Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill is a ward in Stroud district. Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill ward has 57 Total postcodes out of which only 56 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 26 other wards in Stroud district near Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill.

Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2532
Addresses / Property Count 1126
County Gloucestershire
District Stroud
Active Postcodes 56
Nearby wards in Stroud district 26

View Map Of Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill Postcodes

View Other Wards in Stroud district:

Stroud Farmhill and Paganhill Postcode Table - 56 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
GL5 4AL 51.74802600 -2.23417400
GL5 4AN 51.74850700 -2.23634900
GL5 4AR 51.74917100 -2.23720700
GL5 4AS 51.74921400 -2.23793200
GL5 4AT 51.74920100 -2.23836200
GL5 4AU 51.75022300 -2.23734300
GL5 4AW 51.74825400 -2.23730400
GL5 4AX 51.75134500 -2.23804400
GL5 4AY 51.74887100 -2.23852400
GL5 4AZ 51.74985800 -2.23984700
GL5 4BA 51.75046800 -2.24063300
GL5 4BB 51.75016100 -2.24095000
GL5 4BD 51.75247300 -2.24029600
GL5 4BL 51.74866400 -2.23910200
GL5 4BN 51.75221100 -2.23658600
GL5 4BS 51.74971000 -2.23723900
GL5 4BT 51.75030700 -2.23562000
GL5 4BU 51.75081100 -2.23555000
GL5 4BW 51.75191400 -2.23693200
GL5 4BX 51.75082100 -2.23488400
GL5 4BY 51.75135100 -2.23503100
GL5 4BZ 51.75232200 -2.23512300
GL5 4DA 51.75352900 -2.23397100
GL5 4DB 51.75424100 -2.23338000
GL5 4DD 51.75507700 -2.23337000
GL5 4DE 51.75486400 -2.23193500
GL5 4DF 51.75548700 -2.23041700
GL5 4DG 51.75374000 -2.23023000
GL5 4DH 51.75252300 -2.23328400
GL5 4DJ 51.75295600 -2.23276500
GL5 4DL 51.75230000 -2.23279100
GL5 4DN 51.75218900 -2.23415200
GL5 4DP 51.75025600 -2.23428700
GL5 4DQ 51.75402800 -2.23191600
GL5 4DR 51.75096100 -2.23200200
GL5 4DS 51.75135600 -2.23248200
GL5 4DT 51.75064500 -2.23305700
GL5 4DU 51.74926300 -2.23163100
GL5 4DW 51.75179600 -2.23293300
GL5 4DX 51.75005300 -2.23209800
GL5 4DY 51.74986100 -2.23383600
GL5 4DZ 51.74963400 -2.23481900
GL5 4EA 51.74960600 -2.23557300
GL5 4EB 51.74915000 -2.23400600
GL5 4ED 51.74932600 -2.23616500
GL5 4EE 51.74928000 -2.23222500
GL5 4EQ 51.75052600 -2.23404200
GL5 4HH 51.74792500 -2.23523100
GL5 4HJ 51.74778000 -2.23565000
GL5 4HQ 51.74756800 -2.23411300
GL5 4JX 51.74714200 -2.23801800
GL5 4JY 51.74718300 -2.23770400
GL5 4JZ 51.74860600 -2.24060800
GL5 4LA 51.74881200 -2.24139100
GL5 4LB 51.74729500 -2.23981900
GL6 6AA 51.75673400 -2.23185700