
BB12 7HN 53.80435100 -2.33715600
BB12 7HP 53.80606900 -2.33966000
BB12 7HR 53.80635200 -2.34312600
BB12 7HS 53.80570500 -2.34438000
BB12 7HT 53.80654900 -2.34781900
BB12 7HU 53.80708100 -2.34738300
BB12 7HW 53.80605100 -2.33996400
BB12 7HX 53.80701100 -2.34688100
BB12 7HY 53.80654700 -2.34545000
BB12 7HZ 53.80639700 -2.34441600
BB12 7JA 53.80773500 -2.34494300
BB12 7JB 53.80774800 -2.34673500
BB12 7JD 53.80878800 -2.33802700
BB12 7JE 53.81142200 -2.33647000
BB12 7JF 53.80822300 -2.34702800
BB12 7JG 53.80871100 -2.34805000
BB12 7ND 53.79603600 -2.34381500
BB12 7NL 53.79444500 -2.34381700
BB12 7NN 53.79750300 -2.34311300
BB12 7NP 53.80038200 -2.34388200
BB12 7NQ 53.79701000 -2.33943500
BB12 7NR 53.80061500 -2.34251600
BB12 7NS 53.80306400 -2.34410000
BB12 7NT 53.80352300 -2.34386100
BB12 7NU 53.80323700 -2.34314500
BB12 7NW 53.79902800 -2.34420400
BB12 7NX 53.80463600 -2.34446200
BB12 7NY 53.80526000 -2.34288800
BB12 7NZ 53.80680300 -2.35035700
BB12 7PA 53.80692700 -2.35081300
BB12 7PB 53.80627200 -2.35342000
BB12 7PD 53.80605800 -2.35305300
BB12 7PE 53.80685300 -2.35477600
BB12 7PF 53.80696500 -2.35482300
BB12 7PG 53.80726000 -2.35371600
BB12 7PH 53.80848100 -2.35132700
BB12 7PJ 53.80768500 -2.35297600
BB12 7PL 53.80806200 -2.35165900
BB12 7PN 53.80599800 -2.35671300
BB12 7PP 53.80666600 -2.35565600
BB12 7PQ 53.80851400 -2.35401600
BB12 7PR 53.80671200 -2.35655100
BB12 7PS 53.80668300 -2.35746200
BB12 7PT 53.80745900 -2.35649700
BB12 7PW 53.80571200 -2.35625500
BB12 7PY 53.80473000 -2.35217700
BB12 7PZ 53.80552500 -2.35074100
BB12 7QA 53.80568700 -2.35239800
BB12 7QB 53.80540000 -2.35353400
BB12 7QD 53.80621000 -2.35185600
BB12 7QE 53.81016900 -2.35170600
BB12 7QF 53.80800800 -2.35013900
BB12 7QG 53.80943700 -2.35019600
BB12 7QH 53.80958500 -2.35164000
BB12 7QJ 53.81334900 -2.32026400
BB12 7QL 53.81363800 -2.32833200
BB12 7QN 53.81520200 -2.33467800
BB12 7QP 53.82141400 -2.34516200
BB12 7QQ 53.80925800 -2.35292800
BB12 7QR 53.81514000 -2.33892900
BB12 7QS 53.81463900 -2.33988300
BB12 7QT 53.81249600 -2.34589400
BB12 7QU 53.81308800 -2.34641500
BB12 7QW 53.81649600 -2.34109700
BB12 7QX 53.81265600 -2.32718400
BB12 7QY 53.81188000 -2.35082400
BB12 7QZ 53.81076800 -2.35278900
BB12 7RA 53.81057000 -2.35307600
BB12 7RB 53.81074200 -2.35868100
BB12 7RD 53.80999600 -2.36016400
BB12 7RE 53.80931800 -2.36434900
BB12 7RF 53.80953700 -2.37060700
BB12 7RG 53.80914400 -2.36984500
BB12 7RH 53.80766300 -2.35888400
BB12 7RJ 53.80846600 -2.35794900
BB12 7RL 53.80795400 -2.35770200
BB12 7RN 53.80730600 -2.35819700
BB12 7RP 53.80530500 -2.36414700
BB12 7RQ 53.80902600 -2.35837800
BB12 7RR 53.80222000 -2.36655000
BB12 7RS 53.80512000 -2.37758400
BB12 7RT 53.80278900 -2.38433400
BB12 7RU 53.80985100 -2.37067100
BB12 7RW 53.80673500 -2.35796400
BB12 7RX 53.81376200 -2.37321100
BB12 7RY 53.81317300 -2.36473200
BB12 7RZ 53.81618400 -2.36330000
BB12 7SB 53.81188400 -2.34626800
BB12 7SD 53.80615900 -2.35838400
BB12 7SE 53.81082100 -2.34887200
BB12 7SS 53.80424200 -2.35319000
BB12 7ST 53.80494900 -2.35110000
BB12 7SU 53.80414100 -2.35065300
BB12 7SW 53.81600600 -2.35212000
BB12 7SZ 53.80678700 -2.35275600
BB12 7TW 53.79671700 -2.34130000
BB12 7TY 53.79665000 -2.34151300
BB12 9AD 53.81988000 -2.32151400
BB12 9AE 53.82471000 -2.32518300
BB7 9DL 53.81085200 -2.38691400
BB7 9DN 53.80348000 -2.38722600
BB7 9DP 53.81617900 -2.38644700
BB7 9DR 53.82224000 -2.38393500
BB7 9DS 53.81234400 -2.37983600
BB7 9DW 53.80742100 -2.39162000
BB7 9FB 53.80901800 -2.38682100