New Tredegar Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

New Tredegar is a ward in Caerphilly district. New Tredegar ward has 314 Total postcodes out of which only 150 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 30 other wards in Caerphilly district near New Tredegar.

Browse Information On New Tredegar Ward

New Tredegar Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4976
Addresses / Property Count 2115
County Gwent
District Caerphilly
Active Postcodes 150
Nearby wards in Caerphilly district 30

View Map Of New Tredegar Postcodes

View Other Wards in Caerphilly district:

New Tredegar Postcode Table - 150 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
NP12 0PP 51.71618000 -3.22194600
NP12 0QY 51.72371800 -3.22634300
NP12 0RY 51.70648600 -3.21683600
NP24 6AA 51.72139000 -3.24336300
NP24 6AB 51.72228700 -3.24405800
NP24 6AD 51.72125400 -3.24314700
NP24 6AE 51.72160000 -3.24310900
NP24 6AF 51.72205600 -3.24383500
NP24 6AG 51.72241700 -3.24367100
NP24 6AH 51.72367300 -3.24735400
NP24 6AJ 51.72507000 -3.24529300
NP24 6AL 51.72222100 -3.24260900
NP24 6AN 51.72154400 -3.24034600
NP24 6AP 51.71940700 -3.23831900
NP24 6AQ 51.72277200 -3.24415800
NP24 6AR 51.72227400 -3.24533200
NP24 6AS 51.71866100 -3.24006500
NP24 6AW 51.72038900 -3.23936900
NP24 6AY 51.72306500 -3.24105400
NP24 6AZ 51.72233400 -3.23997300
NP24 6BA 51.72144100 -3.23906900
NP24 6BB 51.72282400 -3.23923700
NP24 6BD 51.72224500 -3.23868600
NP24 6BE 51.72155700 -3.23829100
NP24 6BG 51.72274400 -3.23856500
NP24 6BH 51.71428700 -3.23309400
NP24 6BJ 51.71804400 -3.23967100
NP24 6BL 51.72422300 -3.23872600
NP24 6BN 51.72369400 -3.23940600
NP24 6BP 51.72540700 -3.23893200
NP24 6BQ 51.72297800 -3.23822800
NP24 6BR 51.72373400 -3.23989900
NP24 6BS 51.72469100 -3.23952000
NP24 6BT 51.72509400 -3.23966200
NP24 6BU 51.72571900 -3.24092400
NP24 6BW 51.72465100 -3.23899800
NP24 6BX 51.72542400 -3.24156700
NP24 6BY 51.72507000 -3.24112300
NP24 6BZ 51.72473400 -3.24141800
NP24 6DD 51.71749200 -3.23833900
NP24 6DE 51.71601700 -3.23414400
NP24 6DF 51.71676700 -3.23714700
NP24 6DG 51.72017600 -3.24048200
NP24 6DH 51.72064200 -3.24149400
NP24 6DJ 51.71776200 -3.23747800
NP24 6DL 51.71684200 -3.23347200
NP24 6DN 51.71818200 -3.23723900
NP24 6DP 51.71598600 -3.23279700
NP24 6DQ 51.71949500 -3.23936400
NP24 6DR 51.71584500 -3.23246000
NP24 6DS 51.71774300 -3.23413300
NP24 6DT 51.71621900 -3.23284700
NP24 6DU 51.71449400 -3.22959600
NP24 6DW 51.71779700 -3.23587200
NP24 6DX 51.71254100 -3.22718400
NP24 6DY 51.71635900 -3.23235800
NP24 6DZ 51.71541100 -3.23103000
NP24 6EA 51.71096800 -3.22593000
NP24 6EB 51.71095500 -3.22635000
NP24 6ED 51.71240600 -3.22770600
NP24 6EE 51.71888900 -3.24057700
NP24 6EF 51.71696000 -3.23502400
NP24 6EG 51.71668500 -3.23556600
NP24 6EH 51.72022200 -3.24374100
NP24 6EJ 51.72272700 -3.24922400
NP24 6EL 51.72108500 -3.24547300
NP24 6EN 51.72097300 -3.24245900
NP24 6EP 51.72198900 -3.24623200
NP24 6EQ 51.72262800 -3.24875400
NP24 6ER 51.72136100 -3.24661000
NP24 6ES 51.72205300 -3.24700100
NP24 6ET 51.72209500 -3.24773000
NP24 6EU 51.72383400 -3.25113300
NP24 6EW 51.72052300 -3.24284700
NP24 6EX 51.72337800 -3.24974900
NP24 6EY 51.72275000 -3.24823700
NP24 6EZ 51.72346300 -3.24931700
NP24 6FA 51.71908600 -3.24061200
NP24 6FL 51.72768400 -3.23447600
NP24 6HA 51.72285000 -3.24899200
NP24 6HB 51.72135700 -3.24785500
NP24 6HD 51.72005200 -3.24628400
NP24 6HE 51.71929100 -3.24509100
NP24 6HF 51.71955200 -3.24169600
NP24 6HG 51.71908600 -3.24576500
NP24 6HH 51.71760800 -3.24187400
NP24 6HJ 51.71689100 -3.24247700
NP24 6HL 51.71950500 -3.24104300
NP24 6HQ 51.71788500 -3.24454500
NP24 6HT 51.71349800 -3.23338100
NP24 6HU 51.71327200 -3.23344700
NP24 6HX 51.71286300 -3.23220600
NP24 6HY 51.71277800 -3.23255100
NP24 6HZ 51.71203400 -3.23150300
NP24 6JA 51.71146300 -3.23103900
NP24 6JB 51.71180900 -3.23062800
NP24 6JD 51.71235400 -3.23100500
NP24 6JE 51.71191300 -3.23013900
NP24 6JF 51.71143300 -3.22966300
NP24 6JG 51.71031300 -3.23012400
NP24 6JH 51.71151600 -3.23031600
NP24 6JJ 51.70928400 -3.22875000
NP24 6JN 51.71086500 -3.22976300
NP24 6JP 51.70986600 -3.22899800
NP24 6JQ 51.70658300 -3.22682000
NP24 6JR 51.70874900 -3.22836000
NP24 6JS 51.70949100 -3.22824500
NP24 6JT 51.70830700 -3.22763900
NP24 6JU 51.70733700 -3.22755400
NP24 6JW 51.71054500 -3.22943600
NP24 6JX 51.70388500 -3.22482700
NP24 6JY 51.70057200 -3.23041000
NP24 6JZ 51.70982200 -3.23921500
NP24 6LG 51.72335400 -3.24470600
NP24 6LH 51.72497500 -3.24665100
NP24 6LJ 51.72606800 -3.24741600
NP24 6LL 51.72830900 -3.24849500
NP24 6LQ 51.72416500 -3.24584700
NP24 6LR 51.73209800 -3.26166100
NP24 6LW 51.73251600 -3.26041300
NP24 6LX 51.72352600 -3.25098400
NP24 6LY 51.72641400 -3.25507400
NP24 6LZ 51.72464400 -3.25244800
NP24 6NE 51.71836000 -3.23616200
NP24 6NG 51.71875000 -3.23756300
NP24 6NH 51.71851000 -3.23597400
NP24 6NJ 51.71828800 -3.23656100
NP24 6NL 51.71831500 -3.23442400
NP24 6NN 51.71754500 -3.23334600
NP24 6NP 51.71955300 -3.23470400
NP24 6NQ 51.71851200 -3.23710700
NP24 6NR 51.71956500 -3.23447200
NP24 6NS 51.71932300 -3.23351000
NP24 6NT 51.71755400 -3.23280600
NP24 6NU 51.71690500 -3.23178000
NP24 6NW 51.71844300 -3.23340000
NP24 6NX 51.71711500 -3.23148200
NP24 6NY 51.71723400 -3.23126800
NP24 6NZ 51.71647600 -3.22975600
NP24 6PA 51.71542400 -3.22806300
NP24 6PB 51.71558800 -3.22869000
NP24 6PD 51.71621600 -3.22973500
NP24 6PJ 51.72576900 -3.23962200
NP24 6PL 51.73403600 -3.23700600
NP24 6XB 51.72422700 -3.24172300
NP24 6XE 51.72424000 -3.24050700
NP24 6XF 51.72379500 -3.24636900
NP24 6XJ 51.72053000 -3.24098400
NP24 6XS 51.72122200 -3.24693900
NP24 6XY 51.70961100 -3.22844100