B69 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B69 1 is a postcode sector in Sandwell, UK. Below is a complete list of B69 1 Postcodes (Active). B69 1 postcode sector comprises of 252 active postcodes. B69 1 sector has a population of 14911, and it has 5961 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B69 1 postcode sector

B69 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 14911
Addresses / Property Count 5961
Active Postcodes 252
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of B69 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 252 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B69 1AA 52.50915600 -2.05809600 N/A N/A 396154 290142
B69 1AD 52.48883200 -2.02661200 6 11 398290 287880
B69 1AE 52.49030700 -2.02545000 31 45 398369 288044
B69 1AF 52.48787900 -2.02745100 16 25 398233 287774
B69 1AG 52.49002800 -2.02643600 27 69 398302 288013
B69 1AH 52.49093600 -2.02661300 32 87 398290 288114
B69 1AJ 52.48955100 -2.02761400 19 45 398222 287960
B69 1AQ 52.48876000 -2.02758400 7 23 398224 287872
B69 1AT 52.48885900 -2.02820300 17 36 398182 287883
B69 1AU 52.48852600 -2.02886500 9 20 398137 287846
B69 1AW 52.49291900 -2.03213200 N/A N/A 397915 288335
B69 1AX 52.48917300 -2.02870400 15 20 398148 287918
B69 1AY 52.49083600 -2.03060500 39 68 398019 288103
B69 1AZ 52.49140300 -2.02938300 20 27 398102 288166
B69 1BA 52.48890400 -2.02949900 43 80 398094 287888
B69 1BB 52.48989200 -2.02972000 40 111 398079 287998
B69 1BD 52.48928100 -2.02982300 7 13 398072 287930
B69 1BE 52.49004500 -2.02882200 16 54 398140 288015
B69 1BF 52.48973900 -2.03094300 11 40 397996 287981
B69 1BG 52.49192300 -2.03318300 4 9 397844 288224
B69 1BH 52.49118700 -2.03023700 21 49 398044 288142
B69 1BJ 52.49148300 -2.03085500 24 71 398002 288175
B69 1BL 52.48995500 -2.03165000 9 14 397948 288005
B69 1BN 52.48915500 -2.03083900 6 12 398003 287916
B69 1BP 52.48939700 -2.03206200 6 7 397920 287943
B69 1BQ 52.49076400 -2.03215100 23 42 397914 288095
B69 1BS 52.48992700 -2.03327000 22 55 397838 288002
B69 1BT 52.49070000 -2.03450700 9 15 397754 288088
B69 1BU 52.49133800 -2.03630500 23 68 397632 288159
B69 1BW 52.48930800 -2.03131000 6 7 397971 287933
B69 1BX 52.49106900 -2.03477300 14 28 397736 288129
B69 1BY 52.49195800 -2.03690900 11 21 397591 288228
B69 1BZ 52.49231800 -2.03710100 12 22 397578 288268
B69 1DA 52.49265900 -2.03682100 12 28 397597 288306
B69 1DB 52.49290200 -2.03655600 12 30 397615 288333
B69 1DD 52.49307300 -2.03592300 12 24 397658 288352
B69 1DE 52.49192300 -2.03509700 11 28 397714 288224
B69 1DF 52.49272300 -2.03359600 6 12 397816 288313
B69 1DG 52.49055700 -2.03344700 10 30 397826 288072
B69 1DJ 52.49175200 -2.03442000 34 69 397760 288205
B69 1DL 52.49139300 -2.03363900 20 34 397813 288165
B69 1DN 52.48942500 -2.03057400 8 25 398021 287946
B69 1DP 52.49064700 -2.03307900 19 28 397851 288082
B69 1DQ 52.49017000 -2.03259200 9 14 397884 288029
B69 1DR 52.49010700 -2.03212100 8 9 397916 288022
B69 1DS 52.48970300 -2.03173800 8 11 397942 287977
B69 1DT 52.49286000 -2.02399300 N/A N/A 398468 288328
B69 1DU 52.48947900 -2.03016200 9 38 398049 287952
B69 1DX 52.48904700 -2.03123700 5 15 397976 287904
B69 1DY 52.49435000 -2.03389200 19 53 397796 288494
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