S80 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

S80 is a postcode district in Bassetlaw, UK. Below is a complete list of S80 Postcodes (Active). S80 postcode district comprises of 1023 active postcodes and 6 postcode sectors. S80 district has a population of 29926, and it has 13068 properties in the region.

Browse Information On S80 postcode district

S80 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 29926
Addresses / Property Count 13068
Active Postcodes 1023
Nearby Postcode Districts 55
Active Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of S80 Postcode Sectors

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showing 250-300 of 1023 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
S80 3QX 53.30544200 -1.14311000 26 71 457198 379064
S80 3QY 53.30269200 -1.14568600 3 4 457030 378756
S80 3QZ 53.30327500 -1.14549400 16 49 457042 378821
S80 3RA 53.30296200 -1.14584600 6 17 457019 378786
S80 3RB 53.30335600 -1.14438200 22 57 457116 378831
S80 3RD 53.30263500 -1.14408100 25 42 457137 378751
S80 3WB 53.30529500 -1.12288300 N/A N/A 458546 379064
S80 3WY 53.30529500 -1.12288300 N/A N/A 458546 379064
S80 3YY 53.30529500 -1.12288300 N/A N/A 458546 379064
S80 4AA 53.26309900 -1.21014700 14 31 452783 374302
S80 4AB 53.26296000 -1.21086900 12 25 452735 374286
S80 4AD 53.26204700 -1.21109400 22 57 452721 374184
S80 4AE 53.26153900 -1.20903500 7 10 452859 374129
S80 4AF 53.26126500 -1.20871100 7 20 452881 374099
S80 4AG 53.26094200 -1.20568800 2 2 453083 374065
S80 4AH 53.26066500 -1.21007000 34 64 452791 374031
S80 4AJ 53.25897900 -1.21386500 22 50 452540 373841
S80 4AL 53.26054300 -1.21112300 N/A N/A 452721 374017
S80 4AN 53.25966400 -1.21508100 23 70 452458 373916
S80 4AP 53.25980100 -1.21304100 43 93 452594 373933
S80 4AQ 53.26116100 -1.21028600 13 27 452776 374086
S80 4AR 53.26146600 -1.21200600 48 112 452661 374119
S80 4AS 53.26192600 -1.21183100 46 114 452672 374170
S80 4AT 53.26079400 -1.21230300 19 46 452642 374044
S80 4AU 53.26140900 -1.21286100 48 71 452604 374112
S80 4AW 53.26002800 -1.21473000 6 12 452481 373957
S80 4AX 53.26218000 -1.21386600 35 79 452536 374197
S80 4AY 53.26104700 -1.21486000 34 67 452471 374070
S80 4AZ 53.26133800 -1.21529000 50 109 452442 374102
S80 4BA 53.26237100 -1.21428300 24 42 452508 374218
S80 4BB 53.26056000 -1.21368600 45 168 452550 374017
S80 4BD 53.26445100 -1.21069100 9 20 452745 374452
S80 4BE 53.26102300 -1.20979400 4 9 452809 374071
S80 4BF 53.26384000 -1.21582900 N/A N/A 452403 374380
S80 4BG 53.26147400 -1.20999500 4 11 452795 374121
S80 4BH 53.26071600 -1.22093900 2 7 452066 374029
S80 4BJ 53.26095200 -1.22126500 23 67 452044 374055
S80 4BL 53.26001700 -1.22272100 33 81 451948 373950
S80 4BN 53.25847500 -1.22193900 44 106 452002 373779
S80 4BP 53.25971200 -1.21819800 41 102 452250 373919
S80 4BS 53.26088400 -1.21912200 61 170 452187 374049
S80 4BT 53.26118500 -1.21979100 31 71 452142 374082
S80 4BW 53.25947700 -1.22264100 57 144 451954 373890
S80 4BX 53.26032700 -1.21649400 N/A N/A 452363 373989
S80 4BY 53.26344400 -1.21199900 8 16 452659 374339
S80 4BZ 53.25787600 -1.22072000 N/A N/A 452084 373713
S80 4DA 53.27067500 -1.22083300 40 106 452061 375137
S80 4DB 53.26044500 -1.22488700 5 10 451803 373996
S80 4DD 53.26202100 -1.21848700 7 18 452228 374176
S80 4DE 53.26163400 -1.21969300 14 35 452148 374132
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