BH15 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BH15 1 is a postcode sector in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, UK. Below is a complete list of BH15 1 Postcodes (Active). BH15 1 postcode sector comprises of 219 active postcodes. BH15 1 sector has a population of 6118, and it has 3058 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BH15 1 postcode sector

BH15 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6118
Addresses / Property Count 3058
Active Postcodes 219
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of BH15 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 219 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BH15 1RY 50.71425500 -1.98276700 38 57 401313 90514
BH15 1RZ 50.71618800 -1.97544300 N/A N/A 401830 90729
BH15 1SB 50.71311400 -1.98679000 30 56 401029 90387
BH15 1SD 50.71367100 -1.98507600 27 70 401150 90449
BH15 1SG 50.71582800 -1.98312800 10 18 401287 90689
BH15 1SH 50.71875900 -1.97884900 N/A N/A 401589 91015
BH15 1SJ 50.71872400 -1.97870000 N/A N/A 401600 91011
BH15 1SN 50.71781600 -1.97803400 N/A N/A 401647 90910
BH15 1SP 50.71786900 -1.97869300 N/A N/A 401601 90916
BH15 1SQ 50.71811300 -1.97990400 N/A N/A 401515 90943
BH15 1SR 50.71783400 -1.97936600 2 5 401553 90912
BH15 1SS 50.71774400 -1.98015900 N/A N/A 401497 90902
BH15 1ST 50.71833800 -1.98014500 N/A N/A 401498 90968
BH15 1SU 50.71822100 -1.98149100 N/A N/A 401403 90955
BH15 1SX 50.71898500 -1.98098000 N/A N/A 401439 91040
BH15 1SY 50.71814000 -1.97950800 N/A N/A 401543 90946
BH15 1SZ 50.71861500 -1.97958500 N/A N/A 401538 90999
BH15 1TA 50.71786900 -1.98097400 N/A N/A 401439 90916
BH15 1TB 50.71751000 -1.98113000 4 13 401428 90876
BH15 1TF 50.71759000 -1.97967100 N/A N/A 401531 90885
BH15 1TH 50.71831000 -1.97489000 13 24 401869 90965
BH15 1TN 50.71787800 -1.97469200 5 16 401883 90917
BH15 1TP 50.71742800 -1.97409700 6 53 401925 90867
BH15 1TQ 50.71339000 -1.97361700 46 76 401959 90418
BH15 1TR 50.71657400 -1.97279400 17 41 402017 90772
BH15 1TS 50.71977500 -1.97374100 12 19 401950 91128
BH15 1TT 50.71905600 -1.97581000 51 59 401804 91048
BH15 1TU 50.71877700 -1.97350100 38 72 401967 91017
BH15 1TW 50.71858900 -1.97637700 N/A N/A 401764 90996
BH15 1TX 50.71863300 -1.97391200 10 14 401938 91001
BH15 1TY 50.71854300 -1.97433700 8 14 401908 90991
BH15 1TZ 50.71957700 -1.97324600 4 7 401985 91106
BH15 1UA 50.71933400 -1.97605800 7 15 401786 91079
BH15 1UD 50.71807600 -1.97982600 N/A N/A 401521 90939
BH15 1UE 50.72006300 -1.97352900 23 30 401965 91160
BH15 1UF 50.71877800 -1.97755200 N/A N/A 401681 91017
BH15 1UG 50.71857100 -1.97752400 N/A N/A 401683 90994
BH15 1UH 50.71232200 -1.97990700 7 14 401515 90299
BH15 1UJ 50.71912800 -1.97505900 50 59 401857 91056
BH15 1UL 50.71309400 -1.97650700 47 87 401755 90385
BH15 1UN 50.71249200 -1.97639400 19 35 401763 90318
BH15 1UP 50.71448800 -1.97450900 43 72 401896 90540
BH15 1UQ 50.71911000 -1.97436500 36 46 401906 91054
BH15 1UR 50.71366900 -1.97462300 12 17 401888 90449
BH15 1US 50.71350800 -1.97531700 27 54 401839 90431
BH15 1UT 50.71253700 -1.97778200 2 3 401665 90323
BH15 1UU 50.71261800 -1.97704500 3 5 401717 90332
BH15 1UW 50.71376800 -1.97426900 27 47 401913 90460
BH15 1UX 50.71270700 -1.97527500 47 83 401842 90342
BH15 1UY 50.71230200 -1.97407100 27 50 401927 90297
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