PO10 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO10 is a postcode district in Chichester, UK. Below is a complete list of PO10 Postcodes (Active). PO10 postcode district comprises of 593 active postcodes and 3 postcode sectors. PO10 district has a population of 18268, and it has 7931 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO10 postcode district

PO10 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 18268
Addresses / Property Count 7931
Active Postcodes 593
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Active Postcode Sectors 3

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showing 350-400 of 593 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO10 8EE 50.82431000 -0.93062800 12 27 475418 103297
PO10 8EF 50.85342300 -0.90756000 4 7 476995 106558
PO10 8EG 50.82591400 -0.93083400 22 67 475401 103475
PO10 8EH 50.82485800 -0.93247500 6 24 475287 103356
PO10 8EJ 50.82431900 -0.93344100 34 127 475220 103295
PO10 8EL 50.82359900 -0.93137000 18 58 475367 103217
PO10 8EN 50.82412000 -0.93244900 4 15 475290 103274
PO10 8EP 50.82436300 -0.93153500 14 54 475354 103302
PO10 8EQ 50.86747500 -0.88813000 1 1 478339 108141
PO10 8ES 50.82489000 -0.91830700 N/A N/A 476285 103374
PO10 8ET 50.84713700 -0.91435300 6 17 476527 105852
PO10 8EU 50.84866500 -0.92490200 5 16 475782 106011
PO10 8EW 50.84595100 -0.90956700 11 22 476866 105725
PO10 8EX 50.84630400 -0.92336600 13 35 475894 105750
PO10 8EY 50.84605400 -0.92166700 10 26 476014 105724
PO10 8EZ 50.84568200 -0.91643400 9 27 476383 105688
PO10 8FA 50.86120900 -0.92572200 6 9 475704 107405
PO10 8FB 50.84862000 -0.90743100 12 20 477012 106024
PO10 8FD 50.84598200 -0.92843000 3 8 475538 105709
PO10 8FE 50.86201400 -0.92144100 8 23 476004 107499
PO10 8FF 50.86527600 -0.92213200 N/A N/A 475950 107861
PO10 8FG 50.86146400 -0.92124000 25 41 476019 107438
PO10 8FH 50.84657500 -0.90992200 N/A N/A 476840 105794
PO10 8FJ 50.84746000 -0.91417700 N/A N/A 476539 105888
PO10 8FL 50.84820400 -0.90917400 N/A N/A 476890 105976
PO10 8FN 50.84903400 -0.90946700 N/A N/A 476868 106068
PO10 8FP 50.84690200 -0.91229900 N/A N/A 476672 105828
PO10 8FQ 50.84150800 -0.91447000 N/A N/A 476528 105226
PO10 8FR 50.84667100 -0.91258800 N/A N/A 476652 105802
PO10 8FS 50.84587600 -0.91706700 N/A N/A 476338 105709
PO10 8FT 50.86628300 -0.92703900 N/A N/A 475603 107968
PO10 8FU 50.82087100 -0.92437400 N/A N/A 475864 102921
PO10 8FW 50.84855700 -0.91332600 N/A N/A 476597 106011
PO10 8FX 50.84712800 -0.91533400 N/A N/A 476458 105850
PO10 8FY 50.84622700 -0.91509900 N/A N/A 476476 105750
PO10 8FZ 50.84641100 -0.91557800 N/A N/A 476442 105770
PO10 8GA 50.84871700 -0.91502700 N/A N/A 476477 106027
PO10 8GB 50.84681200 -0.91515600 N/A N/A 476471 105815
PO10 8GD 50.84821400 -0.91509500 N/A N/A 476473 105971
PO10 8GE 50.84643800 -0.90302000 N/A N/A 477326 105786
PO10 8GF 50.84717300 -0.90280400 N/A N/A 477340 105868
PO10 8GG 50.84650700 -0.90083100 N/A N/A 477480 105796
PO10 8GH 50.84661800 -0.90021700 N/A N/A 477523 105809
PO10 8GJ 50.84711300 -0.90023400 N/A N/A 477521 105864
PO10 8GL 50.84707000 -0.90239400 N/A N/A 477369 105857
PO10 8GN 50.84707600 -0.90107300 N/A N/A 477462 105859
PO10 8GP 50.85445700 -0.90378400 N/A N/A 477259 106677
PO10 8GZ 50.84435400 -0.90807000 11 22 476974 105549
PO10 8HA 50.84356400 -0.92270400 2 7 475945 105446
PO10 8HB 50.84565500 -0.92027000 4 11 476113 105681
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