St Asaph East Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

St Asaph East is a ward in Clwyd county. St Asaph East ward has 78 Total postcodes out of which only 73 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 152 other wards in Clwyd county near St Asaph East.

Browse Information On St Asaph East Ward

St Asaph East Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1674
Addresses / Property Count 736
County Clwyd
District Denbighshire
Active Postcodes 73
Nearby wards in Clwyd county 152

View Map Of St Asaph East Postcodes

View Other Wards in Clwyd county:

St Asaph East Postcode Table - 73 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
LL17 0AF 53.25839900 -3.44514800
LL17 0AJ 53.25537000 -3.44213800
LL17 0AQ 53.25516700 -3.44331500
LL17 0AX 53.25568300 -3.44298800
LL17 0BH 53.24134300 -3.43417300
LL17 0BU 53.25819200 -3.44143800
LL17 0BY 53.25855300 -3.44133000
LL17 0DA 53.25876200 -3.44040800
LL17 0DB 53.25824900 -3.44198000
LL17 0DD 53.25904000 -3.44266600
LL17 0DE 53.26038500 -3.44449500
LL17 0DF 53.25949700 -3.44428500
LL17 0DG 53.26142600 -3.44448600
LL17 0DH 53.26491500 -3.44808200
LL17 0DJ 53.25916400 -3.44431900
LL17 0DL 53.25807200 -3.44315800
LL17 0DN 53.25904500 -3.44149700
LL17 0DP 53.25981200 -3.44578000
LL17 0DQ 53.26132200 -3.44653600
LL17 0DR 53.25952800 -3.43935500
LL17 0DW 53.25993600 -3.44220100
LL17 0DX 53.26186700 -3.44457500
LL17 0DZ 53.26202600 -3.44320200
LL17 0EJ 53.25213500 -3.43589900
LL17 0EQ 53.25277900 -3.43544100
LL17 0EX 53.25317800 -3.43365600
LL17 0EZ 53.25254000 -3.43367900
LL17 0FA 53.25173700 -3.43611100
LL17 0FB 53.25176000 -3.43569200
LL17 0FD 53.25098300 -3.43602500
LL17 0FE 53.25117600 -3.43493800
LL17 0FG 53.25074500 -3.43562800
LL17 0FH 53.25021500 -3.43489000
LL17 0LB 53.26146000 -3.44327200
LL17 0LW 53.24842500 -3.43360100
LL17 0RD 53.25702900 -3.44382800
LL17 0RE 53.25812100 -3.44065600
LL17 0RF 53.25702000 -3.44379800
LL17 0RG 53.25701700 -3.44478700
LL17 0RH 53.25835000 -3.44477100
LL17 0RL 53.25648000 -3.44177000
LL17 0RN 53.25742500 -3.44084300
LL17 0RP 53.25507600 -3.43818500
LL17 0RQ 53.25582300 -3.44477600
LL17 0RR 53.25294500 -3.43821900
LL17 0RS 53.25105400 -3.43386900
LL17 0RT 53.25682200 -3.43954800
LL17 0RU 53.25297600 -3.43637600
LL17 0RW 53.25529000 -3.43984100
LL17 0RX 53.25227000 -3.43671300
LL17 0RY 53.25766700 -3.44471800
LL17 0SA 53.25772700 -3.44496000
LL17 0SB 53.25792700 -3.44405300
LL17 0SD 53.25820400 -3.44554700
LL17 0SE 53.25876800 -3.44588000
LL17 0SF 53.25786700 -3.44586500
LL17 0SG 53.25742200 -3.44568500
LL17 0SH 53.25754500 -3.44511900
LL17 0SJ 53.25429500 -3.44108200
LL17 0SL 53.25815600 -3.44588900
LL17 0SN 53.25796200 -3.44633200
LL17 0SP 53.25981300 -3.44714400
LL17 0SQ 53.25369700 -3.44143700
LL17 0SR 53.25866000 -3.44644700
LL17 0SS 53.25907500 -3.44650500
LL17 0ST 53.25902000 -3.44732800
LL17 0SU 53.25313900 -3.44149300
LL17 0SW 53.25830500 -3.44625400
LL17 0SX 53.25206400 -3.43896900
LL17 0SZ 53.25435300 -3.44070900
LL17 0TB 53.25854300 -3.44585700
LL17 0TW 53.25670800 -3.44300700
LL17 0UA 53.25318300 -3.44088000