Overmonnow Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Overmonnow is a ward in Gwent county. Overmonnow ward has 91 Total postcodes out of which only 50 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 122 other wards in Gwent county near Overmonnow.

Browse Information On Overmonnow Ward

Overmonnow Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1577
Addresses / Property Count 683
County Gwent
District Monmouthshire
Active Postcodes 50
Nearby wards in Gwent county 122

View Map Of Overmonnow Postcodes

View Other Wards in Gwent county:

Overmonnow Postcode Table - 50 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
NP25 4AB 51.79882900 -2.71817500
NP25 4DQ 51.80109200 -2.73825000
NP25 4EE 51.80480700 -2.73576200
NP25 4HX 51.79835000 -2.71490200
NP25 4HY 51.79952100 -2.72555300
NP25 5AH 51.80811100 -2.72431000
NP25 5AR 51.80628200 -2.72494800
NP25 5BJ 51.80752900 -2.72390900
NP25 5DA 51.80423500 -2.71553100
NP25 5DB 51.80338000 -2.71430000
NP25 5DD 51.80552000 -2.72744500
NP25 5DG 51.80617100 -2.72758900
NP25 5DH 51.80670000 -2.72636500
NP25 5DQ 51.80851800 -2.72385200
NP25 5DX 51.80732100 -2.72343000
NP25 5EE 51.80589400 -2.72662400
NP25 5EF 51.80452700 -2.72664500
NP25 5EG 51.80482900 -2.72727400
NP25 5EH 51.80524300 -2.72717900
NP25 5EJ 51.80431200 -2.71483600
NP25 5EL 51.80510700 -2.72810900
NP25 5ET 51.80637300 -2.72332500
NP25 5EU 51.80592700 -2.72346600
NP25 5FB 51.80290500 -2.71700400
NP25 5FL 51.80313000 -2.71834200
NP25 5JA 51.80722200 -2.72988000
NP25 5JB 51.80724000 -2.72848800
NP25 5TN 51.80447200 -2.72393200
NP25 5TQ 51.80374400 -2.72602700
NP25 5TR 51.80435200 -2.72522500
NP25 5TS 51.80433300 -2.72604800
NP25 5TW 51.80441800 -2.73111100
NP25 5UA 51.80426000 -2.72259800
NP25 5UB 51.80489400 -2.72259000
NP25 5UD 51.80527800 -2.72142200
NP25 5UE 51.80504000 -2.72063500
NP25 5UF 51.80543300 -2.72038300
NP25 5UG 51.80565300 -2.71902000
NP25 5UH 51.80473400 -2.71923800
NP25 5UJ 51.80483600 -2.72018200
NP25 5UP 51.80778700 -2.73953800
NP25 5UQ 51.80778400 -2.73998700
NP25 5UR 51.80887300 -2.73841000
NP25 5US 51.80949700 -2.73918800
NP25 5UT 51.80788900 -2.73752300
NP25 5UW 51.80625400 -2.73729300
NP25 5UX 51.80664400 -2.72602700
NP25 5UY 51.80703900 -2.73830700
NP25 5UZ 51.80686700 -2.73849300
NP25 5WA 51.80941300 -2.73970900