Becontree Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Becontree is a ward in Barking and Dagenham district. Becontree ward has 166 Total postcodes out of which only 122 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 18 other wards in Barking and Dagenham district near Becontree.

Browse Information On Becontree Ward

Becontree Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8615
Addresses / Property Count 3082
County Greater London
District Barking and Dagenham
Active Postcodes 122
Nearby wards in Barking and Dagenham district 18

View Map Of Becontree Postcodes

View Other Wards in Barking and Dagenham district:

Becontree Postcode Table - 122 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
IG11 8PD 51.55586100 0.12007800
RM8 1UU 51.56234400 0.12303700
RM8 1XR 51.56378900 0.12321900
RM8 1XT 51.56338800 0.12100800
RM8 1XU 51.56296400 0.12056900
RM8 1XY 51.56323900 0.12325200
RM8 1YA 51.56255600 0.12228200
RM8 1YB 51.56319800 0.12154700
RM8 1YN 51.56264400 0.12333900
RM8 1YT 51.56201100 0.12310600
RM8 1YX 51.56276900 0.12002400
RM8 2AT 51.55205700 0.11651400
RM8 2AU 51.55333200 0.11764000
RM8 2AX 51.55496600 0.11979300
RM8 2BA 51.55587700 0.12161000
RM8 2BB 51.55420200 0.12023400
RM8 2BD 51.55329000 0.12147500
RM8 2BE 51.55251800 0.12035800
RM8 2BH 51.55305800 0.11885400
RM8 2BU 51.55137300 0.12105400
RM8 2BX 51.55166100 0.11751900
RM8 2DA 51.55177600 0.11513000
RM8 2DB 51.55221000 0.11253900
RM8 2DD 51.55221400 0.11080900
RM8 2DJ 51.55271100 0.11266400
RM8 2DL 51.55341700 0.11343200
RM8 2DP 51.55455000 0.11494200
RM8 2DR 51.55420200 0.11525700
RM8 2DS 51.55379900 0.11467600
RM8 2DT 51.55320900 0.11397100
RM8 2DU 51.55569000 0.11655200
RM8 2DX 51.55515300 0.11690300
RM8 2EA 51.55604200 0.11449100
RM8 2EB 51.55626200 0.11474700
RM8 2ED 51.55254800 0.11370900
RM8 2EH 51.55465000 0.11633100
RM8 2GS 51.55518500 0.12358300
RM8 2GU 51.55553600 0.11815900
RM8 2JF 51.55191100 0.11714200
RM8 2JG 51.56153600 0.12249400
RM8 2JN 51.55990600 0.12264700
RM8 2JQ 51.56082300 0.12208600
RM8 2JS 51.55953700 0.12408900
RM8 2JT 51.56016900 0.12397400
RM8 2JW 51.56079600 0.12308000
RM8 2JX 51.55976100 0.12316200
RM8 2JY 51.56013800 0.12218400
RM8 2JZ 51.56049700 0.12022400
RM8 2PA 51.55906400 0.12340300
RM8 2PB 51.55924900 0.12508500
RM8 2PJ 51.56093100 0.12362000
RM8 2PR 51.56159800 0.11955400
RM8 2PS 51.56146400 0.11999500
RM8 2PT 51.55999800 0.11900300
RM8 2PU 51.55911800 0.11891900
RM8 2PX 51.55966900 0.11978100
RM8 2QA 51.55912200 0.12070800
RM8 2QB 51.55970700 0.12118300
RM8 2QD 51.56126500 0.12102400
RM8 2QJ 51.55843700 0.12229200
RM8 2QL 51.55762700 0.12033600
RM8 2QP 51.55761100 0.11972900
RM8 2QR 51.55582600 0.11797300
RM8 2QS 51.55667600 0.11571800
RM8 2QT 51.55703400 0.11479700
RM8 2QU 51.55574900 0.12668200
RM8 2QX 51.55620400 0.12492900
RM8 2RA 51.55729400 0.12333500
RM8 2RB 51.55526800 0.12546200
RM8 2RD 51.55491400 0.12367200
RM8 2RE 51.55418100 0.12388300
RM8 2RG 51.55387900 0.12222400
RM8 2RH 51.55429700 0.12196900
RM8 2RJ 51.55348900 0.12087900
RM8 2RL 51.55301500 0.11973200
RM8 2RN 51.55393700 0.11996200
RM8 2RP 51.55210700 0.11921300
RM8 2RR 51.55226500 0.11793700
RM8 2RS 51.55197400 0.12065000
RM8 2RU 51.55164500 0.12043200
RM8 2RX 51.55192600 0.12279700
RM8 2SA 51.55293500 0.12268500
RM8 2SB 51.55406000 0.12315600
RM8 2SD 51.55506900 0.12301500
RM8 2SH 51.55491500 0.12159400
RM8 2SJ 51.55578000 0.12248600
RM8 2SL 51.55655300 0.12260600
RM8 2SP 51.55559500 0.12376100
RM8 2SR 51.55403100 0.12423600
RM8 2SS 51.55324900 0.12225200
RM8 2SU 51.55156900 0.12265000
RM8 2SX 51.55241500 0.12359800
RM8 2TA 51.55335200 0.12447900
RM8 2TB 51.55690800 0.12526500
RM8 2TD 51.55752100 0.12568300
RM8 2TE 51.55674600 0.12678600
RM8 2TL 51.55802800 0.12551900
RM8 2TP 51.55782800 0.12364900
RM8 2TR 51.55693300 0.12140000
RM8 2TS 51.55536100 0.11940600
RM8 2TT 51.55359000 0.11926800
RM8 2TU 51.55307400 0.12097500
RM8 2TX 51.55258900 0.12194800
RM8 2UA 51.55374500 0.11722500
RM8 2UB 51.55227800 0.11531000
RM8 2UH 51.55266400 0.11478200
RM8 2UJ 51.55401000 0.11653000
RM8 2UL 51.55512300 0.11804100
RM8 2UR 51.55587000 0.11901300
RM8 2UT 51.55732100 0.12085500
RM8 2UU 51.55841900 0.12426800
RM8 2UX 51.55630700 0.11920700
RM8 3BF 51.55398200 0.12505400
RM8 3SS 51.55460600 0.12574900
RM8 3ST 51.55441500 0.12535100
RM8 3UT 51.55179100 0.12378600
RM8 3UU 51.55295400 0.12461900
RM8 3XP 51.55431600 0.12585100
RM8 3XR 51.55625900 0.12731200
RM8 3XS 51.55740600 0.12709100
RM8 3XT 51.55948000 0.12525500
RM8 3XU 51.56100500 0.12448900