St Alban's Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

St Alban's is a ward in Greater London county. St Alban's ward has 256 Total postcodes out of which only 169 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 678 other wards in Greater London county near St Alban's.

Browse Information On St Alban's Ward

St Alban's Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7072
Addresses / Property Count 3146
County Greater London
District Havering
Active Postcodes 169
Nearby wards in Greater London county 678

View Map Of St Alban's Postcodes

View Other Wards in Greater London county:

St Alban's Postcode Table - 169 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
RM7 0AA 51.57244200 0.18009100
RM7 0AD 51.57176100 0.18176300
RM7 0AJ 51.57096700 0.18254600
RM7 0AN 51.56920900 0.18457000
RM7 0AU 51.57246200 0.18100100
RM7 0AZ 51.57022500 0.18425600
RM7 0BQ 51.57156900 0.18355600
RM7 0FR 51.57156600 0.18357200
RM1 1AJ 51.57305400 0.18332600
RM1 1AL 51.57266900 0.18277300
RM1 1BW 51.57315300 0.18383500
RM1 1HL 51.57259300 0.18360500
RM1 1PL 51.57450800 0.18408600
RM1 1PS 51.57370500 0.18427900
RM1 1QA 51.57306300 0.18446400
RM1 1QJ 51.57274300 0.18504200
RM1 1QL 51.57249100 0.18426400
RM1 1QX 51.57256200 0.18428200
RM1 1SX 51.57428900 0.18331100
RM1 1SY 51.57353500 0.18356500
RM1 1TA 51.57377300 0.18142600
RM1 1TB 51.57413200 0.18293000
RM1 1TE 51.57447000 0.18327600
RM1 1TF 51.57377300 0.18142600
RM1 1TH 51.57329500 0.18258500
RM1 1TJ 51.57305600 0.18290500
RM1 1TR 51.57259300 0.18360500
RM1 2AB 51.57542300 0.18697500
RM1 2AD 51.57104100 0.18482900
RM1 2AF 51.57409700 0.19119600
RM1 2AH 51.57376400 0.18577000
RM1 2AJ 51.56928200 0.18656300
RM1 2AN 51.57640800 0.19828000
RM1 2AT 51.56982400 0.18934500
RM1 2AW 51.57000600 0.18583300
RM1 2BA 51.56890400 0.18852200
RM1 2BB 51.56976100 0.18693200
RM1 2BD 51.57683800 0.19466100
RM1 2BE 51.57109700 0.18568300
RM1 2BF 51.57528300 0.19063400
RM1 2BG 51.56865600 0.18724200
RM1 2BH 51.57165200 0.18471600
RM1 2BJ 51.57563100 0.19893500
RM1 2BL 51.57568900 0.19824500
RM1 2BS 51.57217700 0.18550600
RM1 2BT 51.57337400 0.18546200
RM1 2BU 51.57397600 0.18465200
RM1 2BW 51.57484300 0.19925800
RM1 2BX 51.57388500 0.18424400
RM1 2DH 51.57417500 0.18688600
RM1 2DL 51.57345400 0.18615700
RM1 2DP 51.57379600 0.18660600
RM1 2DQ 51.57322500 0.18764900
RM1 2DS 51.57368300 0.18830400
RM1 2DT 51.57406400 0.18848300
RM1 2DX 51.57267000 0.18769200
RM1 2DY 51.57199100 0.18633400
RM1 2DZ 51.57134800 0.18659200
RM1 2EA 51.57581800 0.18907000
RM1 2EB 51.57275200 0.18943000
RM1 2ED 51.57565800 0.18850000
RM1 2EE 51.57553100 0.18809000
RM1 2EF 51.57403300 0.18631700
RM1 2EG 51.57597400 0.18830000
RM1 2EH 51.57230300 0.19031800
RM1 2EL 51.57202200 0.19095400
RM1 2EN 51.57525600 0.18835100
RM1 2EP 51.57182100 0.18980200
RM1 2EQ 51.57420700 0.18514200
RM1 2EU 51.57193400 0.18890000
RM1 2EW 51.57356300 0.19427300
RM1 2EX 51.57111100 0.18784900
RM1 2EY 51.57559900 0.19743000
RM1 2EZ 51.57111200 0.18634800
RM1 2GP 51.57403700 0.18561000
RM1 2HA 51.57135100 0.18735700
RM1 2HD 51.57194700 0.18784500
RM1 2HJ 51.57258400 0.18647600
RM1 2HS 51.57444200 0.18429900
RM1 2HU 51.57449100 0.18453300
RM1 2JA 51.57411300 0.18454300
RM1 2JB 51.57457500 0.18615500
RM1 2JD 51.57403400 0.18494400
RM1 2JH 51.57439600 0.18579800
RM1 2JR 51.57457700 0.18618200
RM1 2JS 51.57418300 0.18547200
RM1 2JT 51.57480600 0.18535800
RM1 2LA 51.57485600 0.18713400
RM1 2LH 51.57518100 0.18661500
RM1 2LT 51.57548900 0.18791400
RM1 2LX 51.57624500 0.19028900
RM1 2NL 51.57627700 0.19053600
RM1 2NP 51.57650800 0.19259600
RM1 2NQ 51.57713000 0.19332100
RM1 2NT 51.57716000 0.19476300
RM1 2NU 51.57674400 0.19343000
RM1 2NX 51.57585600 0.19041400
RM1 2PA 51.57525600 0.18835100
RM1 2PD 51.57481700 0.18972900
RM1 2PJ 51.57459100 0.18930000
RM1 2PP 51.57347000 0.19009800
RM1 2PR 51.57277300 0.19116300
RM1 2PS 51.57346400 0.19077800
RM1 2PT 51.57288400 0.19210400
RM1 2PX 51.57308500 0.19289300
RM1 2QA 51.57372100 0.19350100
RM1 2QB 51.57372200 0.19252000
RM1 2QD 51.57394400 0.19170800
RM1 2QH 51.57436400 0.19089100
RM1 2QJ 51.57495400 0.19203100
RM1 2QL 51.57454700 0.19357000
RM1 2QN 51.57432200 0.19247900
RM1 2QP 51.57564000 0.19268600
RM1 2QR 51.57536900 0.19145900
RM1 2QZ 51.57597900 0.19189400
RM1 2RA 51.57664100 0.19556100
RM1 2RB 51.57645400 0.19500400
RM1 2RD 51.57504500 0.19678300
RM1 2RE 51.57641600 0.19749900
RM1 2RL 51.57449000 0.19948400
RM1 2RN 51.57687500 0.19735000
RM1 2RP 51.57418600 0.19847400
RM1 2RR 51.57311700 0.19872700
RM1 2RT 51.57341800 0.19611500
RM1 2RU 51.57250500 0.19604000
RM1 2RX 51.57243900 0.19318200
RM1 2SA 51.57205300 0.19167700
RM1 2SB 51.57255300 0.19237900
RM1 2SH 51.57243100 0.19165200
RM1 2SJ 51.57322500 0.19454500
RM1 2SL 51.57390800 0.19634100
RM1 2SP 51.57459500 0.19533300
RM1 2SR 51.57610100 0.19400700
RM1 2SS 51.57556400 0.19545200
RM1 2ST 51.57549200 0.19357200
RM1 2SU 51.57607900 0.19325600
RM1 2TA 51.57435600 0.19738700
RM1 2TB 51.57686600 0.19414300
RM1 2TE 51.57500500 0.19792100
RM1 2TH 51.57509100 0.19851900
RM11 1AA 51.57019300 0.18836700
RM11 1AB 51.57034900 0.18674400
RM11 1AD 51.57090700 0.18900900
RM11 1AE 51.57040500 0.18989500
RM11 1AF 51.56882700 0.19118800
RM11 1AH 51.57051500 0.19027500
RM11 1AL 51.56860300 0.18970500
RM11 1AN 51.57094700 0.19119100
RM11 1AP 51.56902700 0.19106800
RM11 1AR 51.57049500 0.19096500
RM11 1AW 51.56934700 0.19209500
RM11 1BB 51.57142800 0.19157200
RM11 1BD 51.57098200 0.19186900
RM11 1BE 51.56956400 0.19268100
RM11 1BG 51.57094400 0.19439200
RM11 1BH 51.56932800 0.19327500
RM11 1BJ 51.56973700 0.19449300
RM11 1BN 51.57040100 0.19697800
RM11 1BP 51.57135300 0.19796200
RM11 1BQ 51.57069700 0.19459700
RM11 1BS 51.57237200 0.19542800
RM11 1BU 51.57127300 0.19409000
RM11 1BW 51.57165000 0.19594300
RM11 1BX 51.57145700 0.19375500
RM11 1BY 51.57210100 0.19345400
RM11 1BZ 51.57179500 0.19345400
RM11 1DA 51.57158300 0.19661800
RM11 1EF 51.56923200 0.19550700
RM11 1GF 51.57006100 0.19575100