Chaldon is a ward in Tandridge district. Chaldon ward has 58 Total postcodes out of which only 58 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 19 other wards in Tandridge district near Chaldon.
Population | 1741 |
Addresses / Property Count | 647 |
County | Surrey |
District | Tandridge |
Active Postcodes | 58 |
Nearby wards in Tandridge district | 19 |
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude |
CR3 5AA | 51.28237200 | -0.10466800 |
CR3 5AB | 51.28155000 | -0.10841800 |
CR3 5AD | 51.28046300 | -0.11346500 |
CR3 5AE | 51.28192200 | -0.11635900 |
CR3 5AF | 51.28373400 | -0.12001300 |
CR3 5AG | 51.28501100 | -0.11663400 |
CR3 5AH | 51.28455400 | -0.11673900 |
CR3 5AL | 51.28184000 | -0.12189700 |
CR3 5AN | 51.28171300 | -0.10284500 |
CR3 5AP | 51.28072000 | -0.10763300 |
CR3 5AQ | 51.28040100 | -0.11072900 |
CR3 5AR | 51.28115300 | -0.10272500 |
CR3 5AS | 51.28054800 | -0.10699400 |
CR3 5BA | 51.27998700 | -0.10793500 |
CR3 5BB | 51.27994300 | -0.10739200 |
CR3 5BD | 51.27772200 | -0.11803600 |
CR3 5BE | 51.27887900 | -0.11949500 |
CR3 5BF | 51.28022100 | -0.11515200 |
CR3 5BG | 51.27603700 | -0.12114500 |
CR3 5BH | 51.27165800 | -0.11895800 |
CR3 5BJ | 51.27731500 | -0.12013200 |
CR3 5BL | 51.27345300 | -0.12100600 |
CR3 5BN | 51.27933200 | -0.11636500 |
CR3 5BP | 51.27831800 | -0.11986200 |
CR3 5BQ | 51.27554300 | -0.12906500 |
CR3 5DA | 51.28010600 | -0.10523500 |
CR3 5DB | 51.27836300 | -0.10423100 |
CR3 5DD | 51.27610300 | -0.10299000 |
CR3 5DE | 51.28017500 | -0.10451500 |
CR3 5DF | 51.27870300 | -0.10358600 |
CR3 5DG | 51.28003300 | -0.10183900 |
CR3 5DH | 51.27683500 | -0.10260200 |
CR3 5DJ | 51.27971700 | -0.10123600 |
CR3 5DL | 51.27861400 | -0.10088000 |
CR3 5DN | 51.27826500 | -0.10096600 |
CR3 5DP | 51.27453600 | -0.10339900 |
CR3 5DQ | 51.27832900 | -0.10882100 |
CR3 5DR | 51.27775400 | -0.10497300 |
CR3 5DS | 51.28034800 | -0.10245700 |
CR3 5DW | 51.27545000 | -0.10374900 |
CR3 5DX | 51.27072600 | -0.10742700 |
CR3 5DY | 51.27648700 | -0.10446600 |
CR3 5PR | 51.28163600 | -0.09864700 |
CR3 5PS | 51.28146200 | -0.10067600 |
CR3 5PT | 51.27763500 | -0.09981600 |
CR3 5PU | 51.28134700 | -0.09967700 |
CR3 5PX | 51.27706900 | -0.10100100 |
CR3 5XN | 51.28268100 | -0.09989500 |
CR3 6AE | 51.27457900 | -0.09440800 |
CR3 6AF | 51.27177200 | -0.09819400 |
CR3 6AG | 51.27690800 | -0.09164500 |
CR3 6AJ | 51.27100700 | -0.09816800 |
CR3 6AL | 51.27738000 | -0.09024900 |
CR3 6AQ | 51.27488300 | -0.09160200 |
CR3 6AR | 51.27527900 | -0.09764800 |
CR3 6AT | 51.27615100 | -0.09153300 |
CR3 6AW | 51.27653900 | -0.09325100 |
CR3 6GD | 51.27601100 | -0.09399000 |