B38 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B38 9 is a postcode sector in Birmingham, UK. Below is a complete list of B38 9 Postcodes (Active). B38 9 postcode sector comprises of 210 active postcodes. B38 9 sector has a population of 10250, and it has 4306 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B38 9 postcode sector

B38 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10250
Addresses / Property Count 4306
Active Postcodes 210
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of B38 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 210 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B38 9LW 52.40444500 -1.91787700 N/A N/A 405684 278496
B38 9LX 52.40377100 -1.91856900 15 52 405637 278421
B38 9LY 52.40316800 -1.91748200 2 6 405711 278354
B38 9LZ 52.40409400 -1.91824500 N/A N/A 405659 278457
B38 9NA 52.40281000 -1.91926200 24 73 405590 278314
B38 9NB 52.40247600 -1.91867400 22 54 405630 278277
B38 9ND 52.40256700 -1.92004100 23 60 405537 278287
B38 9NE 52.40312600 -1.92264200 24 57 405360 278349
B38 9NG 52.40214500 -1.92110000 52 143 405465 278240
B38 9NH 52.40274000 -1.92293600 17 53 405340 278306
B38 9NJ 52.40227400 -1.92468600 7 8 405221 278254
B38 9NN 52.40273300 -1.92534700 41 81 405176 278305
B38 9NY 52.40687200 -1.91796100 63 123 405678 278766
B38 9PA 52.40590100 -1.91831500 37 68 405654 278658
B38 9PB 52.40585800 -1.91980000 51 92 405553 278653
B38 9PD 52.40355700 -1.92127400 43 123 405453 278397
B38 9PE 52.40399800 -1.92142000 31 56 405443 278446
B38 9PG 52.40474200 -1.92338200 25 51 405309 278529
B38 9PH 52.40426000 -1.92369800 29 51 405288 278475
B38 9PJ 52.40597300 -1.92299700 N/A N/A 405335 278666
B38 9PL 52.40750400 -1.92170800 6 16 405423 278836
B38 9PN 52.40709700 -1.92267200 N/A N/A 405357 278791
B38 9PT 52.40758900 -1.92023100 N/A N/A 405523 278846
B38 9QA 52.39988400 -1.92679200 34 81 405078 277988
B38 9QB 52.40029700 -1.92710000 17 44 405057 278034
B38 9QD 52.40006400 -1.92812900 29 46 404987 278008
B38 9QF 52.39764800 -1.93082300 10 25 404804 277739
B38 9QG 52.39887900 -1.92974800 29 79 404877 277876
B38 9QH 52.39844700 -1.92948400 9 23 404895 277828
B38 9QJ 52.39895500 -1.92788900 15 38 405003 277885
B38 9QL 52.40094500 -1.92755500 9 16 405026 278106
B38 9QN 52.39859900 -1.92848400 16 45 404963 277845
B38 9QP 52.39765600 -1.92954400 16 41 404891 277740
B38 9QQ 52.39935500 -1.92930600 16 38 404907 277929
B38 9QR 52.39786300 -1.92989600 25 61 404867 277763
B38 9QS 52.39701800 -1.93051500 19 47 404825 277669
B38 9QT 52.39637900 -1.92966400 18 43 404883 277598
B38 9QU 52.39648800 -1.93091300 22 41 404798 277610
B38 9QW 52.39715100 -1.92817800 25 70 404984 277684
B38 9QX 52.39585800 -1.93076700 27 39 404808 277540
B38 9QY 52.39570500 -1.92937100 24 50 404903 277523
B38 9QZ 52.39632500 -1.92889900 20 35 404935 277592
B38 9RA 52.39666700 -1.92904600 16 34 404925 277630
B38 9RB 52.39727600 -1.92662000 16 35 405090 277698
B38 9RD 52.39798700 -1.92678000 17 31 405079 277777
B38 9RE 52.39623400 -1.92773900 75 117 405014 277582
B38 9RF 52.39107800 -1.93418300 7 21 404576 277008
B38 9RG 52.39354200 -1.93539900 7 18 404493 277282
B38 9RH 52.39462900 -1.93426600 35 41 404570 277403
B38 9RJ 52.39448200 -1.92978400 62 151 404875 277387
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