GU7 is a postcode district in Waverley, UK. Below is a complete list of GU7 Postcodes (Active). GU7 postcode district comprises of 800 active postcodes and 4 postcode sectors. GU7 district has a population of 22785, and it has 9261 properties in the region.
Population | 22785 |
Addresses / Property Count | 9261 |
Active Postcodes | 800 |
Nearby Postcode Districts | 39 |
Active Postcode Sectors | 4 |
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Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Households | Population | Easting | Northing |
GU7 1AA | 51.18594600 | -0.60594600 | N/A | N/A | 497526 | 143892 |
GU7 1AB | 51.18489900 | -0.61699500 | 6 | 11 | 496756 | 143761 |
GU7 1AD | 51.18601800 | -0.61151800 | N/A | N/A | 497136 | 143893 |
GU7 1AE | 51.18589300 | -0.60982500 | N/A | N/A | 497255 | 143881 |
GU7 1AF | 51.18485700 | -0.61645300 | 6 | 13 | 496794 | 143757 |
GU7 1AG | 51.17535000 | -0.61814800 | N/A | N/A | 496695 | 142698 |
GU7 1AH | 51.18473900 | -0.61746600 | 27 | 58 | 496723 | 143743 |
GU7 1AJ | 51.18506100 | -0.61543100 | 8 | 11 | 496865 | 143781 |
GU7 1AL | 51.18535400 | -0.61512200 | N/A | N/A | 496886 | 143814 |
GU7 1AP | 51.18532100 | -0.61465000 | N/A | N/A | 496919 | 143811 |
GU7 1AQ | 51.18522000 | -0.61556300 | 6 | 11 | 496855 | 143799 |
GU7 1AR | 51.18529800 | -0.61425000 | N/A | N/A | 496947 | 143809 |
GU7 1AS | 51.18517700 | -0.61309500 | 11 | 16 | 497028 | 143797 |
GU7 1AT | 51.18547900 | -0.61280000 | N/A | N/A | 497048 | 143831 |
GU7 1AU | 51.18554900 | -0.61217600 | 4 | 10 | 497091 | 143840 |
GU7 1AW | 51.18540500 | -0.61410400 | 4 | 6 | 496957 | 143821 |
GU7 1AX | 51.18656500 | -0.60161400 | N/A | N/A | 497827 | 143967 |
GU7 1AY | 51.18563800 | -0.61332400 | N/A | N/A | 497011 | 143848 |
GU7 1AZ | 51.18568400 | -0.61069800 | 3 | 5 | 497194 | 143857 |
GU7 1BA | 51.18530600 | -0.61110200 | 10 | 17 | 497167 | 143814 |
GU7 1BB | 51.18596600 | -0.61141100 | N/A | N/A | 497144 | 143887 |
GU7 1BD | 51.18513900 | -0.61139300 | N/A | N/A | 497147 | 143795 |
GU7 1BE | 51.18521100 | -0.61144800 | N/A | N/A | 497143 | 143803 |
GU7 1BF | 51.18436000 | -0.61472200 | 10 | 23 | 496916 | 143704 |
GU7 1BG | 51.18408000 | -0.60963100 | 5 | 8 | 497272 | 143680 |
GU7 1BH | 51.18290100 | -0.60922900 | 32 | 83 | 497303 | 143549 |
GU7 1BJ | 51.18350400 | -0.60956200 | 40 | 43 | 497278 | 143616 |
GU7 1BL | 51.18224600 | -0.60860400 | 11 | 30 | 497348 | 143477 |
GU7 1BN | 51.18227400 | -0.60943300 | 10 | 12 | 497290 | 143479 |
GU7 1BP | 51.18397400 | -0.61104200 | 33 | 81 | 497174 | 143666 |
GU7 1BQ | 51.18329700 | -0.60931700 | 27 | 72 | 497296 | 143593 |
GU7 1BS | 51.18427200 | -0.61338000 | 16 | 44 | 497010 | 143696 |
GU7 1BT | 51.18427400 | -0.61200600 | 8 | 21 | 497106 | 143698 |
GU7 1BU | 51.18484300 | -0.61221800 | 5 | 7 | 497090 | 143761 |
GU7 1BW | 51.18286500 | -0.61074600 | 33 | 79 | 497197 | 143543 |
GU7 1BX | 51.18520800 | -0.61220100 | 7 | 68 | 497090 | 143802 |
GU7 1BY | 51.18448900 | -0.61350200 | 28 | 62 | 497001 | 143720 |
GU7 1BZ | 51.18492900 | -0.61452700 | 5 | 8 | 496928 | 143768 |
GU7 1DA | 51.18579100 | -0.60754700 | N/A | N/A | 497414 | 143873 |
GU7 1DB | 51.18381800 | -0.61525300 | 19 | 34 | 496880 | 143643 |
GU7 1DD | 51.18398600 | -0.61582100 | 23 | 56 | 496840 | 143661 |
GU7 1DE | 51.18872900 | -0.59685500 | N/A | N/A | 498155 | 144214 |
GU7 1DG | 51.18325300 | -0.61089200 | 24 | 38 | 497186 | 143586 |
GU7 1DH | 51.18424300 | -0.61350300 | 6 | 8 | 497001 | 143693 |
GU7 1DJ | 51.18537200 | -0.61592200 | 4 | 8 | 496830 | 143815 |
GU7 1DL | 51.18458300 | -0.61003700 | N/A | N/A | 497243 | 143735 |
GU7 1DN | 51.18578500 | -0.61279100 | 2 | 4 | 497048 | 143865 |
GU7 1DP | 51.18559000 | -0.61534300 | N/A | N/A | 496870 | 143840 |
GU7 1DQ | 51.18434200 | -0.61093100 | 18 | 39 | 497181 | 143707 |
GU7 1DR | 51.18751400 | -0.60649400 | 1 | 1 | 497484 | 144066 |