BD15 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BD15 is a postcode district in Bradford, UK. Below is a complete list of BD15 Postcodes (Active). BD15 postcode district comprises of 437 active postcodes and 4 postcode sectors. BD15 district has a population of 15713, and it has 6272 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BD15 postcode district

BD15 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 15713
Addresses / Property Count 6272
Active Postcodes 437
Nearby Postcode Districts 26
Active Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of BD15 Postcode Sectors

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showing 250-300 of 437 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BD15 7NL 53.80015000 -1.82483200 23 58 411635 433775
BD15 7NN 53.80024900 -1.82463400 3 10 411648 433786
BD15 7NP 53.80027400 -1.82389000 19 40 411697 433789
BD15 7NQ 53.80026800 -1.82163100 5 10 411846 433789
BD15 7NR 53.80072500 -1.82460200 5 9 411650 433839
BD15 7NS 53.80059200 -1.82194800 4 11 411825 433825
BD15 7PA 53.80096100 -1.82035000 15 45 411930 433866
BD15 7PE 53.80183600 -1.82227400 11 26 411803 433963
BD15 7PH 53.80206900 -1.82213700 26 61 411812 433989
BD15 7PJ 53.80181700 -1.82153000 4 9 411852 433961
BD15 7PL 53.80231900 -1.82076900 6 22 411902 434017
BD15 7PN 53.80309500 -1.82266400 28 64 411777 434103
BD15 7PP 53.80330900 -1.82143300 25 86 411858 434127
BD15 7PQ 53.80110900 -1.82306700 1 5 411751 433882
BD15 7PR 53.80230000 -1.81996500 40 128 411955 434015
BD15 7PS 53.80394700 -1.82179500 14 41 411834 434198
BD15 7PT 53.80265800 -1.82477600 5 25 411638 434054
BD15 7PU 53.80240200 -1.82471900 4 20 411642 434026
BD15 7PW 53.80365800 -1.82061200 11 31 411912 434166
BD15 7QA 53.80401500 -1.81916800 8 27 412007 434206
BD15 7QB 53.80406100 -1.81956200 2 9 411981 434211
BD15 7QD 53.80435800 -1.81975800 16 24 411968 434244
BD15 7QE 53.80441300 -1.82042600 19 32 411924 434250
BD15 7QN 53.80393700 -1.82061000 22 49 411912 434197
BD15 7QQ 53.80470900 -1.82007600 N/A N/A 411947 434283
BD15 7QS 53.80364800 -1.82014100 5 7 411943 434165
BD15 7QT 53.80363900 -1.82000400 4 5 411952 434164
BD15 7QU 53.80356200 -1.81900500 4 11 412018 434156
BD15 7QW 53.79592000 -1.82119100 4 11 411876 433305
BD15 7QX 53.80333000 -1.81774300 2 8 412101 434130
BD15 7QY 53.80341000 -1.81672600 9 12 412168 434139
BD15 7QZ 53.80340000 -1.81666500 23 55 412172 434138
BD15 7RA 53.80286100 -1.81625700 3 9 412199 434078
BD15 7RB 53.80317500 -1.81593700 17 39 412220 434113
BD15 7RD 53.80255500 -1.81644100 13 32 412187 434044
BD15 7RE 53.80313900 -1.81590700 24 51 412222 434109
BD15 7RF 53.79589200 -1.82061400 5 16 411914 433302
BD15 7RG 53.79898400 -1.82043400 12 38 411925 433646
BD15 7RH 53.80234900 -1.81674500 10 23 412167 434021
BD15 7RJ 53.80073800 -1.81538600 11 34 412257 433842
BD15 7RL 53.80118800 -1.81585500 17 40 412226 433892
BD15 7RN 53.80045100 -1.81587300 12 31 412225 433810
BD15 7RP 53.79813900 -1.82022500 3 5 411939 433552
BD15 7RQ 53.80279600 -1.81525500 19 40 412265 434071
BD15 7RR 53.80050300 -1.81450600 3 3 412315 433816
BD15 7RS 53.79997400 -1.81563200 14 46 412241 433757
BD15 7RT 53.79914600 -1.81481600 10 57 412295 433665
BD15 7RU 53.79982900 -1.81472200 1 2 412301 433741
BD15 7RW 53.80015500 -1.81587400 2 2 412225 433777
BD15 7RX 53.79602700 -1.82052300 4 18 411920 433317
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