St Mary's Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

St Mary's is a ward in Essex county. St Mary's ward has 156 Total postcodes out of which only 122 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 275 other wards in Essex county near St Mary's.

Browse Information On St Mary's Ward

St Mary's Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6125
Addresses / Property Count 2569
County Essex
District Castle Point
Active Postcodes 121
Nearby wards in Essex county 275

View Map Of St Mary's Postcodes

View Other Wards in Essex county:

St Mary's Postcode Table - 121 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
SS7 1DE 51.55632000 0.56429600
SS7 1DT 51.55754800 0.56221800
SS7 1DU 51.55707100 0.56223500
SS7 1DX 51.55650400 0.56184200
SS7 1DY 51.55615500 0.56216900
SS7 1EB 51.55531700 0.56101100
SS7 1ED 51.55502500 0.56124000
SS7 1EE 51.55553200 0.56271100
SS7 1EF 51.55487100 0.56169300
SS7 1EG 51.55461500 0.56270300
SS7 5AA 51.56002000 0.54824600
SS7 5AB 51.56034400 0.54826400
SS7 5AD 51.55959700 0.55035800
SS7 5AE 51.55839200 0.55033400
SS7 5AF 51.55671000 0.55035500
SS7 5AG 51.55512900 0.55087100
SS7 5AH 51.55576700 0.55274100
SS7 5AJ 51.55591800 0.55452400
SS7 5AN 51.55944300 0.54955600
SS7 5AP 51.55939800 0.54707200
SS7 5AQ 51.55657700 0.55109800
SS7 5AR 51.55730300 0.54872900
SS7 5AS 51.55718100 0.54935700
SS7 5AU 51.55477200 0.55777500
SS7 5AW 51.55903900 0.54706600
SS7 5AX 51.55558300 0.54880600
SS7 5AY 51.55744400 0.54759700
SS7 5BB 51.55678000 0.54709900
SS7 5BD 51.55734000 0.54658200
SS7 5BE 51.55836900 0.54601900
SS7 5BG 51.55775300 0.54620100
SS7 5BH 51.55582200 0.54651100
SS7 5BJ 51.55614200 0.54211400
SS7 5BL 51.55615500 0.54150900
SS7 5BQ 51.55672300 0.54664600
SS7 5BZ 51.55064000 0.56022900
SS7 5DA 51.55373300 0.55034700
SS7 5DB 51.55377100 0.54983000
SS7 5DD 51.55239200 0.54709900
SS7 5DE 51.55130900 0.54976500
SS7 5DF 51.55062100 0.54913500
SS7 5DG 51.55042300 0.54870500
SS7 5DH 51.55350000 0.54867500
SS7 5DJ 51.55482900 0.54831700
SS7 5DL 51.55499900 0.54610300
SS7 5DN 51.55354300 0.54794200
SS7 5DP 51.55278100 0.54572100
SS7 5DQ 51.55166600 0.54902000
SS7 5DR 51.55515900 0.54637300
SS7 5DS 51.55367800 0.54626200
SS7 5DT 51.55185200 0.54584200
SS7 5DW 51.55179300 0.54735400
SS7 5EA 51.55284700 0.55345700
SS7 5EB 51.55257700 0.55266300
SS7 5ED 51.55235900 0.55481500
SS7 5EE 51.55230000 0.55257500
SS7 5EF 51.55199900 0.55234200
SS7 5EG 51.55148800 0.55266000
SS7 5EH 51.55122500 0.55358300
SS7 5EJ 51.55066200 0.55424400
SS7 5EL 51.55067900 0.55140300
SS7 5EN 51.55102600 0.55158100
SS7 5EP 51.54994100 0.55183700
SS7 5EQ 51.55178700 0.55214300
SS7 5ER 51.54974400 0.55306700
SS7 5ES 51.54992400 0.55346600
SS7 5ET 51.55040100 0.55427200
SS7 5EW 51.55012200 0.55137200
SS7 5EY 51.55305300 0.55658200
SS7 5HA 51.55365100 0.55905600
SS7 5HB 51.55419200 0.55858200
SS7 5HD 51.55367100 0.56022600
SS7 5HE 51.55366900 0.55493100
SS7 5HF 51.55401200 0.55490700
SS7 5HG 51.55381000 0.55176500
SS7 5HH 51.55316900 0.55353300
SS7 5HJ 51.55393000 0.55123800
SS7 5HL 51.55540600 0.55283600
SS7 5HN 51.55480400 0.55319200
SS7 5HP 51.55473700 0.55667900
SS7 5HQ 51.55343600 0.55366300
SS7 5HS 51.55427900 0.55499400
SS7 5HU 51.55367600 0.55917300
SS7 5HW 51.55432000 0.55602100
SS7 5HX 51.55513200 0.55485200
SS7 5HY 51.55126700 0.56177600
SS7 5HZ 51.55248200 0.56111100
SS7 5JA 51.55154200 0.55927000
SS7 5JB 51.55182900 0.56074000
SS7 5JD 51.55068800 0.56050600
SS7 5JE 51.55045500 0.55961300
SS7 5JF 51.54975400 0.55795800
SS7 5JG 51.54963600 0.55842700
SS7 5JH 51.54982600 0.56041400
SS7 5JJ 51.54973700 0.56203900
SS7 5JL 51.54825800 0.56060000
SS7 5JN 51.54817100 0.56001800
SS7 5JP 51.54692100 0.56248700
SS7 5JQ 51.54919000 0.55909400
SS7 5JR 51.54756300 0.56194600
SS7 5JS 51.54870900 0.56154600
SS7 5JT 51.54811200 0.56148600
SS7 5JW 51.54674200 0.56080300
SS7 5LH 51.54738200 0.56321900
SS7 5LJ 51.54701000 0.56334300
SS7 5LN 51.54929200 0.56283400
SS7 5NA 51.55588900 0.55583500
SS7 5NB 51.55562800 0.55791200
SS7 5NN 51.55733600 0.55795000
SS7 5NP 51.55754800 0.55314300
SS7 5NS 51.55786700 0.55336300
SS7 5NT 51.55819800 0.55344000
SS7 5NU 51.55706700 0.55337600
SS7 5NW 51.55767100 0.55822900
SS7 5NY 51.55667100 0.55315000
SS7 5PA 51.55645200 0.55762700
SS7 5PB 51.55682600 0.55780600
SS7 5PL 51.55539500 0.55994800
SS7 5PN 51.55521500 0.55950500
SS7 5PP 51.55724600 0.55960400
SS7 5WS 51.54770700 0.56251400