B24 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B24 is a postcode district in Birmingham, UK. Below is a complete list of B24 Postcodes (Active). B24 postcode district comprises of 578 active postcodes and 3 postcode sectors. B24 district has a population of 28280, and it has 11680 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B24 postcode district

B24 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 28280
Addresses / Property Count 11680
Active Postcodes 578
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Active Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of B24 Postcode Sectors

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showing 550-578 of 578 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B24 9RQ 52.51404900 -1.83107300 16 36 411561 290698
B24 9RR 52.51292500 -1.83084200 10 22 411577 290573
B24 9RS 52.51235100 -1.83194900 16 45 411502 290509
B24 9RT 52.51242500 -1.83336300 9 19 411406 290517
B24 9RU 52.51193900 -1.83324700 10 22 411414 290463
B24 9RW 52.51362600 -1.83067700 38 87 411588 290651
B24 9RX 52.51190100 -1.83159700 25 52 411526 290459
B24 9SA 52.51746700 -1.83464900 N/A N/A 411317 291078
B24 9SB 52.51583900 -1.83458200 1 3 411322 290897
B24 9SD 52.51694600 -1.83256500 10 32 411459 291020
B24 9SE 52.51633000 -1.83566200 8 16 411249 290951
B24 9SH 52.51623300 -1.83103500 52 132 411563 290941
B24 9SJ 52.51581700 -1.82928300 23 53 411682 290895
B24 9SL 52.51558200 -1.82803100 17 36 411767 290869
B24 9SN 52.51470000 -1.82774000 35 88 411787 290771
B24 9SP 52.51628500 -1.82954700 9 16 411664 290947
B24 9SR 52.51675000 -1.82801200 48 87 411768 290999
B24 9SS 52.51677600 -1.82687700 15 43 411845 291002
B24 9ST 52.51587500 -1.82599700 17 45 411905 290902
B24 9SU 52.51596700 -1.82701300 26 63 411836 290912
B24 9SW 52.51625900 -1.83659100 27 41 411186 290943
B24 9SX 52.51649600 -1.82590600 45 110 411911 290971
B24 9SY 52.51558700 -1.82582100 18 51 411917 290870
B24 9SZ 52.51545100 -1.82461300 27 65 411999 290855
B24 9TA 52.51514700 -1.82594100 36 76 411909 290821
B24 9TB 52.51428500 -1.82668100 16 46 411859 290725
B24 9TD 52.51460300 -1.82905200 57 143 411698 290760
B24 9TE 52.51386400 -1.82786100 8 18 411779 290678
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