L1 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L1 is a postcode district in Liverpool, UK. Below is a complete list of L1 Postcodes (Active). L1 postcode district comprises of 459 active postcodes and 10 postcode sectors. L1 district has a population of 7096, and it has 3821 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L1 postcode district

L1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7096
Addresses / Property Count 3821
Active Postcodes 459
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Active Postcode Sectors 10

View Map Of L1 Postcode Sectors

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showing 150-200 of 459 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L1 3DT 53.40349600 -2.98529500 26 41 334591 390083
L1 3DY 53.40414700 -2.98260200 1 3 334771 390153
L1 3DZ 53.40448100 -2.98238400 N/A N/A 334786 390190
L1 3EB 53.40326600 -2.98486800 28 45 334619 390057
L1 3ED 53.40372600 -2.98576600 4 19 334560 390109
L1 3EU 53.40354500 -2.98580700 5 11 334557 390089
L1 3FN 53.40487700 -2.98452900 N/A N/A 334644 390236
L1 3HD 53.40463000 -2.98189100 N/A N/A 334819 390206
L1 3HJ 53.40206700 -2.98620900 N/A N/A 334528 389925
L1 4AA 53.40270400 -2.98530600 6 6 334589 389995
L1 4AE 53.40223200 -2.97714300 N/A N/A 335131 389935
L1 4AF 53.40371300 -2.98290800 N/A N/A 334750 390105
L1 4AG 53.40429900 -2.98165800 1 1 334834 390169
L1 4AL 53.40331100 -2.97922800 14 18 334994 390057
L1 4AN 53.40323500 -2.98098700 25 38 334877 390050
L1 4AP 53.40351200 -2.98228700 N/A N/A 334791 390082
L1 4AQ 53.40358900 -2.98052900 9 14 334908 390089
L1 4AR 53.40294700 -2.97976100 45 73 334958 390017
L1 4AS 53.40232600 -2.97890500 N/A N/A 335014 389947
L1 4AT 53.40326200 -2.97755800 N/A N/A 335105 390050
L1 4AU 53.40281300 -2.98091700 N/A N/A 334881 390003
L1 4AW 53.40262100 -2.98348500 N/A N/A 334710 389984
L1 4AX 53.40344700 -2.98141300 N/A N/A 334849 390074
L1 4AZ 53.40200500 -2.97850600 5 22 335040 389911
L1 4BB 53.40108800 -2.97638000 N/A N/A 335180 389807
L1 4BE 53.40256800 -2.98109100 17 22 334869 389976
L1 4BF 53.40344700 -2.98141300 N/A N/A 334849 390074
L1 4BG 53.40141100 -2.97649300 N/A N/A 335173 389843
L1 4BH 53.40166500 -2.97845400 N/A N/A 335043 389873
L1 4BL 53.40106700 -2.97671000 5 23 335158 389805
L1 4BN 53.40294300 -2.98042400 34 52 334914 390017
L1 4BP 53.40344700 -2.98141300 N/A N/A 334849 390074
L1 4BS 53.40273300 -2.97971200 N/A N/A 334961 389993
L1 4BT 53.40321800 -2.98185800 N/A N/A 334819 390049
L1 4BU 53.40321800 -2.98185800 N/A N/A 334819 390049
L1 4BW 53.40273700 -2.97917000 2 5 334997 389993
L1 4BX 53.40197100 -2.98056700 N/A N/A 334903 389909
L1 4BY 53.40251500 -2.98203800 N/A N/A 334806 389971
L1 4DA 53.40068000 -2.97792000 2 2 335077 389763
L1 4DE 53.40188200 -2.97710500 32 80 335133 389896
L1 4DH 53.40172000 -2.97606400 N/A N/A 335202 389877
L1 4DJ 53.40422100 -2.98021200 N/A N/A 334930 390159
L1 4DL 53.40115200 -2.97738900 59 101 335113 389815
L1 4DN 53.40378000 -2.97922400 1 1 334995 390109
L1 4DQ 53.40229100 -2.97773100 74 110 335092 389942
L1 4DR 53.40115200 -2.97738900 39 76 335113 389815
L1 4DS 53.40398400 -2.98064300 N/A N/A 334901 390133
L1 4EA 53.40330400 -2.97912300 5 8 335001 390056
L1 4ED 53.40388200 -2.97769300 N/A N/A 335097 390119
L1 4EF 53.40383100 -2.97719500 N/A N/A 335130 390113
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