B78 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B78 3 is a postcode sector in Lichfield, UK. Below is a complete list of B78 3 Postcodes (Active). B78 3 postcode sector comprises of 260 active postcodes. B78 3 sector has a population of 9504, and it has 3923 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B78 3 postcode sector

B78 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9504
Addresses / Property Count 3923
Active Postcodes 260
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of B78 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-250 of 260 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B78 3SD 52.61503900 -1.69535300 N/A N/A 420724 301962
B78 3SE 52.61123500 -1.70196600 4 7 420278 301537
B78 3SH 52.61498800 -1.70715400 6 13 419925 301953
B78 3SJ 52.61598800 -1.70775300 N/A N/A 419884 302064
B78 3SL 52.61538500 -1.70768300 13 41 419889 301997
B78 3SN 52.61496600 -1.70928100 26 74 419781 301950
B78 3SP 52.61571800 -1.71521400 41 93 419379 302032
B78 3SR 52.61640700 -1.71743900 44 111 419228 302108
B78 3SS 52.61597300 -1.70931900 39 95 419778 302062
B78 3ST 52.61557100 -1.71068900 7 17 419685 302017
B78 3SU 52.61458000 -1.70926900 45 112 419782 301907
B78 3SW 52.61540500 -1.71204000 46 119 419594 301998
B78 3SX 52.61427000 -1.70739500 17 50 419909 301873
B78 3SY 52.61636800 -1.71264000 64 153 419553 302105
B78 3SZ 52.61670000 -1.71621200 67 162 419311 302141
B78 3TA 52.61473600 -1.71064200 14 33 419689 301924
B78 3TB 52.61584800 -1.71327800 25 57 419510 302047
B78 3TG 52.61015200 -1.70006800 39 111 420407 301417
B78 3TJ 52.60971200 -1.71126500 11 28 419649 301365
B78 3TL 52.61005800 -1.70582200 N/A N/A 420017 301405
B78 3TN 52.60797200 -1.71278300 N/A N/A 419547 301171
B78 3TP 52.60282200 -1.70997600 3 5 419739 300599
B78 3TR 52.60282500 -1.71094100 9 15 419674 300599
B78 3TS 52.60120800 -1.71517500 8 19 419388 300418
B78 3TT 52.60279200 -1.72324100 3 4 418841 300592
B78 3TU 52.60807600 -1.73083600 1 2 418324 301178
B78 3TW 52.60969900 -1.71337700 2 2 419506 301363
B78 3TX 52.59902500 -1.71564700 10 21 419357 300175
B78 3TY 52.59894500 -1.71620800 16 42 419319 300166
B78 3TZ 52.59780800 -1.71798700 19 51 419199 300039
B78 3UA 52.59820400 -1.71813200 21 42 419189 300083
B78 3UB 52.59877900 -1.72187900 14 33 418935 300146
B78 3UD 52.59759600 -1.71583300 9 24 419345 300016
B78 3UE 52.59863500 -1.71810000 26 60 419191 300131
B78 3UG 52.59954600 -1.71936400 41 124 419105 300232
B78 3UH 52.59755500 -1.71756100 11 20 419228 300011
B78 3UJ 52.59881900 -1.71979700 20 47 419076 300151
B78 3UL 52.59982500 -1.71567100 6 6 419355 300264
B78 3UQ 52.59989300 -1.71792900 24 57 419202 300271
B78 3UR 52.62820100 -1.68517100 N/A N/A 421407 303429
B78 3UZ 52.61427200 -1.70131900 N/A N/A 420320 301875
B78 3XA 52.61738000 -1.70012300 27 56 420400 302221
B78 3XB 52.61623800 -1.69999700 36 90 420409 302094
B78 3XD 52.61620600 -1.70162200 46 108 420299 302090
B78 3XE 52.61926600 -1.70306400 26 68 420200 302430
B78 3XF 52.61956200 -1.70261900 61 174 420230 302463
B78 3XH 52.61710900 -1.70315200 45 92 420195 302190
B78 3XJ 52.61796700 -1.70466800 23 63 420092 302285
B78 3XL 52.61933400 -1.70522000 10 30 420054 302437
B78 3XN 52.60991800 -1.70710000 N/A N/A 419931 301389
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