Gilfach Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Gilfach is a ward in Caerphilly district. Gilfach ward has 88 Total postcodes out of which only 45 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 30 other wards in Caerphilly district near Gilfach.

Browse Information On Gilfach Ward

Gilfach Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2017
Addresses / Property Count 908
County Gwent
District Caerphilly
Active Postcodes 45
Nearby wards in Caerphilly district 30

View Map Of Gilfach Postcodes

View Other Wards in Caerphilly district:

Gilfach Postcode Table - 45 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
CF81 8JA 51.68193200 -3.22735400
CF81 8JB 51.68006400 -3.22850900
CF81 8JD 51.67972200 -3.22851400
CF81 8JE 51.67862900 -3.22993100
CF81 8JF 51.67895000 -3.22698400
CF81 8JG 51.67835600 -3.22705500
CF81 8JH 51.67941300 -3.22630700
CF81 8JJ 51.67891400 -3.22527600
CF81 8JL 51.67882300 -3.22598700
CF81 8JN 51.67786300 -3.22571600
CF81 8JP 51.67731700 -3.22578300
CF81 8JQ 51.67707800 -3.22604200
CF81 8JR 51.67361500 -3.22725900
CF81 8JS 51.67527900 -3.22606500
CF81 8JT 51.67376600 -3.22888800
CF81 8JU 51.67431600 -3.22784700
CF81 8JW 51.67456400 -3.22824400
CF81 8JX 51.67563200 -3.22762200
CF81 8JY 51.67586500 -3.22767200
CF81 8JZ 51.67563200 -3.22675500
CF81 8LA 51.67636300 -3.22647100
CF81 8LB 51.67698400 -3.22729700
CF81 8LD 51.67672400 -3.22801300
CF81 8LG 51.68046900 -3.22674100
CF81 8LH 51.68193400 -3.22770600
CF81 8LL 51.67753700 -3.22680600
CF81 8LP 51.68016600 -3.22910500
CF81 8LW 51.68306400 -3.22886500
CF81 8LX 51.68197200 -3.22832900
CF81 8LY 51.68046900 -3.22765200
CF81 8LZ 51.68295200 -3.22926700
CF81 8NA 51.68168200 -3.22861000
CF81 8NB 51.68040200 -3.22796800
CF81 8ND 51.68183100 -3.22975700
CF81 8NF 51.67947000 -3.23111100
CF81 8NG 51.67980300 -3.23023700
CF81 8NH 51.67924600 -3.23022200
CF81 8NJ 51.68137800 -3.23100300
CF81 8PB 51.68208700 -3.23055500
CF81 8PR 51.68012400 -3.23480200
CF81 8PS 51.67917600 -3.23343100
CF81 8PT 51.68034200 -3.23544500
CF81 8PY 51.67887700 -3.23568900
CF81 8SD 51.68204400 -3.22946900
CF81 8XQ 51.68210200 -3.22913800