Heath Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Heath is a ward in Barking and Dagenham district. Heath ward has 176 Total postcodes out of which only 138 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 18 other wards in Barking and Dagenham district near Heath.

Browse Information On Heath Ward

Heath Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7948
Addresses / Property Count 3090
County Greater London
District Barking and Dagenham
Active Postcodes 138
Nearby wards in Barking and Dagenham district 18

View Map Of Heath Postcodes

View Other Wards in Barking and Dagenham district:

Heath Postcode Table - 138 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
RM8 1DN 51.56179600 0.15310800
RM8 1DR 51.56118300 0.15185100
RM8 1DS 51.56169000 0.15105400
RM8 1DW 51.56179600 0.15310800
RM8 1JT 51.56282700 0.15131000
RM8 1JU 51.56268900 0.15395800
RM8 1JY 51.56199600 0.15447300
RM8 1JZ 51.56161500 0.15412400
RM8 1LB 51.56158600 0.15231900
RM8 1LE 51.56154400 0.15273300
RM10 7AE 51.56063400 0.15174000
RM10 7AF 51.56063400 0.15174000
RM10 7AG 51.55985200 0.15220800
RM10 7AQ 51.56045200 0.15236600
RM10 7AZ 51.56000100 0.15108800
RM10 7BG 51.55167700 0.15715900
RM10 7BN 51.56087800 0.15558900
RM10 7BQ 51.55143300 0.15623900
RM10 7BW 51.56128300 0.15556500
RM10 7BY 51.56128300 0.15556500
RM10 7DF 51.56066200 0.15120800
RM10 7DG 51.56036400 0.15128000
RM10 7DS 51.56100300 0.14978100
RM10 7DU 51.55199700 0.15638100
RM10 7DX 51.55319400 0.16031700
RM10 7DY 51.56128300 0.15556500
RM10 7ED 51.55370600 0.15927500
RM10 7EH 51.55559200 0.15939300
RM10 7EL 51.55552700 0.15901500
RM10 7ES 51.55950700 0.15678000
RM10 7EU 51.55698900 0.15876700
RM10 7EX 51.55706000 0.15780400
RM10 7FA 51.55501200 0.15867300
RM10 7FB 51.55467300 0.15854200
RM10 7FD 51.55810400 0.15788000
RM10 7FE 51.55445800 0.15848800
RM10 7FF 51.55408100 0.15844200
RM10 7FG 51.55411400 0.15814000
RM10 7FH 51.56084200 0.14874900
RM10 7FL 51.55842600 0.15160500
RM10 7FP 51.56113800 0.15082400
RM10 7FR 51.55176300 0.15257500
RM10 7FT 51.56076700 0.15050400
RM10 7FW 51.56023200 0.15418600
RM10 7FX 51.55993700 0.15503800
RM10 7FZ 51.55176300 0.15257500
RM10 7HA 51.55732600 0.15659000
RM10 7HD 51.55709800 0.15528100
RM10 7HH 51.55657300 0.15742000
RM10 7HJ 51.55629600 0.15732000
RM10 7HL 51.55603000 0.15566300
RM10 7HP 51.55591000 0.15730200
RM10 7HR 51.55499500 0.15665300
RM10 7HS 51.55374800 0.15745900
RM10 7HT 51.55257400 0.15629300
RM10 7HU 51.55377500 0.15699900
RM10 7HX 51.55822700 0.15454100
RM10 7HY 51.56013600 0.15351800
RM10 7HZ 51.56013600 0.15351800
RM10 7JA 51.56026300 0.15286200
RM10 7JB 51.56003000 0.15429400
RM10 7JL 51.55205900 0.15349900
RM10 7JP 51.55317800 0.15229700
RM10 7JR 51.55451900 0.15186800
RM10 7JT 51.55452400 0.15096100
RM10 7JU 51.55398100 0.15115200
RM10 7JX 51.55311600 0.15085000
RM10 7LA 51.55197800 0.15210900
RM10 7LB 51.55197900 0.15146100
RM10 7LD 51.55410500 0.14978700
RM10 7LH 51.55499600 0.14984200
RM10 7LJ 51.55633400 0.14935900
RM10 7LL 51.55701600 0.15054300
RM10 7LP 51.55746600 0.14941200
RM10 7LR 51.55799100 0.14923500
RM10 7LS 51.55833400 0.14816900
RM10 7LT 51.55758000 0.15055700
RM10 7LU 51.55668500 0.15133700
RM10 7LX 51.55594800 0.15128800
RM10 7NA 51.55597500 0.15029400
RM10 7NB 51.55597400 0.15084200
RM10 7ND 51.55527000 0.15099600
RM10 7NH 51.55293500 0.15915200
RM10 7NJ 51.55197100 0.15926500
RM10 7NL 51.55201200 0.15847300
RM10 7NN 51.55256800 0.15854300
RM10 7NS 51.55309900 0.15317300
RM10 7NT 51.55268400 0.15422100
RM10 7NU 51.55398900 0.15415300
RM10 7NX 51.55548500 0.15400700
RM10 7PA 51.55546800 0.15491500
RM10 7PB 51.55501600 0.15356700
RM10 7PD 51.55455800 0.15355900
RM10 7PH 51.55409000 0.15355200
RM10 7PJ 51.55355800 0.15316600
RM10 7PL 51.55440900 0.15281700
RM10 7PP 51.55526900 0.15252500
RM10 7PR 51.55556000 0.15232300
RM10 7PT 51.55591500 0.15309000
RM10 7PU 51.55656100 0.15319200
RM10 7PX 51.55632700 0.15270500
RM10 7QA 51.55660100 0.15248700
RM10 7QB 51.55695500 0.15287800
RM10 7QD 51.55723800 0.15251700
RM10 7QH 51.55723500 0.15319500
RM10 7QJ 51.55637400 0.15358700
RM10 7QL 51.55660200 0.15434800
RM10 7QP 51.55701800 0.15475800
RM10 7QR 51.55776700 0.15215300
RM10 7QS 51.55908400 0.15289300
RM10 7QT 51.55857100 0.15256400
RM10 7QU 51.55860900 0.15034600
RM10 7QX 51.55911700 0.15013900
RM10 7RA 51.55945300 0.14845300
RM10 7RE 51.55426300 0.14851100
RM10 7RP 51.55888800 0.14797700
RM10 7RS 51.55767100 0.14754600
RM10 7RT 51.55766100 0.14813700
RM10 7RU 51.55618400 0.14723100
RM10 7RX 51.55624400 0.14789700
RM10 7SA 51.55589800 0.14864600
RM10 7SB 51.55723600 0.14824700
RM10 7SD 51.55472100 0.14756600
RM10 7SE 51.55378500 0.14811300
RM10 7SH 51.55163600 0.14760800
RM10 7SJ 51.55245500 0.14757500
RM10 7SS 51.55183800 0.14932000
RM10 7XX 51.55148400 0.15100500
RM10 7YA 51.55153400 0.15364700
RM10 7YD 51.55156100 0.15513400
RM10 7YH 51.55306700 0.15490300
RM10 7YJ 51.55449300 0.15561900
RM10 7YP 51.55369100 0.15617300
RM10 7YR 51.55120400 0.15547800
RM10 7YS 51.55154500 0.15510300
RM10 7YT 51.55138100 0.15512600
RM10 7YU 51.55134300 0.15831100
RM9 9SD 51.56128500 0.15559200