Oxted South Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Oxted South is a ward in Tandridge district. Oxted South ward has 142 Total postcodes out of which only 125 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 19 other wards in Tandridge district near Oxted South.

Browse Information On Oxted South Ward

Oxted South Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6120
Addresses / Property Count 2356
County Surrey
District Tandridge
Active Postcodes 124
Nearby wards in Tandridge district 19

View Map Of Oxted South Postcodes

View Other Wards in Tandridge district:

Oxted South Postcode Table - 124 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
RH8 0BA 51.24326200 0.00592300
RH8 0BF 51.23743400 0.01382100
RH8 0DN 51.24894400 0.00283200
RH8 0EZ 51.23713400 0.01230100
RH8 0HB 51.24922700 0.00526600
RH8 0HE 51.24584400 0.00794100
RH8 0HF 51.24485500 0.00689500
RH8 0HG 51.24535000 0.00687400
RH8 0HH 51.24529300 0.00969400
RH8 0HJ 51.24457000 0.00833000
RH8 0HL 51.24375600 0.01017100
RH8 0HN 51.24404300 0.01071400
RH8 0HT 51.24468700 0.01299200
RH8 0HU 51.24464100 0.01357700
RH8 0HW 51.24504300 0.01372400
RH8 0HY 51.24420200 0.01503400
RH8 0HZ 51.24426700 0.01235700
RH8 0JA 51.24345700 0.01288100
RH8 0JD 51.24005900 0.01435100
RH8 0JE 51.24325300 0.00747000
RH8 0JF 51.24257200 0.01103700
RH8 0JG 51.24180600 0.01164800
RH8 0JH 51.24061800 0.01324400
RH8 0JJ 51.24183900 0.01387000
RH8 0JL 51.24261600 0.01367500
RH8 0JN 51.24265800 0.01594000
RH8 0JP 51.24313600 0.00644800
RH8 0JQ 51.24156600 0.00991800
RH8 0JR 51.24233400 0.01598400
RH8 0JS 51.24696100 0.00992400
RH8 0JT 51.24572100 0.00934000
RH8 0JU 51.24655300 0.00959100
RH8 0JW 51.24210300 0.01004200
RH8 0JX 51.24617200 0.00981800
RH8 0JY 51.24023800 0.01233900
RH8 0JZ 51.23981700 0.01276500
RH8 0LA 51.24677900 0.00680500
RH8 0LB 51.24611300 0.00537400
RH8 0LD 51.24549400 0.00530400
RH8 0LF 51.24577800 0.00342500
RH8 0LG 51.24762400 0.00382000
RH8 0LL 51.24442900 0.00393900
RH8 0LQ 51.24686000 0.00480400
RH8 0QJ 51.23896400 0.01370200
RH8 0QQ 51.24735100 0.00870900
RH8 0QT 51.24876700 0.00739500
RH8 0RN 51.23699900 0.01348700
RH8 0RP 51.22562400 0.01128600
RH8 0RR 51.21858600 0.01268300
RH8 0RS 51.22588700 0.01429100
RH8 0RU 51.23858800 0.01458500
RH8 0RX 51.23861800 0.01188100
RH8 0RY 51.23839000 0.01363400
RH8 9AG 51.24278700 0.00001400
RH8 9AH 51.24183600 0.00244900
RH8 9AJ 51.24212600 0.00452700
RH8 9AL 51.24125400 0.00344300
RH8 9AN 51.24181700 0.00576000
RH8 9AP 51.24039100 0.00711600
RH8 9AQ 51.24202900 0.00021000
RH8 9AR 51.24007300 0.00780500
RH8 9AS 51.23986000 0.01076100
RH8 9AT 51.23942100 0.00857800
RH8 9AU 51.23913300 0.00757700
RH8 9AW 51.24158400 0.00672400
RH8 9AZ 51.24068000 0.00910600
RH8 9BD 51.23748000 0.00839100
RH8 9BE 51.23592200 0.01070400
RH8 9BF 51.23664500 0.00938600
RH8 9BG 51.23457100 0.01083100
RH8 9BH 51.23645300 0.00810500
RH8 9BJ 51.23740800 0.00641300
RH8 9BL 51.23731300 0.00722600
RH8 9BN 51.23810200 0.00683000
RH8 9BP 51.23704000 0.01097900
RH8 9BQ 51.23371400 0.00996300
RH8 9BS 51.24402800 -0.00050500
RH8 9BT 51.24330100 -0.00056600
RH8 9BW 51.23409600 0.00601200
RH8 9BX 51.24159500 0.00033500
RH8 9BY 51.24284800 0.00490200
RH8 9BZ 51.23784400 0.01025500
RH8 9DA 51.23509500 0.00807500
RH8 9DB 51.23412800 0.00519600
RH8 9DD 51.23525000 0.00531700
RH8 9DE 51.23634100 0.00516400
RH8 9DF 51.24059400 0.00258400
RH8 9DG 51.23841400 0.00334800
RH8 9DH 51.24058100 0.00437400
RH8 9DJ 51.23928800 0.00483300
RH8 9DL 51.23425100 0.00694900
RH8 9DN 51.24808500 -0.00421300
RH8 9DP 51.24879300 -0.00355100
RH8 9DQ 51.24133500 0.00240100
RH8 9DR 51.24794900 -0.00046400
RH8 9DS 51.23867100 0.00409000
RH8 9DT 51.24660900 0.00151000
RH8 9DU 51.24457500 0.00225500
RH8 9DW 51.24912000 -0.00008400
RH8 9DX 51.24667500 -0.00066300
RH8 9DY 51.24621100 -0.00089800
RH8 9DZ 51.24750300 -0.00019700
RH8 9EA 51.24474900 -0.00004400
RH8 9ED 51.24591500 -0.00251600
RH8 9EJ 51.23740400 0.00966300
RH8 9ET 51.23675700 0.00397800
RH8 9HJ 51.24799100 -0.00610800
RH8 9JF 51.24051400 0.00620500
RH8 9NL 51.23952300 0.00944200
RH8 9NX 51.23433700 -0.01019400
RH8 9PB 51.24863400 -0.01005000
RH8 9PD 51.24648000 -0.01348100
RH8 9PE 51.24378800 -0.00694900
RH8 9PF 51.24249000 -0.01421200
RH8 9PG 51.23981100 -0.01268000
RH8 9PJ 51.23463800 -0.00882000
RH8 9PL 51.22965000 0.00253800
RH8 9PN 51.22324500 0.00475200
RH8 9PP 51.23249100 -0.00477300
RH8 9PQ 51.23894300 -0.01556800
RH8 9PX 51.24100900 0.00775900
RH8 9PY 51.24012900 0.00872400
RH8 9QF 51.23843700 0.00988200
RH8 9QG 51.23883000 0.00893900