RH10 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

RH10 is a postcode district in Crawley, UK. Below is a complete list of RH10 Postcodes (Active). RH10 postcode district comprises of 1905 active postcodes and 10 postcode sectors. RH10 district has a population of 65902, and it has 26845 properties in the region.

Browse Information On RH10 postcode district

RH10 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 65902
Addresses / Property Count 26845
Active Postcodes 1905
Nearby Postcode Districts 20
Active Postcode Sectors 10

View Map Of RH10 Postcode Sectors

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showing 500-550 of 1905 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
RH10 3NG 51.13070100 -0.14931700 31 75 529592 138453
RH10 3NH 51.13861900 -0.14811500 7 17 529654 139336
RH10 3NJ 51.14045500 -0.14684000 4 17 529738 139542
RH10 3NL 51.14339000 -0.14645100 17 39 529757 139869
RH10 3NN 51.14453900 -0.14689100 12 29 529723 139996
RH10 3NP 51.14163900 -0.15344000 1 4 529273 139662
RH10 3NQ 51.13549100 -0.14739600 7 17 529713 138989
RH10 3NR 51.14104800 -0.15700900 5 8 529025 139590
RH10 3NS 51.14072800 -0.15982500 8 25 528829 139550
RH10 3NT 51.13059600 -0.14324700 9 32 530017 138452
RH10 3NU 51.12887700 -0.14343100 26 69 530009 138261
RH10 3NW 51.14291300 -0.15097300 27 88 529442 139808
RH10 3NX 51.13675500 -0.11509700 40 111 531969 139187
RH10 3NY 51.12408000 -0.14771100 4 10 529723 137720
RH10 3NZ 51.12999200 -0.14714400 1 2 529746 138378
RH10 3PA 51.12447500 -0.14515000 4 11 529901 137768
RH10 3PB 51.12517300 -0.13614900 1 2 530529 137862
RH10 3PD 51.13053000 -0.13406000 22 66 530660 138461
RH10 3PE 51.13229100 -0.12884300 5 13 531020 138666
RH10 3PF 51.13786600 -0.14199900 N/A N/A 530084 139263
RH10 3PG 51.13339100 -0.12476900 0 58 531302 138796
RH10 3PH 51.13097400 -0.15463700 13 37 529219 138474
RH10 3PJ 51.13692700 -0.12519600 5 13 531262 139188
RH10 3PL 51.13670100 -0.12349000 5 26 531382 139166
RH10 3PN 51.13512600 -0.12561200 18 57 531238 138987
RH10 3PP 51.13616900 -0.12335500 21 63 531393 139107
RH10 3PQ 51.13038300 -0.15539000 9 23 529168 138407
RH10 3PR 51.13518300 -0.12471000 18 60 531301 138995
RH10 3PS 51.13390400 -0.12516200 42 82 531273 138852
RH10 3PT 51.13471100 -0.12329900 22 55 531401 138945
RH10 3PU 51.13467600 -0.12110000 17 49 531555 138945
RH10 3PW 51.13504500 -0.12615900 21 57 531200 138977
RH10 3PX 51.13403700 -0.12276900 20 45 531440 138871
RH10 3PY 51.13419400 -0.12133300 18 47 531540 138891
RH10 3PZ 51.13465100 -0.11955700 26 69 531663 138945
RH10 3QA 51.13540000 -0.11995600 23 60 531633 139028
RH10 3QB 51.13554100 -0.11787700 51 116 531778 139047
RH10 3QD 51.13500800 -0.12050000 8 22 531596 138983
RH10 3QE 51.13518400 -0.12086400 18 41 531570 139002
RH10 3QF 51.13594800 -0.12193400 45 128 531493 139085
RH10 3QG 51.13694300 -0.11952100 25 81 531659 139200
RH10 3QH 51.13397200 -0.12378700 5 14 531369 138862
RH10 3QJ 51.13735200 -0.12480800 14 44 531288 139236
RH10 3QL 51.13824300 -0.12484300 15 36 531283 139335
RH10 3QN 51.13738800 -0.12706500 20 57 531130 139236
RH10 3QP 51.13764700 -0.12748300 14 34 531100 139264
RH10 3QQ 51.13701500 -0.12171900 34 90 531505 139204
RH10 3QR 51.13791200 -0.12834400 23 58 531039 139292
RH10 3QS 51.13807200 -0.12933800 65 169 530969 139308
RH10 3QT 51.13852500 -0.12750600 45 121 531096 139362
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