BS14 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BS14 0 is a postcode sector in Bristol, City of, UK. Below is a complete list of BS14 0 Postcodes (Active). BS14 0 postcode sector comprises of 293 active postcodes. BS14 0 sector has a population of 9340, and it has 3730 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BS14 0 postcode sector

BS14 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9340
Addresses / Property Count 3730
Active Postcodes 293
Nearby Postcode Districts 46
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of BS14 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 293 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BS14 0DX 51.40761700 -2.57978200 24 76 359770 167781
BS14 0DY 51.40593200 -2.57881200 28 69 359836 167593
BS14 0DZ 51.40611400 -2.57832500 22 56 359870 167613
BS14 0EA 51.40584900 -2.57735900 15 38 359937 167583
BS14 0EB 51.40564400 -2.57695300 20 53 359965 167560
BS14 0ED 51.40471500 -2.57940000 10 26 359794 167458
BS14 0EE 51.40437900 -2.58001400 11 28 359751 167421
BS14 0EF 51.40488100 -2.57635500 28 69 360006 167475
BS14 0EG 51.40528600 -2.57657500 27 62 359991 167520
BS14 0EH 51.40667600 -2.57545700 20 48 360070 167674
BS14 0EJ 51.40734600 -2.57456000 24 60 360133 167748
BS14 0EL 51.40744600 -2.57628600 7 19 360013 167760
BS14 0EN 51.40785200 -2.57954000 24 59 359787 167807
BS14 0EP 51.40664600 -2.57443600 34 88 360141 167670
BS14 0EQ 51.40645400 -2.57653300 17 44 359995 167650
BS14 0ER 51.40638200 -2.57493600 5 8 360106 167641
BS14 0ES 51.40576500 -2.57435300 36 92 360146 167572
BS14 0ET 51.40409200 -2.58162100 7 22 359639 167390
BS14 0EW 51.40723600 -2.57695900 6 19 359966 167737
BS14 0EX 51.40415300 -2.58218200 4 7 359600 167397
BS14 0EY 51.40397700 -2.58318600 8 19 359530 167378
BS14 0EZ 51.40546300 -2.56435700 1 2 360841 167533
BS14 0FB 51.40689900 -2.57182300 N/A N/A 360323 167697
BS14 0FE 51.41340800 -2.58490200 N/A N/A 359419 168428
BS14 0FF 51.40328900 -2.55007000 N/A N/A 361833 167284
BS14 0FG 51.40168600 -2.54877100 N/A N/A 361922 167105
BS14 0FH 51.40205800 -2.54995500 N/A N/A 361840 167147
BS14 0FJ 51.40225200 -2.54877800 N/A N/A 361922 167168
BS14 0FL 51.40265100 -2.55007700 N/A N/A 361832 167213
BS14 0FN 51.40347300 -2.54926700 N/A N/A 361889 167304
BS14 0FP 51.40455800 -2.55178200 N/A N/A 361715 167426
BS14 0FQ 51.40487000 -2.55040500 N/A N/A 361811 167460
BS14 0FR 51.40367700 -2.55184300 N/A N/A 361710 167328
BS14 0FS 51.40414400 -2.55197800 N/A N/A 361701 167380
BS14 0FT 51.40717500 -2.55934700 N/A N/A 361191 167721
BS14 0FU 51.41665800 -2.57499300 N/A N/A 360111 168784
BS14 0FW 51.41363200 -2.58691800 N/A N/A 359279 168454
BS14 0FX 51.41247900 -2.58730600 N/A N/A 359251 168326
BS14 0FY 51.41344600 -2.58621100 N/A N/A 359328 168433
BS14 0GA 51.41425400 -2.58645200 N/A N/A 359312 168523
BS14 0GB 51.41403200 -2.58594600 N/A N/A 359347 168498
BS14 0GD 51.41195100 -2.58678200 N/A N/A 359287 168267
BS14 0GE 51.41162400 -2.58569900 N/A N/A 359362 168230
BS14 0GF 51.41104500 -2.58622400 N/A N/A 359325 168166
BS14 0GG 51.41187500 -2.58757200 N/A N/A 359232 168259
BS14 0GH 51.41120800 -2.58606800 N/A N/A 359336 168184
BS14 0GJ 51.41132600 -2.58595400 N/A N/A 359344 168197
BS14 0GL 51.41181300 -2.58550000 N/A N/A 359376 168251
BS14 0GN 51.41230300 -2.58649900 N/A N/A 359307 168306
BS14 0GP 51.41198300 -2.58570400 N/A N/A 359362 168270
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