BS16 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BS16 is a postcode district in South Gloucestershire, UK. Below is a complete list of BS16 Postcodes (Active). BS16 postcode district comprises of 2022 active postcodes and 9 postcode sectors. BS16 district has a population of 75733, and it has 30689 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BS16 postcode district

BS16 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 75733
Addresses / Property Count 30689
Active Postcodes 2022
Nearby Postcode Districts 46
Active Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of BS16 Postcode Sectors

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showing 1550-1600 of 2022 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BS16 6TJ 51.49889800 -2.49176700 6 14 365960 177888
BS16 6TL 51.49784900 -2.49070400 8 20 366033 177771
BS16 6TN 51.49772600 -2.49246000 17 32 365911 177758
BS16 6TP 51.49880200 -2.49294700 13 35 365878 177878
BS16 6TQ 51.49866900 -2.49056900 16 43 366043 177862
BS16 6TR 51.49989600 -2.48960200 12 27 366111 177998
BS16 6TS 51.50089600 -2.48926700 35 55 366135 178109
BS16 6TT 51.49956200 -2.49000200 11 26 366083 177961
BS16 6TU 51.49579500 -2.48759900 7 10 366247 177541
BS16 6TW 51.49900700 -2.49326700 18 42 365856 177901
BS16 6TX 51.49721700 -2.48735500 39 47 366265 177699
BS16 6TY 51.49732700 -2.48678000 26 29 366305 177711
BS16 6TZ 51.49746500 -2.48619100 10 35 366346 177726
BS16 6UA 51.49624300 -2.48590400 25 60 366365 177590
BS16 6UB 51.49506000 -2.48664100 23 60 366313 177459
BS16 6UD 51.49486900 -2.48771900 12 24 366238 177438
BS16 6UE 51.49562000 -2.48860600 25 75 366177 177522
BS16 6UF 51.49566200 -2.48696400 40 92 366291 177526
BS16 6UG 51.49654100 -2.48785200 25 51 366230 177624
BS16 6UH 51.49588700 -2.48937200 8 19 366124 177552
BS16 6UJ 51.49594200 -2.49128900 20 65 365991 177559
BS16 6UL 51.49604200 -2.49067000 20 43 366034 177570
BS16 6UN 51.49523400 -2.49061800 13 30 366037 177480
BS16 6UP 51.49476300 -2.48930300 20 51 366128 177427
BS16 6UQ 51.49640000 -2.48711600 18 43 366281 177608
BS16 6UR 51.49434300 -2.49046500 11 26 366047 177381
BS16 6US 51.49414300 -2.48926700 19 48 366130 177358
BS16 6UT 51.49358200 -2.48976500 11 25 366095 177296
BS16 6UU 51.49307900 -2.49166100 15 33 365963 177241
BS16 6UW 51.49545600 -2.48909400 13 30 366143 177504
BS16 6UX 51.49281300 -2.49125500 10 20 365991 177211
BS16 6UY 51.49126100 -2.49437800 9 26 365773 177040
BS16 6UZ 51.49110400 -2.49351200 9 24 365833 177022
BS16 6WD 51.49593200 -2.48508000 19 46 366422 177555
BS16 6XA 51.49210000 -2.49366700 N/A N/A 365823 177133
BS16 6XB 51.49169400 -2.49171800 22 67 365958 177087
BS16 6XD 51.49235600 -2.49076000 3 7 366025 177160
BS16 6XG 51.50129400 -2.49062600 36 102 366041 178154
BS16 6XX 51.49652400 -2.48528800 11 22 366408 177621
BS16 7AA 51.48662500 -2.48299400 0 9 366560 176519
BS16 7AB 51.48814800 -2.47765200 12 26 366932 176686
BS16 7AD 51.49069200 -2.47802400 7 18 366908 176969
BS16 7AE 51.49304100 -2.47463500 N/A N/A 367145 177229
BS16 7AF 51.49358900 -2.48413300 6 12 366486 177294
BS16 7AH 51.49829000 -2.46630500 2 3 367727 177809
BS16 7AJ 51.50239300 -2.47911200 1 1 366841 178271
BS16 7AL 51.49276200 -2.47702300 N/A N/A 366979 177199
BS16 7AN 51.49646100 -2.48312600 14 37 366558 177613
BS16 7AP 51.49565500 -2.47760100 57 132 366941 177521
BS16 7AR 51.49246100 -2.47594000 N/A N/A 367054 177165
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