Penycae and Ruabon South Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Penycae and Ruabon South is a ward in Clwyd county. Penycae and Ruabon South ward has 88 Total postcodes out of which only 81 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 152 other wards in Clwyd county near Penycae and Ruabon South.

Browse Information On Penycae and Ruabon South Ward

Penycae and Ruabon South Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2492
Addresses / Property Count 1075
County Clwyd
District Wrexham
Active Postcodes 81
Nearby wards in Clwyd county 152

View Map Of Penycae and Ruabon South Postcodes

View Other Wards in Clwyd county:

Penycae and Ruabon South Postcode Table - 81 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
LL14 1TP 52.99233900 -3.06136600
LL14 1TR 52.99322800 -3.06037400
LL14 1TS 52.99220000 -3.06149500
LL14 1TT 52.99598000 -3.07300100
LL14 1TW 52.99591900 -3.05902500
LL14 1UE 53.00414100 -3.08736200
LL14 1UF 53.00204200 -3.08386700
LL14 1UG 53.01097700 -3.09081300
LL14 2EG 52.99890600 -3.06687600
LL14 2LY 53.00023100 -3.07437400
LL14 2RB 53.00146400 -3.07424100
LL14 2RD 53.00022900 -3.07367400
LL14 2RE 53.00052100 -3.07515600
LL14 2RF 52.99979900 -3.07548100
LL14 2RG 52.99966600 -3.07622300
LL14 2RH 53.00086900 -3.07947100
LL14 2RL 52.99987300 -3.08022100
LL14 2RN 52.99911700 -3.07039800
LL14 2RP 52.99921900 -3.07402100
LL14 2RR 52.99873800 -3.07056700
LL14 2RS 52.99837400 -3.07002200
LL14 2RT 52.99958200 -3.07261500
LL14 2RU 52.99947100 -3.07061400
LL14 2RW 52.99968600 -3.07003900
LL14 2RY 52.99901600 -3.06862200
LL14 2SA 52.99791200 -3.06342400
LL14 2SD 52.99836100 -3.06617600
LL14 2SG 53.00008800 -3.07234400
LL14 2SJ 52.99903600 -3.06440600
LL14 2TR 52.99857600 -3.06753800
LL14 3EH 52.98097000 -3.05296900
LL14 6BT 52.98859800 -3.04829800
LL14 6BU 52.98649000 -3.03962200
LL14 6DA 52.98667000 -3.04055000
LL14 6DB 52.98627700 -3.03929000
LL14 6DD 52.98581800 -3.04035100
LL14 6DE 52.98618000 -3.04107500
LL14 6DF 52.98630400 -3.04031800
LL14 6DG 52.98718500 -3.04136700
LL14 6DH 52.98706200 -3.04199000
LL14 6DJ 52.98596600 -3.03889500
LL14 6DL 52.98631500 -3.04289400
LL14 6DP 52.98329100 -3.05238400
LL14 6DU 52.98751800 -3.04541200
LL14 6DW 52.98288900 -3.04095000
LL14 6DX 52.98663300 -3.04172600
LL14 6EA 52.98805200 -3.04396500
LL14 6ED 52.98776500 -3.04690800
LL14 6EE 52.98698900 -3.04623400
LL14 6EF 52.98723600 -3.04881700
LL14 6EG 52.98653100 -3.04927600
LL14 6EH 52.98633900 -3.05058200
LL14 6EJ 52.98605900 -3.04467700
LL14 6EL 52.98548900 -3.04981600
LL14 6EN 52.98354300 -3.05538400
LL14 6EP 52.98334900 -3.04688900
LL14 6EQ 52.98338000 -3.04534100
LL14 6HP 52.97013400 -2.99567300
LL14 6HR 52.96244300 -2.99112000
LL14 6HS 52.96346700 -3.00056700
LL14 6HT 52.97398200 -3.00655900
LL14 6HW 52.97834300 -3.00217800
LL14 6LA 52.97689500 -3.02963700
LL14 6LB 52.97689800 -3.03035200
LL14 6LJ 52.97644900 -3.03029700
LL14 6LL 52.98296200 -3.02869400
LL14 6LN 52.97938800 -3.02059500
LL14 6LP 52.97203300 -3.02003600
LL14 6LQ 52.97637400 -3.03062200
LL14 6LR 52.96911100 -3.02608600
LL14 6LS 52.97047600 -3.03171800
LL14 6LT 52.96253300 -3.01990100
LL14 6LU 52.96421600 -3.02588100
LL14 6LW 52.97302600 -3.02378200
LL14 6RW 52.98570000 -3.05172900
LL14 6TA 52.98498300 -3.04430800
LL14 6TB 52.98460300 -3.04359900
LL14 6TD 52.98532200 -3.04159000
LL14 6TE 52.98479100 -3.04269500
LL14 6TF 52.98548400 -3.04153500
LL14 6TG 52.98530400 -3.04059200