Ribchester Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Ribchester is a ward in Lancashire county. Ribchester ward has 41 Total postcodes out of which only 39 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 256 other wards in Lancashire county near Ribchester.

Browse Information On Ribchester Ward

Ribchester Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1575
Addresses / Property Count 660
County Lancashire
District Ribble Valley
Active Postcodes 39
Nearby wards in Lancashire county 256

View Map Of Ribchester Postcodes

View Other Wards in Lancashire county:

Ribchester Postcode Table - 39 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
PR3 2HJ 53.84614400 -2.54216600
PR3 2XE 53.84153600 -2.54353500
PR3 2XR 53.83880500 -2.54109800
PR3 2YQ 53.83879800 -2.54758800
PR3 2YR 53.83111500 -2.54917400
PR3 2YS 53.83870400 -2.53565700
PR3 2ZQ 53.83658800 -2.55333400
PR3 2ZS 53.83309300 -2.53918700
PR3 3XE 53.82097400 -2.56439800
PR3 3XJ 53.81352800 -2.53580600
PR3 3XL 53.81531200 -2.53789500
PR3 3XN 53.81398000 -2.53740600
PR3 3XP 53.81176400 -2.53235100
PR3 3XQ 53.82424700 -2.56790600
PR3 3XS 53.80851800 -2.53364700
PR3 3XT 53.81699400 -2.53249300
PR3 3YA 53.82515500 -2.56987800
PR3 3YB 53.82937300 -2.56167000
PR3 3YD 53.82590200 -2.55515300
PR3 3YE 53.81290100 -2.53422000
PR3 3YG 53.81419700 -2.53500900
PR3 3YH 53.81259500 -2.53438300
PR3 3YJ 53.81291600 -2.53203200
PR3 3YL 53.81431300 -2.53199000
PR3 3YN 53.81889500 -2.53350500
PR3 3YP 53.81355000 -2.53293600
PR3 3YQ 53.81732700 -2.52735000
PR3 3YS 53.81239500 -2.53406000
PR3 3ZA 53.82620800 -2.56375400
PR3 3ZB 53.83028100 -2.55853800
PR3 3ZD 53.82752500 -2.55509700
PR3 3ZE 53.81282900 -2.53535700
PR3 3ZG 53.81325300 -2.53302300
PR3 3ZH 53.81171800 -2.53554100
PR3 3ZJ 53.81279600 -2.53081500
PR3 3ZL 53.81415700 -2.53065100
PR3 3ZN 53.81651500 -2.53212400
PR3 3ZP 53.81380700 -2.53072300
PR3 3ZR 53.81118100 -2.53617100