Simmondley Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Simmondley is a ward in High Peak district. Simmondley ward has 185 Total postcodes out of which only 93 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 27 other wards in High Peak district near Simmondley.

Browse Information On Simmondley Ward

Simmondley Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4443
Addresses / Property Count 1647
County Derbyshire
District High Peak
Active Postcodes 90
Nearby wards in High Peak district 27

View Map Of Simmondley Postcodes

View Other Wards in High Peak district:

Simmondley Postcode Table - 90 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
SK13 6GA 53.43987900 -1.95927100
SK13 6JR 53.43832200 -1.95777900
SK13 6JS 53.43680300 -1.95533000
SK13 6JT 53.43034000 -1.95398200
SK13 6JW 53.43510600 -1.95852300
SK13 6LD 53.43691400 -1.96464700
SK13 6LL 53.43867400 -1.95877500
SK13 6LN 53.43953800 -1.96062600
SK13 6LP 53.43781300 -1.96228300
SK13 6LR 53.43656400 -1.96634800
SK13 6LS 53.43623200 -1.96904300
SK13 6LT 53.43634100 -1.97012700
SK13 6LU 53.43947800 -1.97083200
SK13 6LW 53.44027500 -1.96098600
SK13 6LX 53.44101500 -1.97022900
SK13 6LY 53.43734700 -1.97060800
SK13 6LZ 53.43928000 -1.96952300
SK13 6NA 53.43915400 -1.97032100
SK13 6NB 53.43865000 -1.96883100
SK13 6ND 53.43822800 -1.97065200
SK13 6NE 53.43836300 -1.96874100
SK13 6NF 53.43765200 -1.96813900
SK13 6NG 53.43812000 -1.96738600
SK13 6NH 53.43814600 -1.96508300
SK13 6NJ 53.43883800 -1.96598500
SK13 6NL 53.43965600 -1.96630100
SK13 6NN 53.43954000 -1.96904100
SK13 6NP 53.44180600 -1.96983700
SK13 6NQ 53.44088900 -1.96926600
SK13 6NR 53.44237000 -1.96831300
SK13 6NS 53.44301900 -1.96837600
SK13 6NT 53.43916900 -1.96044500
SK13 6NW 53.44080800 -1.97084600
SK13 6PD 53.43831700 -1.96539900
SK13 6PE 53.44050100 -1.96569800
SK13 6PF 53.44047400 -1.96642100
SK13 6PG 53.44206500 -1.96672100
SK13 6PH 53.43865800 -1.96336600
SK13 6PJ 53.43766800 -1.95919700
SK13 6PL 53.43681400 -1.95871700
SK13 6PN 53.43815300 -1.95871500
SK13 6PP 53.43696700 -1.95966500
SK13 6PQ 53.44044700 -1.96527700
SK13 6PR 53.43882700 -1.95809700
SK13 6PT 53.43668700 -1.95691000
SK13 6PW 53.43486100 -1.95274300
SK13 6PX 53.43625600 -1.95834100
SK13 6PY 53.43631900 -1.95743800
SK13 6PZ 53.43712800 -1.95728600
SK13 6QA 53.43984700 -1.97498700
SK13 6QB 53.44006300 -1.97455000
SK13 6QD 53.44081800 -1.97479100
SK13 6QE 53.44229200 -1.97242600
SK13 6QF 53.44266900 -1.97331400
SK13 6QG 53.44244500 -1.97442800
SK13 6QH 53.44230100 -1.97504600
SK13 6QJ 53.44183400 -1.97555800
SK13 6UJ 53.43882000 -1.96517300
SK13 6UL 53.43918800 -1.96446500
SK13 6UN 53.43965500 -1.96259800
SK13 6UP 53.44278500 -1.96718700
SK13 6UR 53.43882100 -1.96755100
SK13 6US 53.43611600 -1.97202400
SK13 6UT 53.43663800 -1.97238500
SK13 6UW 53.44013200 -1.96432800
SK13 6UX 53.43652100 -1.97392000
SK13 6UY 53.43666500 -1.97459700
SK13 6UZ 53.43727600 -1.97337800
SK13 6XB 53.43788200 -1.95556900
SK13 6XF 53.44040400 -1.97233700
SK13 6XL 53.43920900 -1.97414400
SK13 6XR 53.43831900 -1.97471700
SK13 6XS 53.43778000 -1.97364800
SK13 6XT 53.43763600 -1.97280500
SK13 6XU 53.43856100 -1.97232300
SK13 6XX 53.43917300 -1.97278900
SK13 6XY 53.43848100 -1.97357300
SK13 6XZ 53.43738400 -1.97230900
SK13 6YN 53.44122200 -1.97399200
SK13 6YT 53.44128500 -1.97143300
SK13 8AS 53.43431200 -1.95150900
SK13 8EG 53.44076900 -1.96017300
SK13 8EJ 53.44100300 -1.96089500
SK13 8EN 53.44165100 -1.96222000
SK13 8EW 53.44267600 -1.96500400
SK13 8HN 53.44140900 -1.96471900
SK13 8HP 53.44086900 -1.96249100
SK13 8HW 53.44008700 -1.96216100
SK13 8LD 53.43312500 -1.95072800
SK13 8LJ 53.43385200 -1.95123600