Staveley North Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Staveley North is a ward in Chesterfield district. Staveley North ward has 252 Total postcodes out of which only 123 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 15 other wards in Chesterfield district near Staveley North.

Browse Information On Staveley North Ward

Staveley North Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5041
Addresses / Property Count 2177
County Derbyshire
District Chesterfield
Active Postcodes 123
Nearby wards in Chesterfield district 15

View Map Of Staveley North Postcodes

View Other Wards in Chesterfield district:

Staveley North Postcode Table - 123 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
S43 2AR 53.27840500 -1.39251700
S43 2NB 53.27284400 -1.37531800
S43 2NH 53.27540700 -1.37394600
S43 2NJ 53.27563700 -1.37351100
S43 2NL 53.27544800 -1.37163900
S43 2NN 53.27644400 -1.37295900
S43 2NP 53.28058600 -1.36568200
S43 2NQ 53.27498100 -1.37326300
S43 2NR 53.27503800 -1.37551100
S43 2NT 53.27442700 -1.37231400
S43 2NW 53.27704900 -1.37364000
S43 2PE 53.27017400 -1.37703600
S43 2PF 53.26710500 -1.37808500
S43 2PG 53.27352200 -1.37610300
S43 2PN 53.27537900 -1.37562900
S43 2PP 53.27619400 -1.38527200
S43 2PR 53.27459400 -1.38178600
S43 2PT 53.27362700 -1.37926900
S43 2PU 53.27410900 -1.37841900
S43 2PW 53.27410000 -1.38560500
S43 2PX 53.27436700 -1.37792000
S43 2PY 53.27475200 -1.37775300
S43 2PZ 53.27484600 -1.37666900
S43 3AA 53.27529100 -1.32165900
S43 3AB 53.27548900 -1.32171600
S43 3AD 53.27417700 -1.32335600
S43 3AE 53.27327300 -1.32398600
S43 3AF 53.27353600 -1.32597600
S43 3AG 53.27313100 -1.32749700
S43 3AH 53.27424100 -1.32840900
S43 3AJ 53.27127600 -1.34301500
S43 3AN 53.27540200 -1.32693600
S43 3AP 53.27491000 -1.32574400
S43 3AQ 53.27287800 -1.32883500
S43 3AR 53.27630600 -1.32636700
S43 3AS 53.27578900 -1.32382600
S43 3AT 53.27653300 -1.32517900
S43 3AU 53.27527100 -1.32449400
S43 3AW 53.27577200 -1.32720000
S43 3AX 53.27666800 -1.32363200
S43 3AY 53.27662100 -1.32310800
S43 3AZ 53.27488000 -1.32361500
S43 3BA 53.27356400 -1.32461100
S43 3BB 53.27659700 -1.32217800
S43 3BD 53.27623200 -1.32116400
S43 3BE 53.27723500 -1.32203300
S43 3BH 53.26890000 -1.32907700
S43 3BJ 53.26975000 -1.32735500
S43 3BL 53.26952900 -1.32801800
S43 3BN 53.27101700 -1.33046900
S43 3BP 53.27024500 -1.32737700
S43 3BQ 53.27016400 -1.32584900
S43 3BS 53.26988300 -1.32167000
S43 3BT 53.26808000 -1.32616600
S43 3BU 53.26817300 -1.32672000
S43 3BW 53.27103600 -1.32751500
S43 3BX 53.26858200 -1.32741800
S43 3BY 53.26613700 -1.32853600
S43 3BZ 53.26634500 -1.32450000
S43 3DA 53.26523400 -1.32516200
S43 3DB 53.26597600 -1.30979700
S43 3DJ 53.27654100 -1.31087200
S43 3DL 53.26621600 -1.32649600
S43 3DN 53.27476700 -1.32121800
S43 3DW 53.27749900 -1.32106900
S43 3FA 53.27429900 -1.32896300
S43 3FB 53.27510400 -1.32835000
S43 3FD 53.27535400 -1.32809200
S43 3FE 53.27497900 -1.32691300
S43 3FF 53.27604100 -1.31914300
S43 3FG 53.26075700 -1.32619200
S43 3LN 53.26699500 -1.34275100
S43 3PU 53.26703200 -1.34125100
S43 3PX 53.26603200 -1.34254100
S43 3PY 53.26824800 -1.33998800
S43 3PZ 53.26620800 -1.34178900
S43 3QB 53.26626400 -1.34058800
S43 3QD 53.26589000 -1.34060900
S43 3TG 53.26989500 -1.34536100
S43 3TH 53.27006100 -1.34439900
S43 3TJ 53.27005800 -1.34382900
S43 3TQ 53.26985300 -1.34098300
S43 3TU 53.26915000 -1.34187800
S43 3TX 53.26951800 -1.34173700
S43 3TZ 53.27036100 -1.34337400
S43 3UA 53.27140900 -1.34268400
S43 3UB 53.27070800 -1.34113500
S43 3UD 53.27020200 -1.33745400
S43 3UE 53.26988500 -1.33868800
S43 3UF 53.27042100 -1.33914400
S43 3UG 53.27103200 -1.33804100
S43 3UH 53.27154000 -1.33566400
S43 3UQ 53.27170500 -1.33617100
S43 3XZ 53.27089600 -1.34919900
S43 3YA 53.27456300 -1.34579900
S43 3YB 53.27488300 -1.34690400
S43 3YD 53.27495000 -1.34759300
S43 3YF 53.27463400 -1.34870600
S43 3YG 53.28007100 -1.34549000
S43 3YL 53.27416300 -1.34831000
S43 3YN 53.27522500 -1.34985100
S43 3YR 53.27035500 -1.34725800
S43 3YS 53.27083000 -1.34692100
S43 3YT 53.27109900 -1.34687200
S43 3YU 53.27031500 -1.34815800
S43 3YW 53.26984500 -1.34765600
S43 3YX 53.27105000 -1.34778700
S43 4XX 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9AZ 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9DF 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9DR 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9DT 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9DY 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9EA 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9EB 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9EP 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9ER 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9ES 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9ET 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9EU 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9EW 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S43 9EX 53.27408400 -1.34829400
S21 4EJ 53.29511800 -1.37379600