Cleeve Hill Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Cleeve Hill is a ward in Gloucestershire county. Cleeve Hill ward has 235 Total postcodes out of which only 148 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 165 other wards in Gloucestershire county near Cleeve Hill.

Browse Information On Cleeve Hill Ward

Cleeve Hill Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4965
Addresses / Property Count 2031
County Gloucestershire
District Tewkesbury
Active Postcodes 148
Nearby wards in Gloucestershire county 165

View Map Of Cleeve Hill Postcodes

View Other Wards in Gloucestershire county:

Cleeve Hill Postcode Table - 148 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
GL52 9AB 51.95321700 -2.04677800
GL52 9EA 51.96504100 -2.06307000
GL52 9EB 51.96459100 -2.06289500
GL52 9ED 51.96450200 -2.06242900
GL52 9EE 51.96544600 -2.06184800
GL52 9EF 51.96558800 -2.06558900
GL52 9EP 51.96452500 -2.05137500
GL52 9ER 51.96525200 -2.05411900
GL52 9ES 51.96444200 -2.05502800
GL52 9ET 51.96540400 -2.05645600
GL52 9EU 51.96455800 -2.05680400
GL52 9EW 51.96345400 -2.05383300
GL52 9EX 51.96567200 -2.05901000
GL52 9EY 51.96601200 -2.06274400
GL52 9EZ 51.96402600 -2.06037600
GL52 9FA 51.96214700 -2.06072300
GL52 9FB 51.96433500 -2.05444600
GL52 9FR 51.94396600 -2.04352500
GL52 9FT 51.94223800 -2.04974900
GL52 9FX 51.94242000 -2.04451200
GL52 9HA 51.96274000 -2.06097900
GL52 9HB 51.96436200 -2.05377600
GL52 9HD 51.96446000 -2.05555200
GL52 9HE 51.96376800 -2.05424100
GL52 9HF 51.96343500 -2.05505600
GL52 9HG 51.94824500 -2.04546400
GL52 9HH 51.94800200 -2.04678800
GL52 9HJ 51.94769700 -2.04578300
GL52 9HL 51.94736400 -2.04439300
GL52 9HN 51.94739900 -2.04712200
GL52 9HP 51.94604200 -2.04550500
GL52 9HQ 51.94742700 -2.04586300
GL52 9HR 51.94497300 -2.04431100
GL52 9HS 51.94378700 -2.04259300
GL52 9HT 51.94353400 -2.04468800
GL52 9HU 51.94477500 -2.04500900
GL52 9HW 51.94848600 -2.04913100
GL52 9HX 51.94557600 -2.04290100
GL52 9HY 51.94718500 -2.04321500
GL52 9HZ 51.94612300 -2.04661100
GL52 9JA 51.94991600 -2.04841200
GL52 9JD 51.94831600 -2.04747200
GL52 9JE 51.94888200 -2.04817100
GL52 9JF 51.94978100 -2.04851300
GL52 9JG 51.94820800 -2.04891200
GL52 9PR 51.94423300 -2.04992600
GL52 9PS 51.94390100 -2.04841300
GL52 9PT 51.94145600 -2.04867200
GL52 9PU 51.94072100 -2.04112800
GL52 9PW 51.94440500 -2.04946100
GL52 9PX 51.94214100 -2.04427900
GL52 9PY 51.94202500 -2.04087500
GL52 9PZ 51.94144900 -2.04291100
GL52 9QA 51.94249200 -2.04259200
GL52 9QB 51.94359800 -2.04131300
GL52 9QD 51.94510000 -2.04034000
GL52 9QE 51.94417500 -2.03908800
GL52 9QF 51.94299700 -2.03844700
GL52 9QG 51.94437300 -2.03608300
GL52 9QH 51.94925300 -2.04377700
GL52 9QJ 51.94629600 -2.04148200
GL52 9QL 51.94813100 -2.03677000
GL52 9QN 51.94313200 -2.03921800
GL52 9QP 51.94308400 -2.04774300
GL52 9QQ 51.94658200 -2.04433400
GL52 9QR 51.94221200 -2.04694200
GL52 9QS 51.94268700 -2.04991000
GL52 9QT 51.96321200 -2.05191200
GL52 9QU 51.96494900 -2.04820300
GL52 9QW 51.94301200 -2.04692800
GL52 9QX 51.96374500 -2.04588700
GL52 9QY 51.96797300 -2.03867200
GL52 9QZ 51.96745300 -2.03456700
GL52 9RA 51.96857700 -2.03476400
GL52 9RF 51.96697500 -2.06147900
GL52 9RH 51.96575900 -2.04575100
GL52 9RJ 51.94637300 -2.04953600
GL52 9RL 51.94510600 -2.04954900
GL52 9RN 51.94497100 -2.04831200
GL52 9RP 51.94283300 -2.04449100
GL52 9SB 51.96428300 -2.08183000
GL52 9SQ 51.94525800 -2.05032000
GL52 9TP 51.94299300 -2.04838300
GL52 9TR 51.94337200 -2.04672500
GL52 9TS 51.94241900 -2.04547200
GL52 9TT 51.94327100 -2.04999800
GL52 9TU 51.94333400 -2.04948100
GL52 9TX 51.94260100 -2.04109400
GL52 9TY 51.94227700 -2.04041000
GL52 9TZ 51.94572000 -2.04218800
GL52 9UA 51.94136000 -2.04061300
GL52 9UB 51.94260800 -2.04499300
GL52 9UD 51.94386600 -2.04691400
GL52 9UE 51.94485500 -2.04656600
GL52 9UF 51.94522400 -2.04711900
GL52 9UG 51.94444100 -2.04729300
GL52 9UH 51.96466600 -2.05850000
GL52 9UU 51.94236700 -2.03995900
GL52 9WB 51.94940400 -2.04774900
GL52 9XA 51.94222000 -2.04890500
GL54 4ET 51.90261300 -2.02571500
GL54 4EU 51.90932300 -1.99841900
GL54 5AD 51.94754300 -2.00907600
GL52 3NF 51.91631600 -2.02658900
GL52 3NG 51.91804000 -2.03046400
GL52 3NH 51.92749600 -2.04038200
GL52 3NJ 51.92666000 -2.04171900
GL52 3NL 51.92893600 -2.03837600
GL52 3NN 51.92915900 -2.04071800
GL52 3NP 51.92859200 -2.04229500
GL52 3NR 51.92959000 -2.04242700
GL52 3NS 51.92959900 -2.04362700
GL52 3NT 51.92887100 -2.04369900
GL52 3NU 51.93118300 -2.03829800
GL52 3NW 51.92947400 -2.04119800
GL52 3NX 51.93213500 -2.04116400
GL52 3NY 51.92807900 -2.04422200
GL52 3NZ 51.92727200 -2.03844800
GL52 3PA 51.92971500 -2.04540100
GL52 3PB 51.92965000 -2.04853500
GL52 3PD 51.93236300 -2.05599200
GL52 3PE 51.93095800 -2.06007000
GL52 3PN 51.94960900 -2.02393200
GL52 3PP 51.94489000 -2.01783300
GL52 3PR 51.94042000 -2.02494500
GL52 3PS 51.94129200 -2.02597800
GL52 3PT 51.94268500 -2.02794300
GL52 3PU 51.94293700 -2.02692500
GL52 3PW 51.94330700 -2.01950600
GL52 3PX 51.94006000 -2.02828300
GL52 3PY 51.93768600 -2.02922000
GL52 3PZ 51.92886700 -2.02681400
GL52 3QA 51.93842300 -2.03061700
GL52 3QB 51.93718200 -2.03099400
GL52 3QD 51.93655300 -2.03022900
GL52 3QE 51.93578800 -2.03420800
GL52 3QF 51.93407900 -2.03506400
GL52 3QG 51.93323300 -2.03771800
GL52 3QH 51.93514800 -2.03867300
GL52 3QQ 51.93350300 -2.03931100
GL52 5DE 51.91189000 -2.03339000
GL52 5FD 51.91307600 -2.03389200
GL52 5FE 51.91247500 -2.03315800
GL52 5FF 51.91340100 -2.03310000
GL52 5FG 51.91323000 -2.03533900
GL52 5FH 51.91391200 -2.03530200
GL52 5FJ 51.91366100 -2.03426300
GL52 5FL 51.91244800 -2.03198000