Limpsfield Postcode, Map, Properties and Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

Limpsfield is a ward in Tandridge district. Limpsfield ward has 159 Total postcodes out of which only 131 postcodes are active. You can view all the postcodes below.
There are 19 other wards in Tandridge district near Limpsfield.

Browse Information On Limpsfield Ward

Limpsfield Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3566
Addresses / Property Count 1424
County Surrey
District Tandridge
Active Postcodes 116
Nearby wards in Tandridge district 19

View Map Of Limpsfield Postcodes

View Other Wards in Tandridge district:

Limpsfield Postcode Table - 116 active postcodes found

Postcode Latitude Longitude
RH8 0AH 51.26107000 0.00056400
RH8 0AJ 51.25992900 0.00047100
RH8 0AL 51.26116800 0.00215900
RH8 0AN 51.26396600 0.00477500
RH8 0AP 51.26262600 0.00527500
RH8 0AQ 51.26166700 0.00299800
RH8 0AR 51.26231500 0.00609300
RH8 0AS 51.26026100 -0.00000200
RH8 0AU 51.26236700 0.00725700
RH8 0AW 51.26366900 0.00526400
RH8 0BD 51.25697200 -0.00117600
RH8 0BH 51.25890600 0.00090000
RH8 0BL 51.25667400 0.00151900
RH8 0BN 51.25642700 0.00070600
RH8 0BQ 51.25782800 0.00028000
RH8 0BS 51.25751400 -0.00082300
RH8 0BT 51.25720800 -0.00023500
RH8 0BU 51.25889000 -0.00027600
RH8 0BX 51.25952600 0.00400600
RH8 0BY 51.26189400 0.00809600
RH8 0BZ 51.26141400 0.00830400
RH8 0DA 51.25901800 0.00378500
RH8 0DE 51.26207100 0.00986700
RH8 0DF 51.26213000 0.01214800
RH8 0DG 51.26130300 0.01112300
RH8 0DH 51.25809000 0.00863200
RH8 0DJ 51.25810000 0.00963600
RH8 0DL 51.25941800 0.01505400
RH8 0DP 51.25961600 0.01299900
RH8 0DQ 51.25842300 0.01225900
RH8 0DR 51.25900600 0.01396100
RH8 0DS 51.25903900 0.01360400
RH8 0DT 51.25811400 0.01403700
RH8 0DU 51.25883700 0.01541600
RH8 0DW 51.25798600 0.01259800
RH8 0DX 51.25693600 0.01453000
RH8 0DY 51.25638300 0.01533700
RH8 0DZ 51.25748000 0.01062700
RH8 0EA 51.25609300 0.01857800
RH8 0EB 51.25542100 0.01582500
RH8 0ED 51.25602400 0.01007600
RH8 0EE 51.25689800 0.01100300
RH8 0EH 51.25617100 0.00140900
RH8 0EN 51.25333700 0.00366700
RH8 0EP 51.25701500 0.00364100
RH8 0ER 51.25650500 0.00403400
RH8 0ES 51.25393900 0.00680300
RH8 0ET 51.25503900 0.00507400
RH8 0EU 51.25413700 0.00522100
RH8 0EW 51.25394100 0.00249000
RH8 0EX 51.25486300 0.00856300
RH8 0GH 51.22059500 0.01707900
RH8 0PR 51.25726800 -0.00113500
RH8 0QG 51.25120400 0.02153000
RH8 0QL 51.25399000 0.01226600
RH8 0QS 51.25198300 0.00865300
RH8 0QU 51.24939000 0.00886900
RH8 0QX 51.24919300 0.01242900
RH8 0QY 51.25069600 0.01709500
RH8 0QZ 51.25021200 0.02218900
RH8 0RB 51.24949300 0.02220100
RH8 0RD 51.24771300 0.02212200
RH8 0RE 51.24758300 0.02498300
RH8 0RF 51.24829400 0.02024200
RH8 0RG 51.24504500 0.02146100
RH8 0RH 51.23032600 0.02391000
RH8 0RJ 51.24097600 0.02742900
RH8 0RL 51.23828200 0.03692100
RH8 0RQ 51.24109200 0.02177500
RH8 0RT 51.23480900 0.01476700
RH8 0RZ 51.26468100 0.00962000
RH8 0SA 51.26976700 0.00578700
RH8 0SG 51.26101500 0.01840600
RH8 0SH 51.26128600 0.02250300
RH8 0SJ 51.25781500 0.01931000
RH8 0SL 51.25656100 0.02377200
RH8 0SN 51.25457200 0.02593500
RH8 0SQ 51.25938900 0.01833500
RH8 0SR 51.25283900 0.04279500
RH8 0SS 51.25126400 0.03829900
RH8 0ST 51.25158700 0.03678000
RH8 0SW 51.25995100 0.03158900
RH8 0SX 51.24982300 0.02651400
RH8 0SY 51.25072900 0.03025100
RH8 0SZ 51.24876700 0.03192700
RH8 0TA 51.24591300 0.03832100
RH8 0TB 51.24243600 0.05497100
RH8 0TD 51.24561100 0.03806400
RH8 0TE 51.24422600 0.04013700
RH8 0TF 51.24789100 0.03731900
RH8 0TG 51.24820000 0.04019900
RH8 0TH 51.24895400 0.03978800
RH8 0TJ 51.24879000 0.04094100
RH8 0TL 51.24389900 0.04599700
RH8 0TN 51.24909100 0.04065400
RH8 0TP 51.25017300 0.03845200
RH8 0TQ 51.24852400 0.03966900
RH8 0TR 51.24987900 0.03882600
RH8 0TS 51.24916200 0.03766200
RH8 0TT 51.25026900 0.03657900
RH8 0TU 51.25143800 0.03596900
RH8 0TW 51.24921500 0.04133300
RH8 0TY 51.26057100 0.01445900
RH8 0UD 51.25224100 0.01290400
RH8 0ZT 51.25720800 -0.00023500
RH8 8SA 51.25720800 -0.00023500
TN16 2ES 51.26070400 0.04872200
TN16 2EX 51.26230200 0.05038200
TN8 6QB 51.20564300 0.02841100
TN8 6QE 51.20797200 0.02583600
TN8 6QF 51.21217300 0.02208300
TN8 6QH 51.21027800 0.02923000
TN8 6QP 51.21409700 0.02886800
TN8 6QR 51.21918100 0.02612700
TN8 6QS 51.22012200 0.03087800
TN8 6QX 51.23521100 0.04501000