Hemel Hempstead Town Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Hemel Hempstead Town is a ward in Dacorum district. Hemel Hempstead Town ward has 870 Total postcodes out of which only 211 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 24 other wards in Dacorum district near Hemel Hempstead Town.

Browse Information On Hemel Hempstead Town Ward

Hemel Hempstead Town Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5588
Addresses / Property Count 2606
County Hertfordshire
District Dacorum
Active Postcodes 197
Nearby wards in Dacorum district 24

View Map Of Hemel Hempstead Town Postcodes

View Other Wards in Dacorum district:

Hemel Hempstead Town Postcode Table - 197 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
HP1 1BA 51.75191700 -0.47267800
HP1 1BB 51.75182600 -0.47195700
HP1 1BD 51.75038900 -0.47209200
HP1 1BE 51.75191600 -0.47195400
HP1 1BH 51.75013200 -0.47307200
HP1 1BJ 51.74890800 -0.47295400
HP1 1BL 51.74878300 -0.47233500
HP1 1BP 51.74860800 -0.47285500
HP1 1BS 51.74969100 -0.47373800
HP1 1BT 51.74763600 -0.47334400
HP1 1BX 51.74922400 -0.47375400
HP1 1BZ 51.74960800 -0.47352400
HP1 1DA 51.74948100 -0.47288400
HP1 1DH 51.74878000 -0.47347900
HP1 1DN 51.75409600 -0.47309000
HP1 1DS 51.74993200 -0.47358500
HP1 1DX 51.74906900 -0.47162300
HP1 1DY 51.74879600 -0.47137100
HP1 1DZ 51.74884500 -0.47226000
HP1 1EA 51.75137000 -0.47350800
HP1 1ED 51.75065100 -0.47353200
HP1 1EF 51.75121300 -0.47316600
HP1 1EG 51.75082800 -0.47329500
HP1 1EP 51.75226100 -0.47289900
HP1 1ER 51.75299600 -0.47274300
HP1 1ES 51.75181900 -0.47357300
HP1 1ET 51.75299600 -0.47353300
HP1 1EU 51.75340500 -0.47377300
HP1 1EW 51.75168400 -0.47280200
HP1 1EX 51.75353300 -0.47387000
HP1 1EZ 51.75313900 -0.47263700
HP1 1GN 51.75107900 -0.47189500
HP1 1GQ 51.75506800 -0.47234000
HP1 1HD 51.75672300 -0.47370400
HP1 1HH 51.75521000 -0.47353800
HP1 1HN 51.75420000 -0.47471700
HP1 1HR 51.75763800 -0.47360100
HP1 1HT 51.75748700 -0.47299800
HP1 1LA 51.75670800 -0.47256000
HP1 1LB 51.75591000 -0.47218800
HP1 1LD 51.75507600 -0.47231800
HP1 1LE 51.75417600 -0.47219600
HP1 1LF 51.75367800 -0.47188000
HP1 1LR 51.75752200 -0.47222800
HP1 1LS 51.75764300 -0.47255800
HP1 1UH 51.75507500 -0.47357100
HP1 1WX 51.75521000 -0.47353800
HP1 1XY 51.75323900 -0.47201100
HP1 3AA 51.75846000 -0.47179100
HP1 3AB 51.75838000 -0.47251800
HP1 3AE 51.75834600 -0.47202700
HP1 3AF 51.75955300 -0.47214500
HP1 3AH 51.76054800 -0.47263300
HP1 3AL 51.75974400 -0.47167500
HP1 3AN 51.76049900 -0.47227300
HP1 3AQ 51.76047300 -0.47310000
HP1 3AR 51.75862000 -0.47167000
HP1 3AS 51.76104100 -0.47248600
HP1 3AW 51.76029200 -0.47230900
HP1 3EJ 51.75979700 -0.47225300
HP1 9SA 51.75507500 -0.47357100
HP1 9ZY 51.74840000 -0.46988500
HP2 4AA 51.75289900 -0.47011000
HP2 4AB 51.75298700 -0.46647000
HP2 4AD 51.75084600 -0.46857800
HP2 4AE 51.75374900 -0.46703900
HP2 4AF 51.75513700 -0.46796200
HP2 4AG 51.75345600 -0.46932300
HP2 4AH 51.75449200 -0.46878100
HP2 4AJ 51.75370300 -0.46902500
HP2 4AL 51.75468300 -0.47050600
HP2 4AN 51.75403100 -0.46795600
HP2 4AP 51.75194600 -0.46730300
HP2 4AQ 51.75449600 -0.46978100
HP2 4AR 51.75552300 -0.46721000
HP2 4AS 51.75354000 -0.46545200
HP2 4AT 51.75354600 -0.46868300
HP2 4AW 51.75459400 -0.46630000
HP2 4AX 51.75540700 -0.47011900
HP2 4DH 51.75342700 -0.46781700
HP2 4FA 51.74760400 -0.47031100
HP2 4FD 51.74876100 -0.46925000
HP2 4FF 51.75511400 -0.46905700
HP2 4FR 51.74806000 -0.46996900
HP2 4FS 51.74696900 -0.47180200
HP2 4FT 51.74821600 -0.46962400
HP2 4FU 51.74790800 -0.46809800
HP2 4FW 51.74680800 -0.47254600
HP2 4FY 51.74743100 -0.47212000
HP2 4JZ 51.75517000 -0.46843900
HP2 4LS 51.75437600 -0.47094400
HP2 4TF 51.74940000 -0.46863500
HP2 4TL 51.74844200 -0.46889900
HP2 4TN 51.74729400 -0.47139300
HP2 4TP 51.74864400 -0.46719700
HP2 4TR 51.75064300 -0.47018600
HP2 4TT 51.74914700 -0.46993200
HP2 4TU 51.75109400 -0.47110500
HP2 4XN 51.74714100 -0.47120300
HP2 4XP 51.75216600 -0.46489000
HP2 4YJ 51.74811200 -0.47053200
HP2 4YL 51.74817600 -0.47063200
HP2 5AA 51.76068600 -0.47006400
HP2 5AB 51.76112900 -0.47031000
HP2 5AD 51.76174900 -0.46815900
HP2 5AE 51.76110100 -0.46744200
HP2 5AR 51.76138900 -0.46950400
HP2 5AS 51.76185700 -0.46890900
HP2 5AW 51.76064100 -0.46873200
HP2 5BD 51.75694600 -0.46943700
HP2 5BE 51.75608800 -0.47123400
HP2 5BF 51.75649800 -0.47098800
HP2 5BH 51.75547900 -0.46867500
HP2 5BL 51.75463900 -0.47183300
HP2 5BN 51.75602300 -0.46828000
HP2 5BP 51.75582700 -0.46986600
HP2 5BS 51.75680700 -0.47118000
HP2 5BU 51.75899800 -0.46270200
HP2 5BW 51.75647700 -0.46935100
HP2 5BX 51.75725200 -0.47018000
HP2 5BY 51.75746500 -0.46859400
HP2 5BZ 51.75790200 -0.46830300
HP2 5DB 51.75731100 -0.46642500
HP2 5DD 51.75825900 -0.46464000
HP2 5DE 51.76086600 -0.47221700
HP2 5DF 51.75911100 -0.46381400
HP2 5DG 51.75654400 -0.46690100
HP2 5DH 51.75671900 -0.46856100
HP2 5DJ 51.76085500 -0.47131900
HP2 5DL 51.76049300 -0.47186700
HP2 5DN 51.75700100 -0.47159400
HP2 5DQ 51.75663800 -0.46788300
HP2 5DT 51.76068100 -0.46692000
HP2 5DU 51.76067900 -0.46751400
HP2 5DW 51.75648200 -0.47181400
HP2 5EU 51.76003200 -0.47163700
HP2 5EZ 51.76237100 -0.46829700
HP2 5FR 51.75718700 -0.46514000
HP2 5FX 51.75839100 -0.46647600
HP2 5GF 51.75497000 -0.47170600
HP2 5GU 51.75520800 -0.46652600
HP2 5GW 51.75725100 -0.46797800
HP2 5GX 51.75764000 -0.46750100
HP2 5GY 51.75806900 -0.46661700
HP2 5HA 51.75773400 -0.46996800
HP2 5HB 51.75770100 -0.46942600
HP2 5HD 51.75809500 -0.46875300
HP2 5HE 51.75843600 -0.46925600
HP2 5HF 51.75873300 -0.47003600
HP2 5HG 51.75823600 -0.47058800
HP2 5HH 51.76008600 -0.47030200
HP2 5HJ 51.75974400 -0.46822700
HP2 5HL 51.75960100 -0.47031800
HP2 5HN 51.75947400 -0.47162600
HP2 5HP 51.76035400 -0.46874200
HP2 5HQ 51.75894400 -0.47097800
HP2 5HT 51.75987400 -0.47126500
HP2 5HU 51.75922000 -0.46733200
HP2 5HW 51.76013700 -0.46869200
HP2 5HX 51.75854400 -0.46579000
HP2 5HY 51.76042000 -0.46691400
HP2 5HZ 51.75913200 -0.47020300
HP2 5JA 51.75860800 -0.46933700
HP2 5JD 51.75942000 -0.47025200
HP2 5PU 51.75830500 -0.46265300
HP2 5PY 51.75791500 -0.46381100
HP2 5PZ 51.75662100 -0.46591300
HP2 5SP 51.76405400 -0.47119600
HP2 5SR 51.76387600 -0.47202800
HP2 5SU 51.76238900 -0.47038300
HP2 5SX 51.76231200 -0.46925600
HP2 5SY 51.76290600 -0.46936600
HP2 5SZ 51.76235900 -0.47079000
HP2 5UE 51.76320000 -0.47119600
HP2 5UF 51.76298500 -0.47126200
HP2 5XD 51.75941100 -0.47089000
HP2 5XG 51.75612500 -0.46994300
HP2 5XH 51.75851300 -0.47110100
HP2 5XQ 51.75337100 -0.46971700
HP2 5YG 51.75533900 -0.47115000
HP2 5YH 51.76476600 -0.46785400
HP2 5YJ 51.76489500 -0.46947300
HP2 5YL 51.76376700 -0.46709100
HP2 5YN 51.76340800 -0.46781300
HP2 5YP 51.76298000 -0.46810300
HP2 5YQ 51.75541600 -0.47087200
HP2 5YR 51.76347600 -0.47031700
HP2 5YS 51.76411700 -0.47047000
HP2 5YT 51.76442100 -0.46895200
HP2 5YU 51.76437500 -0.47036600
HP2 5YW 51.76319200 -0.46850100
HP2 5YX 51.76388300 -0.46907200
HP2 5YY 51.76485200 -0.47030000
HP2 5YZ 51.76339200 -0.46936400
HP2 5ZB 51.75953600 -0.47020400
HP2 5ZF 51.76123100 -0.46703200
HP2 5ZG 51.76146000 -0.46735700