RG8 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

RG8 is a postcode district in West Berkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of RG8 Postcodes (Active). RG8 postcode district comprises of 845 active postcodes and 6 postcode sectors. RG8 district has a population of 18698, and it has 7411 properties in the region.

Browse Information On RG8 postcode district

RG8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 18698
Addresses / Property Count 7411
Active Postcodes 845
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Active Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of RG8 Postcode Sectors

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showing 550-600 of 845 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
RG8 9QF 51.52176900 -1.15009500 16 54 459064 180659
RG8 9QG 51.52777100 -1.18095600 4 11 456915 181302
RG8 9QH 51.52924500 -1.16830700 13 37 457791 181476
RG8 9QJ 51.52892500 -1.16982100 2 7 457686 181439
RG8 9QL 51.52105000 -1.15522500 17 59 458709 180575
RG8 9QN 51.52208600 -1.15390300 2 6 458799 180691
RG8 9QP 51.52190800 -1.15440200 8 13 458765 180671
RG8 9QR 51.52019500 -1.15602800 2 4 458654 180479
RG8 9QS 51.52004300 -1.15618900 2 3 458643 180462
RG8 9QT 51.52222300 -1.15451200 13 35 458757 180706
RG8 9QU 51.52207300 -1.15462400 2 4 458749 180689
RG8 9QX 51.52174400 -1.15514900 2 8 458713 180652
RG8 9QY 51.52128800 -1.15571100 8 13 458675 180601
RG8 9QZ 51.52084100 -1.15615100 8 27 458645 180551
RG8 9RA 51.52028700 -1.15659400 6 14 458615 180489
RG8 9RB 51.52013400 -1.16155500 3 7 458271 180468
RG8 9RD 51.52336500 -1.15072800 10 29 459018 180836
RG8 9RE 51.51329700 -1.18542900 4 12 456623 179689
RG8 9RF 51.51376200 -1.18739000 2 6 456486 179739
RG8 9RG 51.51356000 -1.18812800 2 3 456435 179716
RG8 9RH 51.51434200 -1.18932500 2 10 456351 179802
RG8 9RJ 51.51437700 -1.18814800 11 25 456433 179807
RG8 9RL 51.50956700 -1.20126000 15 42 455529 179262
RG8 9RN 51.50900600 -1.20054400 2 3 455579 179200
RG8 9RP 51.51072300 -1.19794900 2 3 455757 179393
RG8 9RR 51.51229400 -1.19638500 4 8 455864 179569
RG8 9RS 51.50692600 -1.21759700 3 5 454398 178956
RG8 9RT 51.50821800 -1.21720500 2 4 454424 179100
RG8 9RU 51.50950800 -1.21230800 4 10 454762 179247
RG8 9RX 51.50878200 -1.21141200 2 4 454825 179167
RG8 9RY 51.50240400 -1.19918100 5 12 455682 178467
RG8 9SA 51.50135700 -1.20379500 3 14 455363 178347
RG8 9SB 51.51103800 -1.20214200 10 26 455466 179425
RG8 9SE 51.51301500 -1.20045900 3 5 455580 179646
RG8 9SG 51.51200900 -1.19677900 3 7 455837 179537
RG8 9SH 51.51144200 -1.19802800 16 36 455751 179473
RG8 9SJ 51.50202300 -1.16638200 5 13 457959 178450
RG8 9SL 51.50297300 -1.17471500 2 4 457379 178549
RG8 9SP 51.50460200 -1.15846300 2 4 458505 178743
RG8 9SR 51.50180900 -1.17150900 2 3 457603 178422
RG8 9SS 51.50227900 -1.16301500 2 6 458192 178481
RG8 9ST 51.50770000 -1.15538000 2 5 458715 179090
RG8 9SU 51.51110300 -1.15990500 7 22 458397 179465
RG8 9SX 51.51297700 -1.15541800 6 17 458706 179677
RG8 9SY 51.50522800 -1.13587900 3 10 460072 178831
RG8 9TA 51.50725100 -1.13703700 4 8 459989 179055
RG8 9TJ 51.51301000 -1.20100700 4 6 455542 179645
RG8 9TL 51.51334600 -1.20171200 8 27 455493 179682
RG8 9TP 51.51456200 -1.20178700 2 7 455486 179817
RG8 9TR 51.51904800 -1.20028200 4 7 455585 180317
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