Shear Brow & Corporation Park Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Shear Brow & Corporation Park is a ward in Blackburn with Darwen district. Shear Brow & Corporation Park ward has 162 Total postcodes out of which only 121 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 16 other wards in Blackburn with Darwen district near Shear Brow & Corporation Park.

Shear Brow & Corporation Park Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8749
Addresses / Property Count 2500
County Lancashire
District Blackburn with Darwen
Active Postcodes 121
Nearby wards in Blackburn with Darwen district 16

View Map Of Shear Brow & Corporation Park Postcodes

View Other Wards in Blackburn with Darwen district:

Shear Brow & Corporation Park Postcode Table - 121 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BB2 6AA 53.75146800 -2.48715300
BB2 6AH 53.75224100 -2.48933100
BB2 6BG 53.75200100 -2.49372800
BB2 6DD 53.75385800 -2.50307700
BB2 6DE 53.75273600 -2.49353700
BB2 6DF 53.75338500 -2.49597400
BB2 6DG 53.75409700 -2.49968300
BB2 6DH 53.75394600 -2.50148600
BB2 6DJ 53.75478800 -2.50366200
BB2 6DL 53.75427300 -2.50062500
BB2 6DN 53.75445200 -2.50085500
BB2 6DP 53.75546700 -2.50100300
BB2 6DQ 53.75468100 -2.49990200
BB2 6DR 53.75646800 -2.50022600
BB2 6DS 53.75589700 -2.50135700
BB2 6DW 53.75551400 -2.50050300
BB2 6DZ 53.75635300 -2.49911600
BB2 6EB 53.75559900 -2.50382600
BB2 6ED 53.75512300 -2.50379000
BB2 6EH 53.75480700 -2.50192000
BB2 6EP 53.75518400 -2.50429100
BB2 6EQ 53.75570700 -2.50176400
BB2 6ET 53.75155500 -2.49731700
BB2 6EU 53.75226500 -2.49650400
BB2 6EX 53.75247200 -2.49655200
BB2 6EY 53.75242300 -2.49807000
BB2 6EZ 53.75248300 -2.49878400
BB2 6HA 53.75256200 -2.49920900
BB2 6HD 53.75263600 -2.50090900
BB2 6HE 53.75304700 -2.50150500
BB2 6HF 53.75371800 -2.50233200
BB2 6HL 53.75421900 -2.50503800
BB2 6HN 53.75416200 -2.50356600
BB2 6HP 53.75268700 -2.50163700
BB2 6HW 53.75371300 -2.50343900
BB2 6HX 53.75202700 -2.49836900
BB1 6DS 53.75259100 -2.48134500
BB1 6DX 53.75379700 -2.47999200
BB1 7EF 53.75267600 -2.48392200
BB1 7EG 53.75182100 -2.48486900
BB1 7EL 53.75261900 -2.48545500
BB1 7EP 53.75230900 -2.48419300
BB1 7ER 53.75299700 -2.48535300
BB1 7ES 53.75370300 -2.48622600
BB1 7ET 53.75328000 -2.48640300
BB1 7EU 53.75336700 -2.48717700
BB1 7EW 53.75271600 -2.48504400
BB1 7EX 53.75468700 -2.48745000
BB1 7EY 53.75392300 -2.48524200
BB1 7EZ 53.75385400 -2.48443800
BB1 7HA 53.75445200 -2.48547600
BB1 7HD 53.75487300 -2.48604200
BB1 7HJ 53.75545700 -2.48598800
BB1 7HN 53.75395600 -2.48380200
BB1 7HP 53.75235600 -2.48299300
BB1 7HS 53.75534500 -2.48474300
BB1 7HW 53.75266300 -2.48354500
BB1 7LD 53.75205200 -2.48341600
BB1 7LE 53.75274600 -2.48292400
BB1 7LF 53.75300000 -2.48233500
BB1 7LG 53.75287600 -2.48119400
BB1 7LH 53.75323600 -2.48176200
BB1 7LJ 53.75344600 -2.48252000
BB1 7LL 53.75394500 -2.48204300
BB1 7LP 53.75421600 -2.48318100
BB1 7LR 53.75509300 -2.48252600
BB1 7LW 53.75410500 -2.48246900
BB1 7NE 53.75397000 -2.48031400
BB1 7NF 53.75435400 -2.48100100
BB1 7NG 53.75411500 -2.48158800
BB1 7NH 53.75548900 -2.48240900
BB1 8AA 53.75167800 -2.48615500
BB1 8AB 53.75221600 -2.48654000
BB1 8AE 53.75228600 -2.48699600
BB1 8AF 53.75245200 -2.48807500
BB1 8AG 53.75200900 -2.48732800
BB1 8AL 53.75217600 -2.48821000
BB1 8AN 53.75331300 -2.48875200
BB1 8AP 53.75393500 -2.49045800
BB1 8AT 53.75370400 -2.49185000
BB1 8AW 53.75540200 -2.49055300
BB1 8AY 53.75463800 -2.49057400
BB1 8AZ 53.75606900 -2.49174100
BB1 8BA 53.75526200 -2.49182500
BB1 8BB 53.75606800 -2.49257800
BB1 8BE 53.75664100 -2.48888400
BB1 8BF 53.75463000 -2.49263700
BB1 8BG 53.75768600 -2.48830400
BB1 8BH 53.75718600 -2.48969400
BB1 8BJ 53.75628300 -2.48833300
BB1 8BL 53.75571400 -2.48846100
BB1 8BN 53.75589300 -2.48933000
BB1 8BQ 53.75747400 -2.48943900
BB1 8BS 53.75572000 -2.48991900
BB1 8BT 53.75484200 -2.48904500
BB1 8BU 53.75431900 -2.48946300
BB1 8BX 53.75393800 -2.48824500
BB1 8BY 53.75447600 -2.48861600
BB1 8BZ 53.75190900 -2.48772100
BB1 8DD 53.75175800 -2.48721900
BB1 8DJ 53.76019000 -2.49121500
BB1 8DL 53.75918700 -2.49264400
BB1 8DN 53.75838100 -2.49184600
BB1 8DP 53.75874500 -2.49088000
BB1 8DR 53.75985300 -2.49007400
BB1 8DT 53.75931900 -2.48894500
BB1 8DU 53.75945900 -2.48756600
BB1 8DW 53.75847900 -2.48923700
BB1 8DY 53.75909600 -2.48859400
BB1 8DZ 53.75786500 -2.48774300
BB1 8EA 53.75628500 -2.48783300
BB1 8EB 53.75871300 -2.48986300
BB1 8ED 53.75609100 -2.48692100
BB1 8EG 53.75770800 -2.48499800
BB1 8EJ 53.75733300 -2.48660100
BB1 8EL 53.75838400 -2.48673500
BB1 8EN 53.75765700 -2.48657500
BB1 8HA 53.75600600 -2.48588800
BB1 8HP 53.75538100 -2.48701900
BB1 8HZ 53.75672900 -2.48483500
BB1 8JA 53.75607600 -2.48413000