Little Harwood & Whitebirk Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Little Harwood & Whitebirk is a ward in Blackburn with Darwen district. Little Harwood & Whitebirk ward has 240 Total postcodes out of which only 158 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 16 other wards in Blackburn with Darwen district near Little Harwood & Whitebirk.

Browse Information On Little Harwood & Whitebirk Ward

Little Harwood & Whitebirk Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8431
Addresses / Property Count 2986
County Lancashire
District Blackburn with Darwen
Active Postcodes 158
Nearby wards in Blackburn with Darwen district 16

View Map Of Little Harwood & Whitebirk Postcodes

View Other Wards in Blackburn with Darwen district:

Little Harwood & Whitebirk Postcode Table - 158 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BB1 2AH 53.74728500 -2.44954700
BB1 2AJ 53.74780700 -2.44949100
BB1 2AL 53.74770200 -2.44615400
BB1 2AN 53.74751500 -2.44499900
BB1 2AQ 53.74748100 -2.45012500
BB1 2AX 53.74691200 -2.44611600
BB1 2AY 53.74647000 -2.44653500
BB1 2AZ 53.74657100 -2.44837100
BB1 2BD 53.74711400 -2.44974200
BB1 2BG 53.74805200 -2.44640100
BB1 2EF 53.74687900 -2.44772300
BB1 2FG 53.74706400 -2.44854300
BB1 3AB 53.75749800 -2.45299100
BB1 3AG 53.75771800 -2.45416100
BB1 3BW 53.75488500 -2.46165300
BB1 3DL 53.75220500 -2.45751400
BB1 3EA 53.75609000 -2.45682800
BB1 3EE 53.75423100 -2.46102400
BB1 3ES 53.75322100 -2.45976900
BB1 3EU 53.75293400 -2.45721900
BB1 3HJ 53.75332200 -2.45044500
BB1 3HN 53.75170200 -2.45337000
BB1 3HR 53.75395200 -2.44541700
BB1 3HU 53.75498100 -2.45055300
BB1 3HW 53.75241000 -2.44847800
BB1 3HY 53.75148700 -2.44517700
BB1 3JA 53.75247700 -2.44493000
BB1 3JB 53.75161100 -2.44578500
BB1 3JD 53.74909500 -2.44377300
BB1 3JR 53.74878900 -2.45121500
BB1 3JU 53.75024300 -2.45113900
BB1 3JX 53.75094600 -2.45136000
BB1 3JY 53.74912600 -2.45002100
BB1 3JZ 53.74980000 -2.44754100
BB1 3LA 53.74821700 -2.44791900
BB1 3LB 53.74909900 -2.44754900
BB1 3LD 53.75125100 -2.44667700
BB1 3LE 53.75208800 -2.44861200
BB1 3LF 53.75156000 -2.44818200
BB1 3LG 53.75146800 -2.45094100
BB1 3LH 53.74940900 -2.44888700
BB1 3LJ 53.74810200 -2.44976800
BB1 3LQ 53.75063000 -2.44926400
BB1 3NN 53.74830200 -2.44200600
BB1 3NP 53.74994600 -2.44231100
BB1 3NR 53.74975100 -2.44326300
BB1 3NS 53.74901900 -2.44257400
BB1 3NW 53.74933900 -2.44103100
BB1 4AA 53.77056300 -2.46096000
BB1 5AJ 53.76286100 -2.47076800
BB1 5AN 53.76249900 -2.47150700
BB1 5AP 53.76307100 -2.46998100
BB1 5BG 53.75795700 -2.45736400
BB1 5EQ 53.76240700 -2.46970100
BB1 5ES 53.76383200 -2.47065700
BB1 5ET 53.76402200 -2.46952000
BB1 5EU 53.75880400 -2.45690300
BB1 5FB 53.75888300 -2.45978600
BB1 5FD 53.75888800 -2.46087800
BB1 5FE 53.75888800 -2.46087800
BB1 5HP 53.75629800 -2.46438500
BB1 5HS 53.75574200 -2.46390900
BB1 5HW 53.75531800 -2.46435900
BB1 5JB 53.76092300 -2.46915200
BB1 5JD 53.76159600 -2.46940200
BB1 5JE 53.76165700 -2.47057200
BB1 5JF 53.76195200 -2.46872500
BB1 5JZ 53.75663500 -2.46558700
BB1 5LB 53.75587200 -2.46523000
BB1 5NA 53.76717900 -2.45098800
BB1 5ND 53.75972600 -2.46345200
BB1 5NE 53.75663000 -2.46217400
BB1 5NG 53.76143600 -2.46961400
BB1 5NJ 53.75936600 -2.46822600
BB1 5NL 53.75964200 -2.46876000
BB1 5NN 53.75946000 -2.46866500
BB1 5NP 53.76019700 -2.46706700
BB1 5NQ 53.76037500 -2.46896400
BB1 5NR 53.75935200 -2.46710300
BB1 5NS 53.75832500 -2.46534800
BB1 5NT 53.75782200 -2.46534200
BB1 5NU 53.75754600 -2.46458100
BB1 5NW 53.75907400 -2.46837300
BB1 5NX 53.75713000 -2.46527400
BB1 5NY 53.75780200 -2.46573600
BB1 5NZ 53.75815000 -2.46655900
BB1 5PA 53.75872400 -2.46693000
BB1 5PB 53.75885600 -2.46526300
BB1 5PD 53.75977000 -2.46507400
BB1 5PE 53.75922400 -2.46452200
BB1 5PF 53.75853500 -2.45911500
BB1 5PG 53.76192000 -2.45765000
BB1 5PH 53.75958900 -2.46619600
BB1 5PJ 53.76003700 -2.46655000
BB1 5PL 53.76092600 -2.46672700
BB1 5PN 53.76097300 -2.46618100
BB1 5PP 53.76047000 -2.46377900
BB1 5PQ 53.75975800 -2.46598400
BB1 5PR 53.76078200 -2.46222000
BB1 5PS 53.76011000 -2.46407800
BB1 5PT 53.76139700 -2.46594300
BB1 5PU 53.76167700 -2.46565800
BB1 5PW 53.76114500 -2.46592500
BB1 5PX 53.76239400 -2.46606000
BB1 5PY 53.76377800 -2.46607600
BB1 5PZ 53.76418900 -2.46664100
BB1 5QA 53.76486800 -2.46789300
BB1 5QB 53.75983200 -2.45380500
BB1 5QE 53.76042500 -2.46842000
BB1 5QF 53.75853500 -2.45911500
BB1 5QG 53.76063700 -2.46728500
BB1 5QH 53.75853500 -2.45911500
BB1 5QL 53.76783200 -2.46149300
BB1 5QN 53.76576500 -2.45326200
BB1 5QR 53.75961700 -2.45827700
BB1 5QS 53.76579600 -2.46489900
BB1 5QT 53.76820200 -2.46343900
BB1 5QU 53.76827900 -2.46207500
BB1 5QW 53.76912200 -2.46487600
BB1 5QX 53.76914200 -2.46188700
BB1 5QY 53.76902800 -2.46361500
BB1 5QZ 53.76889200 -2.46543300
BB1 5RB 53.76260700 -2.45653500
BB1 5RE 53.76493600 -2.45474100
BB1 5RF 53.76791400 -2.45169400
BB1 5RH 53.76577500 -2.46327600
BB1 5RJ 53.76793000 -2.46631900
BB1 5RL 53.76430100 -2.45875400
BB1 5RQ 53.76800000 -2.46448400
BB1 5RS 53.76297600 -2.46433700
BB1 5RT 53.76345300 -2.46190000
BB1 5RU 53.76256100 -2.46252800
BB1 5RW 53.75784100 -2.45739300
BB1 5RX 53.76240200 -2.46166100
BB1 5RY 53.76234400 -2.46029500
BB1 5RZ 53.76040400 -2.45689000
BB1 5SA 53.76124100 -2.46445500
BB1 5SB 53.76136000 -2.46397100
BB1 5SD 53.76140700 -2.46477400
BB1 5SE 53.76191200 -2.46297600
BB1 5SF 53.76124200 -2.46330000
BB1 5SG 53.76621800 -2.45571100
BB1 5SJ 53.75756900 -2.45798200
BB1 5SP 53.76613000 -2.46460000
BB1 5ST 53.76896500 -2.45410200
BB1 5SU 53.76906500 -2.45389100
BB1 5SW 53.76487900 -2.46026200
BB1 5SX 53.76778600 -2.45704800
BB1 5TB 53.76615200 -2.45790800
BB1 5TH 53.76651400 -2.45034200
BB1 5TR 53.76744700 -2.46567600
BB1 5TS 53.76673700 -2.46554700
BB1 5UA 53.76895700 -2.45396500
BB1 5UD 53.76564300 -2.45476300
BB1 5UE 53.76570100 -2.45829800
BB1 6LS 53.75810100 -2.46746900
BB1 6PH 53.75866800 -2.46726300
BB1 9SS 53.76359400 -2.47176200