GU29 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU29 is a postcode district in Chichester, UK. Below is a complete list of GU29 Postcodes (Active). GU29 postcode district comprises of 424 active postcodes and 3 postcode sectors. GU29 district has a population of 9105, and it has 4277 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU29 postcode district

GU29 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9105
Addresses / Property Count 4277
Active Postcodes 424
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Active Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of GU29 Postcode Sectors

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showing 200-250 of 424 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU29 9AT 50.99291100 -0.73318500 46 112 489003 122265
GU29 9AU 50.99307000 -0.73261900 4 8 489042 122283
GU29 9AW 50.99347400 -0.73508700 2 16 488868 122325
GU29 9AX 50.99328100 -0.73217100 4 10 489073 122307
GU29 9AY 50.99211000 -0.73314900 9 22 489007 122176
GU29 9AZ 50.99291600 -0.73169700 10 36 489107 122267
GU29 9BA 50.99389400 -0.73180400 20 55 489098 122376
GU29 9BB 50.99457300 -0.73224200 6 16 489066 122451
GU29 9BD 50.99568000 -0.73234000 13 35 489057 122574
GU29 9BE 50.99600300 -0.73389800 31 81 488947 122608
GU29 9BF 51.00027100 -0.73188700 22 66 489080 123085
GU29 9BG 50.99445200 -0.73100500 37 61 489153 122439
GU29 9BH 50.99564100 -0.73036000 20 33 489196 122572
GU29 9BJ 50.99665000 -0.72974800 32 72 489237 122685
GU29 9BL 50.99616500 -0.72700500 2 3 489430 122634
GU29 9BN 50.99531100 -0.72813200 9 25 489353 122538
GU29 9BP 50.99583600 -0.73233000 7 11 489057 122591
GU29 9BQ 50.99580900 -0.72901000 35 82 489290 122592
GU29 9BS 50.98125100 -0.74658800 5 11 488084 120952
GU29 9BT 50.97933600 -0.74610400 39 70 488122 120740
GU29 9BU 50.97937600 -0.74815400 31 95 487978 120742
GU29 9BW 50.99561700 -0.72816600 4 6 489350 122572
GU29 9BX 50.98576700 -0.73924300 12 17 488591 121463
GU29 9BY 50.98655200 -0.73891400 7 11 488613 121551
GU29 9BZ 50.98782600 -0.73868000 3 4 488627 121693
GU29 9DA 50.98640400 -0.73934600 4 6 488583 121534
GU29 9DD 50.98652800 -0.74006900 N/A N/A 488532 121547
GU29 9DE 50.98613500 -0.73864100 18 24 488633 121505
GU29 9DF 50.98598100 -0.73850200 2 2 488643 121488
GU29 9DG 50.98679700 -0.73909300 1 1 488600 121578
GU29 9DH 50.98756000 -0.73871000 4 6 488625 121663
GU29 9DJ 50.98787800 -0.73821700 15 27 488659 121699
GU29 9DL 50.98732700 -0.73823800 N/A N/A 488659 121638
GU29 9DN 50.98771300 -0.73815600 N/A N/A 488664 121681
GU29 9DQ 50.98678100 -0.73816200 9 15 488665 121577
GU29 9DR 50.98836400 -0.73848000 9 14 488640 121753
GU29 9DT 50.99164300 -0.73877100 N/A N/A 488613 122117
GU29 9DU 50.98984900 -0.73774200 3 7 488689 121919
GU29 9DX 50.99019200 -0.73702000 7 14 488739 121958
GU29 9DY 50.99031500 -0.73674600 8 9 488758 121972
GU29 9DZ 50.98959900 -0.73797700 1 4 488673 121891
GU29 9EA 50.98893900 -0.73984100 4 6 488543 121815
GU29 9EB 50.98832300 -0.73970700 5 6 488554 121747
GU29 9ED 50.98800300 -0.74057900 25 64 488493 121710
GU29 9EE 50.98745500 -0.74007200 7 12 488530 121650
GU29 9EF 50.98773300 -0.73922400 2 5 488589 121682
GU29 9EG 50.97616400 -0.74626100 12 27 488117 120387
GU29 9EH 50.97993200 -0.74630200 30 80 488107 120806
GU29 9EJ 50.98014700 -0.74709400 23 72 488051 120829
GU29 9EL 50.98720200 -0.74083400 37 82 488477 121621
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