BB6 is a postcode district in Hyndburn, UK. Below is a complete list of BB6 Postcodes (Active). BB6 postcode district comprises of 367 active postcodes and 3 postcode sectors. BB6 district has a population of 14602, and it has 6252 properties in the region.
Population | 14602 |
Addresses / Property Count | 6252 |
Active Postcodes | 367 |
Nearby Postcode Districts | 14 |
Active Postcode Sectors | 3 |
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Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Households | Population | Easting | Northing |
BB6 7AA | 53.78437800 | -2.40611200 | 44 | 96 | 373339 | 432083 |
BB6 7AB | 53.78494500 | -2.40573800 | 7 | 20 | 373364 | 432146 |
BB6 7AD | 53.78531500 | -2.40631800 | 5 | 11 | 373326 | 432187 |
BB6 7AE | 53.78517200 | -2.40616500 | 7 | 28 | 373336 | 432171 |
BB6 7AF | 53.78364100 | -2.40434400 | 33 | 83 | 373455 | 432000 |
BB6 7AH | 53.78437700 | -2.40488300 | 40 | 75 | 373420 | 432082 |
BB6 7AL | 53.78604400 | -2.40347200 | 15 | 24 | 373514 | 432267 |
BB6 7AN | 53.78505700 | -2.40293100 | 38 | 75 | 373549 | 432157 |
BB6 7AP | 53.78497300 | -2.40391700 | 58 | 127 | 373484 | 432148 |
BB6 7AQ | 53.78534800 | -2.40451300 | 19 | 45 | 373445 | 432190 |
BB6 7AR | 53.78464500 | -2.40256300 | 23 | 58 | 373573 | 432111 |
BB6 7AS | 53.78439400 | -2.40237900 | 29 | 76 | 373585 | 432083 |
BB6 7AT | 53.78662900 | -2.40060900 | N/A | N/A | 373703 | 432331 |
BB6 7AW | 53.78585000 | -2.40380400 | 22 | 40 | 373492 | 432246 |
BB6 7AX | 53.78676900 | -2.40170300 | N/A | N/A | 373631 | 432347 |
BB6 7AZ | 53.78566100 | -2.40512300 | 37 | 47 | 373405 | 432225 |
BB6 7BA | 53.78504300 | -2.39643500 | 8 | 22 | 373977 | 432153 |
BB6 7BB | 53.78538900 | -2.39507300 | N/A | N/A | 374067 | 432191 |
BB6 7BD | 53.78580700 | -2.39920500 | 26 | 80 | 373795 | 432239 |
BB6 7BE | 53.78478400 | -2.40127400 | 28 | 74 | 373658 | 432126 |
BB6 7BG | 53.78592900 | -2.40036000 | 49 | 67 | 373719 | 432253 |
BB6 7BL | 53.78466500 | -2.39920900 | 33 | 65 | 373794 | 432112 |
BB6 7BN | 53.78532500 | -2.39824400 | 23 | 58 | 373858 | 432185 |
BB6 7BP | 53.78531500 | -2.39854800 | 13 | 35 | 373838 | 432184 |
BB6 7BQ | 53.78348300 | -2.40048800 | 9 | 14 | 373709 | 431981 |
BB6 7BS | 53.78492500 | -2.39951500 | 30 | 86 | 373774 | 432141 |
BB6 7BT | 53.78522100 | -2.39971500 | 8 | 20 | 373761 | 432174 |
BB6 7BU | 53.78429000 | -2.40114800 | 16 | 38 | 373666 | 432071 |
BB6 7BW | 53.78560000 | -2.39906600 | 32 | 95 | 373804 | 432216 |
BB6 7DB | 53.78586200 | -2.40691600 | 2 | 2 | 373287 | 432248 |
BB6 7DD | 53.78572400 | -2.40770300 | 1 | 1 | 373235 | 432233 |
BB6 7DE | 53.78465000 | -2.40902900 | 15 | 28 | 373147 | 432114 |
BB6 7DF | 53.78464200 | -2.40871000 | 17 | 29 | 373168 | 432113 |
BB6 7DG | 53.78452700 | -2.40826900 | 13 | 18 | 373197 | 432100 |
BB6 7DH | 53.78435500 | -2.40847900 | 1 | 2 | 373183 | 432081 |
BB6 7DJ | 53.78382900 | -2.40736600 | 45 | 112 | 373256 | 432022 |
BB6 7DL | 53.78385000 | -2.39980800 | 5 | 13 | 373754 | 432022 |
BB6 7DN | 53.78404700 | -2.40815700 | N/A | N/A | 373204 | 432047 |
BB6 7DP | 53.78417700 | -2.40689900 | 24 | 45 | 373287 | 432061 |
BB6 7DQ | 53.78502100 | -2.40819700 | 2 | 3 | 373202 | 432155 |
BB6 7DR | 53.78392300 | -2.40612300 | 6 | 14 | 373338 | 432032 |
BB6 7DS | 53.78277600 | -2.40761400 | 48 | 143 | 373239 | 431905 |
BB6 7DT | 53.78323500 | -2.40746700 | 18 | 54 | 373249 | 431956 |
BB6 7DU | 53.78309900 | -2.40775400 | 34 | 85 | 373230 | 431941 |
BB6 7DW | 53.78425900 | -2.40778000 | 12 | 27 | 373229 | 432070 |
BB6 7DX | 53.78243100 | -2.40885500 | 11 | 25 | 373157 | 431867 |
BB6 7DY | 53.78325700 | -2.40889400 | 50 | 163 | 373155 | 431959 |
BB6 7DZ | 53.78275200 | -2.40940500 | 64 | 165 | 373121 | 431903 |
BB6 7EA | 53.78299700 | -2.41030200 | 10 | 18 | 373062 | 431931 |
BB6 7EB | 53.78159200 | -2.40954500 | 1 | 2 | 373111 | 431774 |