B20 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B20 1 is a postcode sector in Birmingham, UK. Below is a complete list of B20 1 Postcodes (Active). B20 1 postcode sector comprises of 129 active postcodes. B20 1 sector has a population of 8059, and it has 2612 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B20 1 postcode sector

B20 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8059
Addresses / Property Count 2612
Active Postcodes 129
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of B20 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-129 of 129 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B20 1JT 52.52666700 -1.93863900 36 134 404260 292090
B20 1JU 52.52849200 -1.93798800 14 46 404304 292293
B20 1JX 52.52816800 -1.93763500 12 39 404328 292257
B20 1LA 52.52200700 -1.93294200 45 151 404647 291572
B20 1LB 52.52090500 -1.93976700 8 31 404184 291449
B20 1LD 52.52159700 -1.93848400 23 98 404271 291526
B20 1LE 52.52321500 -1.93876200 23 85 404252 291706
B20 1LG 52.52444700 -1.93973300 9 29 404186 291843
B20 1LH 52.52388100 -1.94057400 38 116 404129 291780
B20 1LL 52.52576000 -1.94105800 23 77 404096 291989
B20 1LN 52.52770300 -1.94192500 23 74 404037 292205
B20 1LP 52.52647000 -1.94088000 13 39 404108 292068
B20 1LR 52.52740600 -1.94130600 14 45 404079 292172
B20 1LS 52.52634400 -1.94017300 37 113 404156 292054
B20 1LT 52.52770200 -1.94064200 39 121 404124 292205
B20 1LU 52.52553500 -1.94032100 4 12 404146 291964
B20 1LW 52.52831400 -1.94154100 6 19 404063 292273
B20 1LX 52.52558900 -1.93930400 25 79 404215 291970
B20 1LY 52.52471700 -1.93932000 11 41 404214 291873
B20 1NA 52.52402400 -1.93849600 6 22 404270 291796
B20 1NB 52.52352000 -1.93717000 29 119 404360 291740
B20 1ND 52.52144400 -1.93783600 18 63 404315 291509
B20 1NE 52.51819600 -1.93365500 33 71 404599 291148
B20 1NH 52.52512600 -1.94979900 5 14 403503 291918
B20 1NL 52.51774900 -1.93891700 14 49 404242 291098
B20 1NP 52.52576100 -1.94170600 2 5 404052 291989
B20 1NR 52.52174800 -1.93602300 28 109 404438 291543
B20 1NS 52.51769300 -1.93465800 2 67 404531 291092
B20 1NW 52.51746800 -1.93392200 1 103 404581 291067
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