Harefield Village Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Harefield Village is a ward in Greater London county. Harefield Village ward has 208 Total postcodes out of which only 162 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 678 other wards in Greater London county near Harefield Village.

Browse Information On Harefield Village Ward

Harefield Village Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5451
Addresses / Property Count 2177
County Greater London
District Hillingdon
Active Postcodes 162
Nearby wards in Greater London county 678

View Map Of Harefield Village Postcodes

View Other Wards in Greater London county:

Harefield Village Postcode Table - 162 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
UB9 6AB 51.59972500 -0.48353600
UB9 6BD 51.60390400 -0.48266000
UB9 6BE 51.60661300 -0.49194200
UB9 6BG 51.60693900 -0.49350500
UB9 6BH 51.60748100 -0.49224600
UB9 6BJ 51.60455400 -0.48357700
UB9 6BL 51.60443100 -0.48515500
UB9 6BN 51.60603500 -0.49243800
UB9 6BP 51.60515300 -0.48887100
UB9 6BQ 51.60769200 -0.49119900
UB9 6BS 51.60440200 -0.48638400
UB9 6BT 51.60302900 -0.48313700
UB9 6BU 51.60353400 -0.48254300
UB9 6BW 51.60649700 -0.49406900
UB9 6BX 51.60347300 -0.48203900
UB9 6BY 51.60200500 -0.48318600
UB9 6BZ 51.60210700 -0.48344200
UB9 6DA 51.60042300 -0.48396000
UB9 6DB 51.60021600 -0.48393800
UB9 6DD 51.60043500 -0.48489800
UB9 6DE 51.60327800 -0.48429800
UB9 6DG 51.60293800 -0.48516200
UB9 6DH 51.60170200 -0.48409100
UB9 6DJ 51.59998400 -0.48547700
UB9 6DL 51.59950500 -0.48459700
UB9 6DN 51.59847200 -0.48466100
UB9 6DP 51.59925700 -0.48350800
UB9 6DQ 51.60076600 -0.48478600
UB9 6DR 51.59788900 -0.48321500
UB9 6DS 51.59765600 -0.48323700
UB9 6DT 51.60086500 -0.48338200
UB9 6DU 51.59742700 -0.48313600
UB9 6DX 51.59854600 -0.48341600
UB9 6DY 51.59764200 -0.48376400
UB9 6DZ 51.59735300 -0.48342100
UB9 6EB 51.60260000 -0.48238000
UB9 6ED 51.59866400 -0.48419200
UB9 6EE 51.60235100 -0.48492100
UB9 6EG 51.60519600 -0.47892000
UB9 6EH 51.60652100 -0.47919400
UB9 6EJ 51.60718200 -0.47956200
UB9 6EL 51.60606700 -0.47797500
UB9 6EN 51.60571100 -0.47636200
UB9 6EP 51.60675300 -0.47744700
UB9 6EQ 51.60606700 -0.48024900
UB9 6ER 51.60596000 -0.47681500
UB9 6ES 51.60671600 -0.47551900
UB9 6ET 51.60581200 -0.47517400
UB9 6EU 51.60445800 -0.47387000
UB9 6EW 51.60595100 -0.47612300
UB9 6EX 51.60499500 -0.47250100
UB9 6EY 51.60554300 -0.47037400
UB9 6EZ 51.60448600 -0.47065500
UB9 6FB 51.61078900 -0.49784100
UB9 6FD 51.60302700 -0.47671100
UB9 6FE 51.61086100 -0.49783800
UB9 6FF 51.60248300 -0.47914100
UB9 6FG 51.60998900 -0.49761500
UB9 6FH 51.60949300 -0.49816600
UB9 6FJ 51.61149500 -0.47697000
UB9 6HA 51.60370400 -0.47277500
UB9 6HB 51.60429800 -0.47284200
UB9 6HD 51.60437000 -0.47418300
UB9 6HE 51.60619000 -0.49753000
UB9 6HF 51.60710100 -0.49417900
UB9 6HH 51.60452500 -0.48800500
UB9 6HJ 51.60346900 -0.49073200
UB9 6HL 51.60238300 -0.49558500
UB9 6HN 51.60772200 -0.49753100
UB9 6HP 51.60853900 -0.49625400
UB9 6HR 51.60794600 -0.49701000
UB9 6HS 51.61219100 -0.49540500
UB9 6HT 51.61206400 -0.49625300
UB9 6HW 51.60692000 -0.49549900
UB9 6HX 51.61390300 -0.49662600
UB9 6HY 51.60766800 -0.49468800
UB9 6JA 51.61262700 -0.49787500
UB9 6JH 51.60673200 -0.48274700
UB9 6JT 51.60581700 -0.48082800
UB9 6JU 51.60664500 -0.48041700
UB9 6JX 51.60746800 -0.48010100
UB9 6JY 51.60851900 -0.47909200
UB9 6JZ 51.60758800 -0.47969300
UB9 6LA 51.60769500 -0.47823000
UB9 6LB 51.61321100 -0.48404000
UB9 6LD 51.60945400 -0.48139200
UB9 6LE 51.60961700 -0.48151700
UB9 6LF 51.60980200 -0.48163400
UB9 6LG 51.61001100 -0.48182900
UB9 6LH 51.61381500 -0.48490100
UB9 6LJ 51.60912400 -0.48021900
UB9 6LL 51.60988300 -0.48170300
UB9 6LN 51.61178800 -0.48457800
UB9 6LP 51.60794700 -0.47893000
UB9 6LQ 51.61299200 -0.48424300
UB9 6LW 51.60833500 -0.47831000
UB9 6NA 51.59569300 -0.47005600
UB9 6NB 51.59851800 -0.47411200
UB9 6ND 51.60197500 -0.47580100
UB9 6NE 51.60294200 -0.47781200
UB9 6NF 51.60383700 -0.48091500
UB9 6NG 51.60314100 -0.48070700
UB9 6NH 51.60335300 -0.47410100
UB9 6NJ 51.60328000 -0.47339600
UB9 6NL 51.60241600 -0.47397400
UB9 6NN 51.60340800 -0.47489400
UB9 6NP 51.60449200 -0.47944900
UB9 6NQ 51.60277400 -0.47526100
UB9 6NR 51.60401600 -0.48158800
UB9 6NT 51.60389300 -0.48114400
UB9 6NU 51.59685800 -0.47114300
UB9 6NW 51.60334000 -0.47590700
UB9 6NX 51.60216100 -0.47305800
UB9 6NZ 51.60898600 -0.49886800
UB9 6PF 51.61382600 -0.48430800
UB9 6PG 51.61584100 -0.48513700
UB9 6PH 51.61508900 -0.48579100
UB9 6PJ 51.61519500 -0.48562800
UB9 6PL 51.60421500 -0.47886700
UB9 6PN 51.60505500 -0.47642700
UB9 6PP 51.60443900 -0.47673600
UB9 6PQ 51.61459100 -0.48553300
UB9 6PR 51.60499900 -0.47489800
UB9 6PS 51.60576100 -0.47195600
UB9 6PT 51.60848200 -0.46678100
UB9 6PU 51.61091900 -0.46411300
UB9 6PW 51.60384200 -0.47857600
UB9 6PX 51.61252600 -0.46364800
UB9 6PY 51.61280100 -0.45880700
UB9 6PZ 51.61193300 -0.45680800
UB9 6QA 51.60363600 -0.47719600
UB9 6QB 51.60390100 -0.47614800
UB9 6QD 51.60413900 -0.47510000
UB9 6QE 51.60426900 -0.47961600
UB9 6QF 51.60347400 -0.47793800
UB9 6QP 51.60241000 -0.47839300
UB9 6QS 51.59567500 -0.47077800
UB9 6QU 51.60227100 -0.47878700
UB9 6RA 51.60060300 -0.48261100
UB9 6RB 51.60158000 -0.48301200
UB9 6RD 51.60192000 -0.48217800
UB9 6RE 51.60166200 -0.48169500
UB9 6RF 51.60140000 -0.48232500
UB9 6RG 51.60106300 -0.48132500
UB9 6RJ 51.61019400 -0.49697900
UB9 6RL 51.61001700 -0.49652300
UB9 6RQ 51.60111500 -0.48181500
UB9 6TA 51.61329600 -0.49629900
UB9 6TB 51.61392700 -0.49705800
UB9 6TD 51.61442800 -0.49691200
UB9 6TG 51.61372200 -0.49586600
UB9 6TH 51.61430700 -0.49447500
UB9 6TQ 51.61423200 -0.49564700
UB9 6UX 51.61310000 -0.48590700
WD3 8UE 51.62639600 -0.49408900
WD3 8UF 51.62620900 -0.49422500
WD3 8UR 51.62827000 -0.49646900
WD3 8UU 51.62501400 -0.49475000
WD3 8UW 51.62398300 -0.49525300
WD3 8UX 51.62476200 -0.49402100
WD3 8UZ 51.62695500 -0.49414300
WD3 8XD 51.62857500 -0.49920400