Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill is a ward in East Sussex county. Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill ward has 107 Total postcodes out of which only 102 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 130 other wards in East Sussex county near Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill.

Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3335
Addresses / Property Count 1628
County East Sussex
District Wealden
Active Postcodes 102
Nearby wards in East Sussex county 130

View Map Of Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill Postcodes

View Other Wards in East Sussex county:

Polegate South & Willingdon Watermill Postcode Table - 102 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BN26 5AD 50.82017100 0.24528700
BN26 5AE 50.82047600 0.24510300
BN26 5AF 50.82055000 0.24546200
BN26 5AG 50.82050000 0.24568700
BN26 5AH 50.82041100 0.24656300
BN26 5AJ 50.81971200 0.24620200
BN26 5AL 50.82011400 0.24683200
BN26 5AN 50.81991000 0.24808600
BN26 5AQ 50.82045300 0.24628100
BN26 5AR 50.81884200 0.24680000
BN26 5AS 50.81932300 0.24845600
BN26 5AT 50.81991000 0.24970500
BN26 5AU 50.81755700 0.24834200
BN26 5AW 50.82028700 0.24696900
BN26 5AX 50.81863000 0.25008300
BN26 5AY 50.81996600 0.25122700
BN26 5AZ 50.81994200 0.25180800
BN26 5BA 50.81735800 0.24934100
BN26 5BE 50.81651200 0.24728400
BN26 5BF 50.81714600 0.24568200
BN26 5BG 50.81841500 0.24768800
BN26 5BN 50.82021100 0.24435200
BN26 5BP 50.81933300 0.24512000
BN26 5BQ 50.81934900 0.24963500
BN26 5BS 50.81942000 0.24572000
BN26 5BT 50.81868300 0.24525900
BN26 5BU 50.81866300 0.24461900
BN26 5BW 50.81984400 0.24426400
BN26 5BX 50.81922500 0.24392200
BN26 5BY 50.81853700 0.24373200
BN26 5DA 50.81813500 0.24426700
BN26 5DB 50.81731600 0.24594500
BN26 5DD 50.81682400 0.24488500
BN26 5DF 50.81811400 0.24351400
BN26 5DH 50.81910700 0.24261000
BN26 5DJ 50.81910700 0.24261000
BN26 5DL 50.81792600 0.24276600
BN26 5DN 50.81659500 0.24274500
BN26 5DP 50.81653800 0.24406300
BN26 5DQ 50.81715600 0.25025400
BN26 5DR 50.81578100 0.24344400
BN26 5DS 50.81595900 0.24423400
BN26 5DT 50.81438900 0.24496800
BN26 5DY 50.81672900 0.24089200
BN26 5EA 50.81695000 0.23925500
BN26 5ED 50.81621000 0.23751600
BN26 5EE 50.81749600 0.23798900
BN26 5EF 50.81648100 0.23697500
BN26 5FD 50.81952300 0.24433300
BN26 5FF 50.81542200 0.24409400
BN26 5HB 50.81895000 0.23906700
BN26 5HG 50.82021700 0.23843200
BN26 5HH 50.81988900 0.23888500
BN26 5HJ 50.81925900 0.23844300
BN26 5HL 50.81992500 0.23796400
BN26 5HN 50.81948100 0.23717600
BN26 5HP 50.81957400 0.23351700
BN26 5HQ 50.81923400 0.23225100
BN26 5HR 50.81938700 0.23247200
BN26 5HS 50.81997300 0.23119300
BN26 5HT 50.82024100 0.22897700
BN26 5HU 50.82061900 0.23176400
BN26 5HW 50.81975100 0.23527200
BN26 5HX 50.82015300 0.23330300
BN26 5HY 50.82082200 0.23384600
BN26 5JB 50.82005200 0.23555600
BN26 5JD 50.82019700 0.23735200
BN26 5JG 50.81829600 0.24125100
BN26 5JH 50.81769900 0.23631000
BN26 5JJ 50.81797400 0.23909100
BN26 5JL 50.81846600 0.23756700
BN26 5JN 50.81881200 0.24065100
BN26 5JT 50.81512200 0.24426500
BN26 5JU 50.81454100 0.24220700
BN26 5JX 50.81454400 0.24298800
BN26 5JY 50.81447400 0.24149400
BN26 5LA 50.81409400 0.24228400
BN26 5LB 50.81372400 0.24310400
BN26 5LD 50.81302700 0.24142400
BN26 5LE 50.81366000 0.24125600
BN26 5LG 50.81221500 0.24134300
BN26 5LH 50.81288200 0.24312100
BN26 5LJ 50.81351300 0.24444300
BN26 5LL 50.81254500 0.24054900
BN26 5LN 50.81316600 0.23933000
BN26 5LP 50.81413300 0.24051200
BN26 5LR 50.81388500 0.23912300
BN26 5LS 50.81464200 0.23931500
BN26 5LT 50.81474300 0.23710500
BN26 5LU 50.81534400 0.23785800
BN26 5LX 50.81587600 0.23919000
BN26 5LY 50.81570700 0.24143900
BN26 5LZ 50.81494200 0.23958500
BN26 5PJ 50.81377100 0.23617900
BN26 5PL 50.81276900 0.23566300
BN26 5PN 50.81367000 0.23675600
BN26 5PP 50.81389800 0.23707900
BN26 5PR 50.81402900 0.23796600
BN26 5PS 50.81303100 0.23652700
BN26 5PT 50.81216500 0.23618700
BN26 5PU 50.81277500 0.23819000
BN26 5PW 50.81348100 0.23771200