Boleyn Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Boleyn is a ward in Greater London county. Boleyn ward has 184 Total postcodes out of which only 143 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 678 other wards in Greater London county near Boleyn.

Browse Information On Boleyn Ward

Boleyn Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13087
Addresses / Property Count 4009
County Greater London
District Newham
Active Postcodes 143
Nearby wards in Greater London county 678

View Map Of Boleyn Postcodes

View Other Wards in Greater London county:

Boleyn Postcode Table - 143 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
E13 9AU 51.53438100 0.03607100
E13 9AX 51.53331900 0.03668500
E13 9BF 51.53077800 0.03801400
E13 9DP 51.53246100 0.03744000
E13 9DW 51.53219300 0.03992200
E13 9FA 51.53242900 0.03980300
E13 9FF 51.53153200 0.04019500
E13 9FG 51.53184000 0.04005100
E13 9FQ 51.53155700 0.04028300
E13 9FU 51.53133500 0.03910500
E13 9GA 51.53116100 0.03976100
E13 9GB 51.53126800 0.04037100
E13 9GD 51.53207200 0.03860500
E13 9GE 51.53262200 0.03852800
E13 9GF 51.53240800 0.03890800
E13 9GG 51.53194300 0.03877200
E13 9GH 51.53164300 0.03894600
E13 9GJ 51.53206900 0.03928200
E13 9GL 51.53175800 0.03960000
E13 9GN 51.53138900 0.03962700
E13 9GP 51.53138900 0.03962700
E13 9GS 51.53186100 0.03833600
E13 9GT 51.53229400 0.03772100
E13 9GU 51.53180000 0.03767000
E13 9GW 51.53205100 0.03825800
E13 9HE 51.53159800 0.03845400
E13 9HF 51.53127200 0.03856900
E13 9PE 51.53243700 0.03931300
E13 9PQ 51.52818900 0.03893800
E13 9PS 51.52869900 0.03805200
E13 9PT 51.52695400 0.03915500
E6 1DN 51.53367800 0.03981600
E6 1DP 51.53392800 0.03779500
E6 1DR 51.53374700 0.03836400
E6 1DS 51.53479200 0.03939000
E6 1DT 51.53470800 0.03741200
E6 1DU 51.53553200 0.03812700
E6 1DW 51.53526300 0.03857600
E6 1DX 51.53476600 0.03667900
E6 1DY 51.53541400 0.03665100
E6 1DZ 51.53494600 0.03771100
E6 1EF 51.53434100 0.03948500
E6 1EH 51.53423000 0.03913400
E6 1EL 51.53478300 0.03630400
E6 1ES 51.53587400 0.04587100
E6 1ET 51.53667900 0.04458000
E6 1EU 51.53705600 0.04407800
E6 1EX 51.53652900 0.04231000
E6 1EY 51.53634700 0.04293600
E6 1EZ 51.53616000 0.04076500
E6 1HB 51.53498000 0.04409900
E6 1HE 51.53526800 0.04451700
E6 1HG 51.53586800 0.04414000
E6 1HH 51.53548400 0.04503100
E6 1HQ 51.53605400 0.04385800
E6 1LE 51.53251000 0.04484000
E6 1LF 51.53254500 0.04440900
E6 1LQ 51.53362000 0.04461600
E6 1PN 51.53150900 0.04397400
E6 1PP 51.53082000 0.03818800
E6 1PT 51.53316100 0.03895800
E6 1PU 51.53316100 0.03895800
E6 1PW 51.53066700 0.03924900
E6 1PX 51.53276900 0.04082900
E6 1PY 51.53084600 0.04023900
E6 1QA 51.53227600 0.04072100
E6 1QB 51.53192300 0.04089200
E6 1QD 51.53156000 0.04106400
E6 1QE 51.53200400 0.04145700
E6 1QF 51.53282900 0.04153800
E6 1QG 51.53273000 0.04203900
E6 1QH 51.53342200 0.04258900
E6 1QJ 51.53211400 0.04239900
E6 1QL 51.53213400 0.04320900
E6 1QN 51.53240900 0.04395600
E6 1QP 51.53329600 0.04311700
E6 1QQ 51.53314900 0.04224500
E6 1QR 51.53116500 0.04205500
E6 1QS 51.53276700 0.04303500
E6 1QT 51.53101700 0.04127000
E6 1QU 51.53132500 0.04318700
E6 1QW 51.53387000 0.04371900
E6 1QX 51.53544500 0.04001200
E6 1QY 51.53496300 0.03980300
E6 1QZ 51.53462200 0.04078200
E6 3BD 51.53105700 0.04419700
E6 3BH 51.53041800 0.04621700
E6 3BJ 51.53030100 0.04580700
E6 3BL 51.53018100 0.04538500
E6 3BN 51.53042300 0.04440100
E6 3BP 51.53049300 0.04033800
E6 3BQ 51.53052900 0.04655400
E6 3BW 51.53006200 0.04496100
E6 3BX 51.53030500 0.04394900
E6 3BY 51.53004000 0.04366300
E6 3BZ 51.53030300 0.04301100
E6 3DA 51.53082800 0.04281900
E6 3DB 51.52977500 0.04284400
E6 3DD 51.52984800 0.03968900
E6 3DJ 51.52943900 0.04669200
E6 3DL 51.52903200 0.04625600
E6 3DN 51.52849300 0.04317500
E6 3DP 51.52970100 0.04196100
E6 3DR 51.52972900 0.04239500
E6 3DS 51.52963500 0.04107800
E6 3DT 51.52958300 0.04156500
E6 3DU 51.52971600 0.04056300
E6 3DW 51.52869500 0.04242000
E6 3DX 51.52978700 0.04009000
E6 3DY 51.52921700 0.03925800
E6 3DZ 51.52937100 0.03972600
E6 3ED 51.52859200 0.03902800
E6 3EE 51.52877600 0.03931000
E6 3EF 51.52783100 0.03991500
E6 3EG 51.52667300 0.04025400
E6 3EN 51.52761100 0.04267500
E6 3EP 51.52778200 0.04109600
E6 3EQ 51.52668900 0.03985100
E6 3ER 51.52660400 0.04110100
E6 3ES 51.52638600 0.04122100
E6 3ET 51.52672800 0.04070300
E6 3EU 51.52621300 0.04137200
E6 3EW 51.52759200 0.04219800
E6 3EX 51.52635100 0.04222900
E6 3EY 51.52628600 0.04183700
E6 3EZ 51.52532300 0.04137600
E6 3HQ 51.52586100 0.04297100
E6 3HS 51.52748800 0.04767200
E6 3HT 51.52769100 0.04736400
E6 3HX 51.52868800 0.04639900
E6 3HY 51.52845200 0.04651800
E6 3HZ 51.52824700 0.04388500
E6 3JA 51.52799200 0.04401800
E6 3JB 51.52771100 0.04419300
E6 3JD 51.52747500 0.04426900
E6 3JE 51.52813700 0.04656200
E6 3JF 51.52791800 0.04671100
E6 3JG 51.52687200 0.04434300
E6 3JH 51.52655200 0.04464600
E6 3JJ 51.52631600 0.04473600
E6 3JL 51.52698700 0.04701500
E6 3JN 51.52676800 0.04717800
E6 3JQ 51.52714100 0.04438400