Severn Vale South Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Severn Vale South is a ward in Gloucestershire county. Severn Vale South ward has 79 Total postcodes out of which only 77 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 165 other wards in Gloucestershire county near Severn Vale South.

Browse Information On Severn Vale South Ward

Severn Vale South Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2168
Addresses / Property Count 927
County Gloucestershire
District Tewkesbury
Active Postcodes 77
Nearby wards in Gloucestershire county 165

View Map Of Severn Vale South Postcodes

View Other Wards in Gloucestershire county:

Severn Vale South Postcode Table - 77 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
GL2 9GD 51.91606200 -2.21319200
GL2 9GE 51.91581200 -2.21180900
GL2 9GH 51.89986600 -2.21440900
GL2 9GJ 51.91223200 -2.21314500
GL2 9GZ 51.90963300 -2.21329200
GL2 9LD 51.91634600 -2.21023100
GL2 9LG 51.90678300 -2.21335100
GL2 9LH 51.91071400 -2.21258900
GL2 9LJ 51.91440400 -2.21016000
GL2 9LL 51.91471900 -2.21012200
GL2 9LN 51.92078800 -2.22006700
GL2 9LP 51.91911300 -2.22114500
GL2 9LQ 51.90794500 -2.21227100
GL2 9LR 51.91594300 -2.20928000
GL2 9LS 51.91731300 -2.19679700
GL2 9LT 51.91952200 -2.19317600
GL2 9LU 51.92252600 -2.19216600
GL2 9LW 51.93018700 -2.22283300
GL2 9LX 51.92102700 -2.19671600
GL2 9LY 51.91479000 -2.21086400
GL2 9LZ 51.91548500 -2.20868200
GL2 9NE 51.91761800 -2.21282500
GL2 9NJ 51.89586200 -2.24863200
GL2 9NL 51.89485200 -2.25402900
GL2 9NN 51.89881300 -2.25199100
GL2 9NP 51.90727500 -2.25094500
GL2 9NQ 51.91605500 -2.20695400
GL2 9NR 51.91277200 -2.25363900
GL2 9NS 51.91003900 -2.25378400
GL2 9NT 51.90844700 -2.25781300
GL2 9NU 51.90303900 -2.24749100
GL2 9NW 51.90077400 -2.25129000
GL2 9NX 51.90590000 -2.24632900
GL2 9NY 51.90671100 -2.24603200
GL2 9NZ 51.90974600 -2.23882400
GL2 9PA 51.90608100 -2.23288800
GL2 9PB 51.90848300 -2.22763800
GL2 9PD 51.90618800 -2.24659600
GL2 9PE 51.90580800 -2.24766900
GL2 9PR 51.89994200 -2.21800300
GL2 9PS 51.89965400 -2.21298700
GL2 9PT 51.90176600 -2.21389800
GL2 9PU 51.90114600 -2.21796100
GL2 9PY 51.90574100 -2.21284200
GL2 9PZ 51.90641200 -2.20995200
GL2 9QA 51.90183200 -2.21130800
GL2 9QB 51.90190000 -2.19310000
GL2 9QE 51.89841700 -2.20587500
GL2 9QN 51.89954500 -2.17551900
GL2 9RH 51.91645100 -2.21190000
GL51 0AP 51.91635700 -2.11024600
GL51 0FJ 51.90669600 -2.14007900
GL51 0SJ 51.91774100 -2.11096200
GL51 0SP 51.90704600 -2.14038600
GL51 0SW 51.91546300 -2.13174700
GL51 0TG 51.91057300 -2.14568800
GL51 0TH 51.92086500 -2.14009500
GL51 0TJ 51.92676200 -2.15581900
GL51 0TL 51.92178100 -2.16824800
GL51 0TQ 51.91312100 -2.14302200
GL51 9FE 51.91977900 -2.11419500
GL51 9FF 51.91862700 -2.11490500
GL51 9QJ 51.91696000 -2.10982600
GL51 9QL 51.91695100 -2.10888100
GL51 9SL 51.91906900 -2.11194800
GL51 9SN 51.91901200 -2.11654900
GL51 9SP 51.92074900 -2.12330000
GL51 9SR 51.92345700 -2.12201300
GL51 9SS 51.92446400 -2.12169600
GL51 9ST 51.92265500 -2.12279000
GL51 9SU 51.92239100 -2.12707100
GL51 9SW 51.92220900 -2.12022100
GL51 9SX 51.92373700 -2.12827500
GL51 9SZ 51.93830600 -2.15584400
GL51 9TJ 51.93313500 -2.11806900
GL51 9TL 51.92772700 -2.13848700
GL51 9TZ 51.92057600 -2.11698900