Darran Valley Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Darran Valley is a ward in Caerphilly district. Darran Valley ward has 147 Total postcodes out of which only 68 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 30 other wards in Caerphilly district near Darran Valley.

Browse Information On Darran Valley Ward

Darran Valley Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2599
Addresses / Property Count 1037
County Gwent
District Caerphilly
Active Postcodes 68
Nearby wards in Caerphilly district 30

View Map Of Darran Valley Postcodes

View Other Wards in Caerphilly district:

Darran Valley Postcode Table - 68 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
CF81 9AP 51.73141800 -3.29726000
CF81 9GA 51.71266000 -3.26485400
CF81 9GE 51.70648300 -3.26188500
CF81 9GH 51.69623900 -3.24772400
CF81 9GJ 51.70748600 -3.26187300
CF81 9GL 51.70566800 -3.25946400
CF81 9GP 51.70864600 -3.26303100
CF81 9GQ 51.70924000 -3.26347100
CF81 9GR 51.70964400 -3.26391300
CF81 9GS 51.71098300 -3.26437300
CF81 9GT 51.71082200 -3.26429600
CF81 9GU 51.70960300 -3.26310500
CF81 9GW 51.70770100 -3.26025800
CF81 9GX 51.70683800 -3.26022000
CF81 9GY 51.70690400 -3.26326100
CF81 9GZ 51.70570500 -3.26225500
CF81 9HA 51.70542700 -3.26178700
CF81 9HB 51.70689500 -3.26412900
CF81 9HD 51.70658600 -3.26359900
CF81 9HE 51.70685300 -3.26467800
CF81 9HF 51.70683800 -3.26522700
CF81 9HG 51.70512000 -3.26946300
CF81 9HS 51.71185700 -3.26718800
CF81 9HT 51.70865800 -3.26531800
CF81 9HU 51.71311200 -3.26797900
CF81 9HW 51.71307900 -3.26763100
CF81 9HX 51.70870100 -3.26509100
CF81 9HY 51.70772800 -3.26529600
CF81 9HZ 51.70846800 -3.26663300
CF81 9JA 51.71554200 -3.26895600
CF81 9JB 51.71500200 -3.26947900
CF81 9JD 51.71494100 -3.27011500
CF81 9JF 51.71338000 -3.26897100
CF81 9JG 51.71390400 -3.26868100
CF81 9JH 51.74101900 -3.29949400
CF81 9JJ 51.73840400 -3.29812700
CF81 9JL 51.74011000 -3.29672700
CF81 9JN 51.73997400 -3.29844700
CF81 9JP 51.73903000 -3.29842000
CF81 9JQ 51.73950900 -3.29782900
CF81 9JR 51.73891100 -3.29740600
CF81 9JS 51.74032500 -3.29754400
CF81 9JT 51.74025200 -3.29728500
CF81 9JU 51.73992000 -3.29723200
CF81 9JW 51.73937300 -3.29667700
CF81 9JX 51.74011300 -3.29525400
CF81 9JY 51.73766900 -3.29427100
CF81 9JZ 51.73975700 -3.29569200
CF81 9LA 51.73761000 -3.29474800
CF81 9LB 51.73803600 -3.29518000
CF81 9LD 51.73833500 -3.29579700
CF81 9LE 51.73679300 -3.29537600
CF81 9LF 51.73656400 -3.29583300
CF81 9LG 51.74066900 -3.29700800
CF81 9LL 51.74382400 -3.29467900
CF81 9LN 51.74430700 -3.29323000
CF81 9LP 51.74432100 -3.29273800
CF81 9LQ 51.74405600 -3.29400500
CF81 9LS 51.74215800 -3.29648500
CF81 9NB 51.74079600 -3.29968700
CF81 9NH 51.74136000 -3.29792500
CF81 9NJ 51.73203500 -3.29883100
CF81 9NL 51.73153800 -3.29823800
CF81 9NN 51.73221300 -3.29770300
CF81 9NP 51.73174300 -3.29799400
CF81 9NR 51.72311000 -3.28493400
CF81 9NT 51.70493000 -3.27077200
CF48 4AE 51.74495600 -3.31374100