Manor Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Manor is a ward in Stevenage district. Manor ward has 99 Total postcodes out of which only 88 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 12 other wards in Stevenage district near Manor.

Browse Information On Manor Ward

Manor Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6400
Addresses / Property Count 2655
County Hertfordshire
District Stevenage
Active Postcodes 86
Nearby wards in Stevenage district 12

View Map Of Manor Postcodes

View Other Wards in Stevenage district:

Manor Postcode Table - 86 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
SG2 0EA 51.91320100 -0.17701900
SG2 0EB 51.91401800 -0.17695700
SG2 0ED 51.91478500 -0.17593700
SG2 0EE 51.91404100 -0.17550200
SG2 0EF 51.91322000 -0.17480800
SG2 0EG 51.91485100 -0.17443700
SG2 0EH 51.91456700 -0.17411400
SG2 0EJ 51.91368000 -0.17368400
SG2 0EL 51.91307100 -0.17327300
SG2 0EN 51.91258100 -0.17355400
SG2 0EP 51.91445100 -0.17237400
SG2 0EQ 51.91501000 -0.17248200
SG2 0ER 51.91340100 -0.17256200
SG2 0ES 51.91230500 -0.17724400
SG2 0ET 51.91264600 -0.17195200
SG2 0EU 51.91365000 -0.17124800
SG2 0EX 51.91196500 -0.16981400
SG2 0EY 51.91163900 -0.17081600
SG2 0EZ 51.91201200 -0.17283600
SG2 0HA 51.91222500 -0.17557500
SG2 0HB 51.91323700 -0.17064900
SG2 0HD 51.90982900 -0.17180500
SG2 0HG 51.91111900 -0.17205800
SG2 0HH 51.91040800 -0.17201400
SG2 0HJ 51.91090100 -0.17022000
SG2 0HL 51.91040000 -0.17038600
SG2 0HP 51.90992100 -0.16906800
SG2 0HS 51.91127800 -0.16783500
SG2 0HT 51.91145700 -0.16955800
SG2 0HU 51.91217600 -0.16893300
SG2 0HX 51.91284400 -0.17022900
SG2 0HY 51.91387600 -0.17126300
SG2 0HZ 51.91445000 -0.17057100
SG2 0JA 51.91502600 -0.17066300
SG2 0JB 51.91258300 -0.16789900
SG2 0JD 51.91315200 -0.16925700
SG2 0JE 51.91317200 -0.16822300
SG2 0JG 51.91371700 -0.16682000
SG2 0JH 51.91503600 -0.16778400
SG2 0JJ 51.91416300 -0.16779100
SG2 0JL 51.91491000 -0.16895200
SG2 0JN 51.91420900 -0.16899500
SG2 0JP 51.91536000 -0.16954500
SG2 0JQ 51.91450700 -0.16732600
SG2 0JT 51.91178000 -0.16545900
SG2 0JU 51.91264300 -0.16541000
SG2 0JX 51.91392900 -0.16544500
SG2 0JY 51.91438400 -0.16403000
SG2 0JZ 51.91363500 -0.16327600
SG2 0NA 51.91299900 -0.17794300
SG2 7AA 51.91179100 -0.16151900
SG2 7AY 51.91193300 -0.16029200
SG2 7BG 51.91097400 -0.15759800
SG2 7BH 51.90929700 -0.15962900
SG2 7BJ 51.90984900 -0.16097300
SG2 7BL 51.91081700 -0.16017700
SG2 7BN 51.91193500 -0.15812500
SG2 7BQ 51.91142100 -0.16086500
SG2 7BW 51.91436600 -0.16174800
SG2 7DF 51.91485200 -0.16062300
SG2 7DL 51.90844400 -0.15797700
SG2 7DN 51.91247600 -0.15762300
SG2 7DP 51.90718900 -0.15765100
SG2 7DQ 51.91427000 -0.16253700
SG2 7DR 51.91557100 -0.15831100
SG2 7DS 51.91461800 -0.15775400
SG2 7DT 51.91342400 -0.15908700
SG2 7DW 51.91341900 -0.15751200
SG2 7DZ 51.91558400 -0.16085500
SG2 7EB 51.91381400 -0.16207600
SG2 7JP 51.91300200 -0.16017500
SG2 7JR 51.91261500 -0.16189200
SG2 7QF 51.91907100 -0.16303900
SG2 7QG 51.91858700 -0.16029600
SG2 7QH 51.91977400 -0.16258900
SG2 7QL 51.91009600 -0.16180600
SG2 7QQ 51.91877200 -0.16116100
SG2 7QR 51.91065300 -0.16236500
SG2 7QS 51.91101400 -0.16360100
SG2 7QY 51.91706200 -0.16110000
SG2 7RA 51.91808500 -0.16264300
SG2 7RB 51.91204500 -0.16342800
SG2 7RD 51.91140000 -0.16184000
SG2 7RR 51.91179300 -0.15935200
SG2 7SH 51.91786000 -0.15978800
SG2 7ST 51.91692800 -0.15885200