GU46 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU46 7 is a postcode sector in Hart, UK. Below is a complete list of GU46 7 Postcodes (Active). GU46 7 postcode sector comprises of 112 active postcodes. GU46 7 sector has a population of 3518, and it has 1445 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU46 7 postcode sector

GU46 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3518
Addresses / Property Count 1445
Active Postcodes 112
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of GU46 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 112 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU46 7AA 51.33897300 -0.81715800 N/A N/A 482491 160651
GU46 7AB 51.33969400 -0.81726700 1 2 482482 160731
GU46 7AD 51.33946400 -0.81594000 24 69 482575 160707
GU46 7AE 51.33997200 -0.81367000 N/A N/A 482732 160766
GU46 7AF 51.34034800 -0.81529700 N/A N/A 482618 160806
GU46 7AG 51.34015100 -0.81448400 N/A N/A 482675 160785
GU46 7AH 51.34065800 -0.81475800 N/A N/A 482655 160841
GU46 7AJ 51.34099900 -0.81473500 N/A N/A 482656 160879
GU46 7AL 51.34040600 -0.81480800 N/A N/A 482652 160813
GU46 7AN 51.34124800 -0.81444200 N/A N/A 482676 160907
GU46 7AP 51.34068200 -0.81449900 N/A N/A 482673 160844
GU46 7AQ 51.34071400 -0.81415400 N/A N/A 482697 160848
GU46 7AR 51.34058200 -0.81435800 N/A N/A 482683 160833
GU46 7AS 51.34715000 -0.82554900 N/A N/A 481892 161551
GU46 7AT 51.34643800 -0.83708000 N/A N/A 481090 161459
GU46 7AU 51.34746300 -0.83791600 N/A N/A 481030 161572
GU46 7AW 51.34673000 -0.83652700 N/A N/A 481128 161492
GU46 7AX 51.34707900 -0.83729400 N/A N/A 481074 161530
GU46 7AY 51.34686200 -0.83811700 N/A N/A 481017 161505
GU46 7AZ 51.34690400 -0.83778600 N/A N/A 481040 161510
GU46 7BB 51.34615000 -0.83612500 N/A N/A 481157 161428
GU46 7GA 51.34148700 -0.82843600 12 13 481701 160918
GU46 7HG 51.34171600 -0.82970800 5 16 481612 160942
GU46 7LR 51.34196300 -0.82832100 2 7 481708 160971
GU46 7LS 51.34063100 -0.82822800 13 26 481717 160823
GU46 7PN 51.34704900 -0.84249500 1 2 480712 161521
GU46 7PW 51.34783400 -0.84274800 30 61 480693 161608
GU46 7PZ 51.34694900 -0.84509600 12 41 480531 161507
GU46 7QN 51.34325600 -0.83090300 5 17 481526 161112
GU46 7QP 51.34682200 -0.84319000 38 64 480664 161495
GU46 7QR 51.34557100 -0.83126100 6 13 481497 161369
GU46 7QS 51.34295900 -0.83166900 5 14 481473 161078
GU46 7QT 51.34424100 -0.83680800 13 35 481113 161215
GU46 7QU 51.34416400 -0.83995400 12 34 480894 161203
GU46 7QX 51.34528800 -0.83988300 21 52 480897 161328
GU46 7QY 51.34588700 -0.83959500 24 62 480916 161395
GU46 7QZ 51.34722800 -0.84052000 4 15 480849 161543
GU46 7RA 51.34662300 -0.84036600 11 31 480861 161476
GU46 7RB 51.34743200 -0.84119300 12 35 480802 161565
GU46 7RD 51.34511400 -0.84136600 41 117 480794 161307
GU46 7RE 51.34582400 -0.84136200 8 14 480793 161386
GU46 7RF 51.34601100 -0.84387000 15 50 480618 161404
GU46 7RG 51.34569600 -0.84293100 19 57 480684 161370
GU46 7RH 51.34485700 -0.84539300 15 44 480514 161274
GU46 7RJ 51.34452200 -0.84522900 7 18 480526 161237
GU46 7RL 51.34393400 -0.84392300 16 37 480618 161173
GU46 7RN 51.34434000 -0.84224700 7 20 480734 161220
GU46 7RP 51.34269500 -0.83585400 N/A N/A 481182 161044
GU46 7RQ 51.34442400 -0.84439900 5 9 480584 161227
GU46 7RR 51.34606300 -0.84559200 40 95 480498 161408
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