BS16 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BS16 is a postcode district in South Gloucestershire, UK. Below is a complete list of BS16 Postcodes (Active). BS16 postcode district comprises of 2022 active postcodes and 9 postcode sectors. BS16 district has a population of 75733, and it has 30689 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BS16 postcode district

BS16 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 75733
Addresses / Property Count 30689
Active Postcodes 2022
Nearby Postcode Districts 46
Active Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of BS16 Postcode Sectors

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showing 1750-1800 of 2022 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BS16 7LN 51.49412400 -2.46479300 N/A N/A 367829 177345
BS16 7LP 51.49483000 -2.46372000 N/A N/A 367904 177423
BS16 7LQ 51.49459800 -2.46318500 N/A N/A 367941 177397
BS16 7LR 51.50170500 -2.46668600 N/A N/A 367703 178189
BS16 7LS 51.49553300 -2.46331000 N/A N/A 367933 177501
BS16 7LT 51.49627700 -2.46366300 N/A N/A 367909 177584
BS16 7LU 51.49596100 -2.46399100 N/A N/A 367886 177549
BS16 7LW 51.49364000 -2.46664700 N/A N/A 367700 177292
BS16 7LX 51.49410600 -2.46701200 N/A N/A 367675 177344
BS16 7LY 51.49710200 -2.46443500 N/A N/A 367856 177676
BS16 7LZ 51.49658300 -2.46608600 N/A N/A 367741 177619
BS16 7NA 51.49603800 -2.46510100 N/A N/A 367809 177558
BS16 7NB 51.49575600 -2.46603400 N/A N/A 367744 177527
BS16 7NE 51.49614900 -2.46206300 N/A N/A 368020 177569
BS16 7NF 51.50076000 -2.46709400 N/A N/A 367674 178084
BS16 7NG 51.49963500 -2.46734200 N/A N/A 367656 177959
BS16 7NH 51.50026800 -2.46628200 N/A N/A 367730 178029
BS16 7NJ 51.50080400 -2.46507700 N/A N/A 367814 178088
BS16 7NL 51.49353000 -2.46951200 N/A N/A 367501 177281
BS16 7NN 51.49389300 -2.47085500 N/A N/A 367408 177322
BS16 7NP 51.49347400 -2.46324600 N/A N/A 367936 177272
BS16 7NQ 51.49494500 -2.46184900 N/A N/A 368034 177435
BS16 7NR 51.49453200 -2.46154200 N/A N/A 368055 177389
BS16 7NS 51.49384300 -2.46088700 N/A N/A 368100 177312
BS16 7NT 51.49782000 -2.45594300 6 19 368446 177752
BS16 7NU 51.49405500 -2.46169600 N/A N/A 368044 177336
BS16 7NW 51.49405300 -2.46005400 N/A N/A 368158 177335
BS16 7NX 51.49355100 -2.46409600 N/A N/A 367877 177281
BS16 7NY 51.49308200 -2.46233400 N/A N/A 367999 177228
BS16 7NZ 51.49162800 -2.46394700 N/A N/A 367886 177067
BS16 7PA 51.49489900 -2.48228900 13 35 366615 177439
BS16 7PB 51.49260700 -2.46404300 N/A N/A 367880 177176
BS16 7PD 51.49226400 -2.46225400 N/A N/A 368004 177137
BS16 7PE 51.49367400 -2.46259900 N/A N/A 367981 177294
BS16 7PF 51.49062100 -2.46840200 N/A N/A 367576 176957
BS16 7PG 51.49608200 -2.46075100 N/A N/A 368111 177561
BS16 7PH 51.49691700 -2.46333800 N/A N/A 367932 177655
BS16 7PJ 51.49853500 -2.46358500 N/A N/A 367916 177835
BS16 7PL 51.49812100 -2.46361000 N/A N/A 367914 177789
BS16 7PN 51.49807300 -2.46441600 N/A N/A 367858 177784
BS16 7PP 51.49717000 -2.46312500 N/A N/A 367947 177683
BS16 7PQ 51.49837200 -2.46391500 N/A N/A 367893 177817
BS16 7PR 51.49215200 -2.46546500 N/A N/A 367781 177126
BS16 7PS 51.50257900 -2.47093000 N/A N/A 367409 178288
BS16 7PT 51.49661000 -2.47483100 N/A N/A 367134 177626
BS16 7PU 51.50066500 -2.46379400 N/A N/A 367903 178072
BS16 7PX 51.49886200 -2.46708900 N/A N/A 367673 177873
BS16 7PY 51.49798900 -2.46519300 N/A N/A 367804 177775
BS16 7PZ 51.49735300 -2.46458100 N/A N/A 367846 177704
BS16 7QA 51.49746300 -2.46409300 N/A N/A 367880 177716
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